Fairchild C-119 "Flying Boxcar"
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27.07.2024 03:23

25.07.2024 08:55

25.07.2024 08:42

Xian MA600

25.07.2024 04:04

Breguet 763 Deux Pont / Provence / 765 Sahara

25.07.2024 04:00

Dassault Mirage IIIV

25.07.2024 02:45

Rolls Royce "Flying Bedstead"

25.07.2024 00:54

Myasishchev VM-T "Atlant"

24.07.2024 21:01

Consolidated PB2Y Coronado

24.07.2024 00:41

Caproni Ca.60 Noviplano

24.07.2024 00:40

24.07.2024 00:33

Caproni Ca.60 Noviplano

24.07.2024 00:32

Caproni Ca.60 Noviplano

24.07.2024 00:31

Caproni Ca.60 Noviplano

24.07.2024 00:30

Caproni Ca.60 Noviplano

24.07.2024 00:30

Caproni Ca.60 Noviplano

24.07.2024 00:30

Caproni Ca.60 Noviplano

24.07.2024 00:30

Caproni Ca.60 Noviplano

24.07.2024 00:29

Caproni Ca.60 Noviplano

24.07.2024 00:29

Caproni Ca.60 Noviplano

24.07.2024 00:28

Caproni Ca.60 Noviplano

24.07.2024 00:28

Caproni Ca.60 Noviplano

24.07.2024 00:27

Caproni Ca.60 Noviplano

24.07.2024 00:26

Caproni Ca.60 Noviplano

24.07.2024 00:26

Caproni Ca.60 Noviplano

24.07.2024 00:26

Caproni Ca.60 Noviplano

24.07.2024 00:26

Caproni Ca.60 Noviplano

24.07.2024 00:25

Caproni Ca.60 Noviplano

24.07.2024 00:25

Caproni Ca.60 Noviplano

24.07.2024 00:25

Caproni Ca.60 Noviplano

24.07.2024 00:25

Caproni Ca.60 Noviplano

Jonah Peterson, e-mail, 13.02.2024 02:26

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Robert W. Bosler, e-mail, 22.08.2022 01:36

Looking for a vector drawing of the C-119 Flying Boxcar.
I make laser cut model airplanes for a hobby. This plane was flown out of Willow Grove Naval Air Station, Willow Grove, PA on week ends by the Air National Guard. My house was near the base so I could watch them fly over. Any help would be appreciated.

Vance Kirkpatrick, e-mail, 09.05.2022 00:45

In about 1953 I was an AD in the Navy on Kwajalein. The Air Force left a c119 with mag drop for us to fix. It had a 4360 engine with seven double mags. to us it was a nightmare to fix.

Skip, e-mail, 01.02.2022 19:45

No. The commander's Buick fit in nicely. One truck and maybe two jeeps.

Skip Meerdink, e-mail, 01.02.2022 03:34

From June 53 to Nov 55 at Charleston, SC. Worked on 119's as a crew chief and flight engineer. The aircraft was changed from clam shell to beaver tail during that time. Our special mission began when we arrived in Japan (just outside Tokyo). We were known as the "Balloon Chasers".

Does anyone remember the Nov 53 accident at Fort Bragg?? Seems the reported circumstances were changed. Did not report the real reason for the aircraft that went through the jumpers. Surely there is a crew member that has the truth.

Fran Koebert, e-mail, 31.01.2022 10:38

I was a flight line crew chief and engineer on c119g aircraft with 1000 hours in the air as a crew member. I developed both tinnitus and hearing loss. There was no sound proof in that aircraft and the decibels were way over 100 because you had to yell to communicate. The head set had to be turned all the way up it was so loud. In the jump seat next to the puttputt on the A deck the noise was horrible.

ken taylor, e-mail, 21.09.2021 20:24

any luck with the VA? I am filing a claim for a vet. Any info would be appreciated

ken taylor, e-mail, 21.09.2021 20:16

Hi Bob, I am working on a hearing claim for a vet. Did you ever get approved for hearing loss due to the c-119?

Fritz Adam, e-mail, 13.07.2021 00:29

Hi Jim, I was one of the pilots in the 6614th ATS with Major Jernigan in command. I'm now 92 years old. If you are still around too, you might want to look at some pictures from 1953-54 at EHARMON AFB, Stephenville, NFLD. Fritz

Carl Johnson, e-mail, 23.03.2021 22:50

I was in G models in Reserves in Minneapolis. Meto power was 139db. Pain threshold is 134. Being a loadmaster I was in the back for many a takeoff. Cockpit was about 126. It didn't hurt up there. Other then the noise it was a great bird. Just found this today. Hope you are still around from 10 years ago.

