Back Helisport CH-7 "Kompress"

Helisport CH-7 "Kompress"

Previously known as EliSport, the company markets the Kompress, a development of the CH-6 produced in 1987 by the Argentine designer Augusto Cicare. US agent is Lancair.

HeliSport CH-7 Kompress two-seat light helicopter


TYPE: Two-seat ultralight helicopter kitbuilt.

PROGRAMME: CH-6 project acquired in 1989 by HeliSport; added new cockpit by sports car designer Marcello Gandini; renamed CH-7 Angel, two-seat version became Kompress.


CH-7 Kompress: Standard version, as described.

CH-7 Mariner: Float-equipped version. Multi-tube inflatable floats add 15kg to empty weight.

CH-7 Angel: Single-seat version, powered by either 47.8kW Rotax 582 UL (as Angel 582) or 59.6kW Rotax 912 UL (as Angel 912). Max take-off weight of both versions is 300kg.

CUSTOMERS: Some 140 flying by 2002. Owners in Australia, Germany, Italy, South Africa, Taiwan, USA and elsewhere.

COSTS: Basic kit, less engine and tax �66,000 (2003).

DESIGN FEATURES: Small 'penny-farthing' helicopter with two-blade, semi-rigid, teetering main and two-blade rotors; pod-and-boom fuselage; sweptback upper and lower fins, latter with tailskid. Main rotor transmission by single 10cm five-groove Goodyear belt. Main rotor has 10,000-hour life, on condition. Quoted build time 200 hours; quick-build kit 85 hours.

Rotor blade aerofoil sections NACA 8-H-12 (main) and NACA 63-014 (tail); 1.5kg main rotor tip weights; max 520 rpm main, 2,808 rpm tail rotor.

FLYING CONTROLS: Conventional and manual, by pushrods and bell cranks.

STRUCTURE: Welded 4130 steel tube cabin frame, with nitrogen filling; glass fibre cockpit shell and Plexiglas or Lexan canopy; 2024T3 anodised aluminium alloy tailboom and landing skids. Rotor blades of composites (main) and aluminium alloy (tail).

LANDING GEAR: Fixed; twin-skid type.

POWER PLANT: One 84.6kW Rotax 914 piston engine. Fuel capacity 40 litres standard in all versions; additional 19 litre tank optional.

Jane's All the World's Aircraft, 2004-2005

Helisport CH-7 "Kompress"

Technical data for CH-7 "Kompress"

Main rotor diameter: 6.27m, tail rotor diameter: 1.03m, overall length, rotors turning: 7.41m, fuselage length: 5.31m, height to top of rotor head: 2.31m, empty weight (Europe): 245kg, take-off weight (Europe): 450kg, never-exceed speed: 209km/h, cruising speed: 160km/h, max rate of climb: 450m/min, service ceiling: 5000m, hovering ceiling, IGE: 3500m, hovering ceiling, OGE: 2500m, range with normal fuel: 552km, range with optional fuel: 719km, endurance: 3h 40min

HeliSport CH-7 Kompress two-seat light helicopter

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