Back Magni M-22 Voyager

Magni M-22 Voyager

Magni Gyro has announced the June, 2005 availability of a new gyroplane model. The M-22 Voyager is a new design gyroplane based on the popular M-16 Trainer model. The model sports large and stylish baggage strakes on each side of the tandem enclosure. Baggage space includes available space under both seats. The M-22, with its new rakish strakes presents a new and very attractive look to the already stylish line of Magni gyroplanes.

The M-22 Voyager eliminates the rear seat flight and engine controls to allow full utilization of available spaces for baggage. (rear controls cannot be added to the M-22. The M-16 is not adaptable to M-22 modifications.)

The M-22 Voyager is the same performance and price as the dual control 914, M-16 Trainer. The M-22 is available only with the Rotax 914UL engine. All appropriate M-16 options are available on the M-22, such as the rear seat windscreen shown in the photos.

The M-16 Trainer has always been a popular cross-country gyroplane. Around Europe and Africa, flights of M-16s regularly fly thousands of kilometer adventure tours. In the U.S., Magni Gyros have regularly made long trips � for several years now I have flown my M-16 Trainer from Missouri to PRA and EAA conventions in Indiana and Texas. Baggage storage for longer trips has always been a bit wanting. Now, the M22 provides approximately 150 liters of available storage space. External compartment doors provide easy access.

Magni M-22 Voyager

Technical data for Magni M 22 Voyager

Rotor diameter: 8.54m, overall length: 4.65m, overall width: 1.80m, overall height: 2.60m, propeller diameter: 1.70m, weight empty: 272kg, max take-off weight: 550kg, max level speed: 185km/h, cruising speed: 145km/h, rate of climb at sea level: 5m/s, service ceiling: 4000m, range, no reserves: 481km, endurance: 3.4h

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