DENNIS Boerger, e-mail, 15.01.2021 20:59

Was the cargo area large enough to carry a couple of truck or jeeps?

marinerg6, e-mail, 03.01.2021 18:13

The highly-successful C-119 was basically an improvement upon the C-82 with more-powerful engines and the flight deck moved forward to improve pilot visibility from the cockpit. In fact, the Air Force was originally going to label the C-119 as the "C-82B". However, the airplane's appearance was so greatly altered that it was given a whole new designation.

Murray Stollman, e-mail, 02.09.2020 20:02

I was stationed at Ashiya AFB, 816th TCS, as radio operator and OJT loadmaster and earned my wings in C-119G's from 1954-56 servicing the USAF needs in Asia. In March, 1955, on takeoff from Tachikawa AFB at 60mph our starboard prop reversed pitch sending us off the active across the grass. Very fast action by our left seat, who reversed the port prop and got us stopped. We spent 30 days working in the prop lab to prove what the problem was that had caused 3 other C-119Gs to crash with loss of lives: The hydraulic fluid in the regulators had been contaminated crossing the Pacific Ocean without being preserved with cosmoline or sealed so lost viscosity. All C-119Gs went on AOCP until new regulators were shipped to Japan to replace our bad ones. That was just one of a bunch of hairy stories i could tell if anyone is interested(including the first c-119 to land on an island beach just 3 miles from North Korea to deliver cigarettes + more).

charles e pfeiffer, e-mail, 29.02.2020 20:47

my aircraft c119f was build in hagertown Maryland mmfg fairhiller s n 517994

Bill Heaphy, e-mail, 06.02.2018 06:10

Recently came across a scrapbook of a C-119 Radio Operator during the Korean Conflict at a second hand store. His name was Gerald Highet (now deceased) and photos show he was attached to the 50th TCS at Ashiya, Japan and various bases in Korea. His final assignment was at Paine Field, WA.. Is there a 50th TCS reunion group that might be interested in this mans history on the Boxcar? My days at the 65th TCS in Muskogee, OK were not so hazardous. TIA

Cecil Oglesby, e-mail, 02.12.2017 22:23

I have a dinner plate that depicts a C-119 and a C-123. Don't remember where I got it and don't know why it exists.
Marked "Fairchild Aircraft" "Hagerstown, Maryland.
Kettle Springs Kiln Alliance Ohio. Information?

Ray Sanderford, e-mail, 07.10.2017 07:23

The Kaiser Co. of Willow Run, Mich. built 71 of the C-119's in the old Ford B-24 factory. These had the R-3350 Engines; the ones built by Fairchild in Maryland had the 4360 engines.

Frank Warner, e-mail, 03.07.2017 08:17

My uncle, Carl J. Dorsey, was an Air Force mechanic on a C-119 flying supplies from Japan to South Koren during the Korean War. He was killed when the plane he was in was shot down by friendly fire on June 2, 1951.

How can I find out more about his group, and who else was on board with him when the plane was shot down. I see by old pictures they named his plane the "Little Billie." I don't know why.

Bill Heaphy, e-mail, 20.06.2017 03:22

Stood ready to defend Muskogee, Oklahoma at Davis Field with 26th TCS USAFR 1964-65. Flew as Flight Engineer with some great people. AC was not listening to Navigator one afternoon and he dropped late. Bulls eyed a small waterhole causing cows to haul butt downwind. Captured at least 4 bovines in canopy that collapsed downwind. SecDef McNamara closed that outfit down later. Lots of fun and experience. Retired as 747 Captain 17 years ago.

CHARLES E PFEIFFER, e-mail, 19.06.2017 18:30

I was a crew cheif on C119F s/n 517994 with 3350- 75 engines it had prt 3 each water injection also .my friend s/sgt ernest v crabtree had was crew cheif and engineer his ac s/ was 517993 which crash in 1953 out of bolling afb , crash was in maryland . never found out for the cause of its crash. hope you can tell me?

Bob Short, e-mail, 30.04.2017 03:12

Forgot mention, I was in the 50TCS/36TCS at Ashiya, Japan. 1953-1955.

Bob Short, e-mail, 30.04.2017 03:07

I need to know the cockpit decibel level during flight. I flew as a radio operator for two years on C-119c and C-199G models. Have been denied claim for hearing loss and tinnitus by the VA. Need proof of decibels.

raymond perez, e-mail, 23.03.2017 03:02

I trying to find news of the crash near Nashville Ky of a c119 crash that took off from fort Cambell,Ky with paratroopers on board about Jan 15,1955

Mike Mansfield, e-mail, 01.03.2017 03:56

My dad, Sgt. William J. Mansfield,was a crew chief on a C119 out of El Toro. He was killed in a bar fight at The Bar Red Lip November 1956. Is there anyone out there that knew him?

tom cotter, e-mail, 29.03.2016 13:31

In my 10 years of service, I only flew twice in a C-130...
(NTC, Barstow,Ca;`round trip').
But I enjoy these classic workhorses.... even over fighters or bombers.
The C-119 was a design anomality that fit into that rare place in aviation that will never come again. Evolving from
a disposable glider into a light tactical cargo carrier....
the variants we're literally developed on-station for what ever was needed. Be it an air ambulance, airborne troop wagon, gunship even a spacecraft recovery vehicle?
DOD or defense contractors will never do this again.
It was a kind of 'barnstorming' approach to aircraft development.
In an age of orbital reconnaissance and strategic drones, the 'boxcar' still inspires a 'blue collar independence' that makes living very interesting.

