Back Wagner Aerocar

Wagner Aerocar

The Rotocar III has developed into the Aerocar, whose prototype flew in 1965. This has a 4-seat cabin, a twin tail assembly, and four road wheels hydraulically driven from the Oredon IV engine mounted behind the rotor pylon.

K.Munson "Helicopters And Other Rotorcraft Since 1907", 1968

Wagner Aerocar

Wagner also built a prototype (D-HAGU) of the Aerocar roadable helicopter, powered by a 260hp Franklin 6AS-335-B engine, which had a complete body shell with twin fins and four wheels linked to an automobile drive system for its ground transport role. It was first flown in 1965. It was subsequently rebuilt with a Turbomeca Oredon turbine engine.

After extensive development work had been carried out, the Wagner designs were passed to a new company, Helikopter Technik Munchen (HTM) in 1971. HTM abandoned the Aerocar.

R.Simpson "Airlife's Helicopter and Rotorcraft", 1998

The Wagner Aerocar was a German four-seater roadable helicopter based upon the Wagner Sky-Trac helicopter and first flown in 1965. The Wagner Aerocar differed from the Wagner Sky-Trac in having a enclosed cabin and road wheels.

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sivarani, e-mail, 16.09.2014reply

iam a aernautical student . ihave planed to do a project aerocar . it is my mini project. in this project i have some doupt .that is what is the advantage of project and it is possible to take off our road if not we make any run way for take of purpose

Dan, e-mail, 03.01.2015reply

Cool! Just posted a YouTube of my "Helicopter Model 4 Monocopter" that uses the principal used on the Wagner Rotocar. Just learned about this! It's very helpful /interesting.

kimberly, e-mail, 23.11.2008reply

Do they plan to bring back this design ,with the fuel crises as it is? and if so would they make it affordable for the common person?Also can anyone build their own design?thank you

kimberly, e-mail, 23.11.2008reply

Do they plan to bring back this design ,with the fuel crises as it is? and if so would they make it affordable for the common person?Also can anyone build their own design?thank you

Charles Lin, e-mail, 04.08.2007reply

I would like to know more about what have become of those coaxial helicopters nowadays? Thanks, Charles

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