I.A.R. 827


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I.A.R. 827

The IAR-827 is the latest in a line of agricultural aircraft produced by the Intreprinderea de Constructii Aeronautice at Brasov in Romania. The first, IAR-821, was designed at the former Industrial Aeronautica Romana works and flew for the first time in 1967, with series production commencing at IRMA (Aircraft Repair Factory) the following year. The IAR-821 was powered by a 300hp Ivchenko radial engine.

In October 1968 design started on the improved IAR-822 which first flew in March 1970 with a 290hp Avco Lycoming IO-540-G1D5 engine. Five pre-production aircraft and 200 series production examples were manufactured before the wood/ metal IAR-822 and two-seat IAR-822B were superseded by the all-metal IAR-826 in 1973. Produced both for domestic and export markets, the IAR-826 serves as an agricultural aircraft, glider tug, (up to three sailplanes can be towed simultaneously) aerial-survey aircraft, fire-fighter, pipeline patroller, highway de-icer, trainer and light cargo or mail carrier (in which role the agricultural hopper can be replaced with a 700kg cargo container).

The IAR-827 is a developed version of the all-metal IAR-826 designed in 1973 by Dipl Ing Radu Manicatide. His aim was to produce an agricultural aircraft with an airframe life of 4000 hours or 22 000 flights which could carry 2kg per hp of payload, with an airframe expressly designed to minimize damage from chemical corrosion in the field.

The first IAR-827 was powered by a 400hp Avco Lycoming IO-720 engine which drove a Hartzell two-blade constant-speed metal propeller with spinner. The fuel is carried in tanks in each leading edge with a capacity of 100 litres each. It featured increased payload and improved operating and handling characteristics over earlier models. Accommodation was for pilot and mechanic in side-by-side seats in a fully-enclosed, heated and ventilated cockpit. It made its first flight on July 22, 1976 but trials revealed that more power was needed and production was delayed while the prototype aircraft were re-engined with 600hp PZL-3S radial engines. Thus powered the IAR-827 will be able to carry 800kg of dry chemicals or 1200 litres of liquids. A two-seat version for training or ferrying is flying in Romania.

Bill Gunston "The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Commercial Aircraft", 1980

I.A.R. 827A three-view drawing (1204 x 894)

 ENGINE1 x 400hp Avco Lycoming IO-720-DA1B flat-eight engine
  Take-off weight2350 kg5181 lb
  Empty weight1280 kg2822 lb
  Payload10702359 lb
  Wingspan14 m46 ft 11 in
  Length9.6 m32 ft 6 in
  Height2.6 m9 ft 6 in
  Wing area29 m2312.15 sq ft
  Cruise speed175 km/h109 mph

ubaTaeCJ, e-mail, 21.02.2025 20:21



Bogdan, e-mail, 10.08.2015 21:24

Domnule Cazy daca gasiti timp, mi_ar place sa discutam si sa ascult aceste povesti din aviatia romana.

Mail: radulescufbogdan@yahoo.com



cazy, e-mail, 12.02.2015 00:35

Draga Mihai Andrei ,eu sunt un batran mecanic de aviatie ,si in tineretea mea am cunoscut bine IAR 821 ,IAR 822 si IAR 826. In poza de mai sus este YR-MCD(IAR 822),care avea alta motorizare fata de IAR 821 ,si era altfel vopsit .Aripile de lemn si panza au fost apoi facute din tabla ,si asa a aparut IAR 826(smecheriile lui Manicatide ,care de altfel a fost un bun inginer proiectant de aviatie)Eu l-am cunoscut in 1974 la CIPA(actuala Academie de aviatie).Cele 3 tipuri de avioane pe care le-am amintit mai sus ,aveau prostul renume de ,,cosciuge zburatoare''... Eu as avea multe de povestit pe site ,dar imi pare rau ca nu prea se mai cauta asa ceva...!


lxbfYeaa, e-mail, 14.03.2024 cazy



Mihai ANDREI, e-mail, 05.02.2010 21:37

In the pictures is a IAR-826,.... not IAR-827.


Mihai ANDREI, e-mail, 05.02.2010 21:36

In the pictures is a IAR-926,.... not IAR-827.


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