Michel Verheughe, e-mail, 03.03.2016 13:52

My father flew the first Belgian C-119 OT-CAC in October 1952. I try now to reproduce it for the flight simulator X-Plane. I have some photos of the aircraft from the museum in Brussels but I wonder about the cockpit. E.g. how were the parking brakes activated? If anybody still remember how to fly this aircraft, please contact me. My father passed away in 1986 and I don't know anybody I could contact from here. Thanks in advance.

charles E. swinson, e-mail, 18.01.2016 04:42

I,sp3rd class,1955 fort Campbell KY(503rd 11th abn(hells angels(don't knock the rock-was stationed,after(1955)warner kasern,leopold strasa-1958-army medic.now(71yrs of age.503rd 11th abn.now live in Fayetteville,n.c.ph#910-423-5971/who-or.Airborne.

Woody, e-mail, 18.09.2015 23:48

I was a loadmaster on them. The noise in the cargo compartment got to 139DB at meto power. Pain threshold is 133. It was noisy but bareable with ear plugs and headset push tight as possible.

kj freeman, e-mail, 20.07.2015 12:17

P.S to early post During a summer camp 129th CANG Hayward,ca spent at alpena mi I rode to travis city mi to pick up supplies. Apon wheels up leaving travis city the left engine blew a jug[cyl] on the lower side of the engine. oil pored out and caught on fire on outide of engine nuclei and lower wing area. {as a aircraft electrian that worked on this plane I was glad that the fire detectors worked and set off a alarm]but the shaking and noise told you there was a problem. Most of the ang pilot were commercial pilots who enjoyed flying a airplane they flew. I believe the pilot was the base commander Col Konic the prop was feathered and we landed with the fire blowing its self out after running out of oil.
IN 1971/72 the 129th flew to pope afb nc fort bragg. while there the army used are 119s to night jump. I went on several night jumps to watch I was 21/22 and wanted to see everything.It was common for the army jumpers to try to take a souvenir with them out the plane after replacing 2 toilet seat that missing and presumed to have went out the back we hide it till after the jumps.During one night jump a jumper tried to take the carbon pile voltage regulator that was in a snap in mount inside behind the jump seat against the fuselage they were used to parallel the two engine power plants. I had stated the app on A deck and replaced it the next day after parallel them again. SGT KJ Freeman 129 th SAC CANG Hayward Ca. P.S. yes we were SAC?

Charles D Kowalski, e-mail, 29.04.2015 00:01

I flew in the C-119s as a radio op while with the 582 AR Squadron at RAF Molesworth, England. One Saturday morning we going up to do a little "flag-pole flying" on a plane which had just come out of maintenance. It seems someone forgot to tighten a pulley on the horizontal stabilizer or elevator and just as we broke ground, I was in the jump-seat and we went into what I thought was a short field take-off which we practiced often. Not so. The nose of the aircraft just wanted to go straight up. Immediately the navigator was between the left and right seat with a hand on each control column trying to force the nose down, with not much luck. The engineer then tried to wedge a block of wood between the column and the base of the pilot's seat.
Again no luck. I was told to send a MAYDAY. Shortly thereafter the pilot said that any of us who wanted to go back an bail out. Nobody did. By reducing the airspeed to almost stall speed, and with the navigator and I pushing on the control columns we were able to get it in a slight nose down attitude. We were cleared to attempt a landing and after turning on final we got a red light on the landing gear. Just what we didn't need. It was decided we were going to attempt to land anyway. The gears held and as soon as possible the engines were shut down immediately. That having been said, I would fly in one of those old birds today.

Robert Huston, e-mail, 27.03.2015 20:09

69th TC Sd, 433 TCWing, Donaldson AFB -Entire wing flew to Frankfurt, Germany July/August 1951 with brand new C-119. Wrote "Mission to NATO" for Air Force Museum magazine "FRIENDS Journal" Summer 2013. (Vol 36-No.2). Path was Donaldson AFB, Greenville, S.C. to Westover AFB, Massachusetts, to Goose Bay, Labrador, to BW-1, Greenland, to Keflavik, Iceland, to Prestwick, Scotland and finally to Rhine Main at Frankfurt, Germany. Flew all over Europe (in front of Iron Curtain) for next couple years.

Mac McCoy, e-mail, 22.03.2015 22:03

Continue,, I started as as an incompetent Ensign but got enough experience to spend the next 30 years flying for American Airlines retiring on the767

Mac McCoy, e-mail, 22.03.2015 21:53

What sbout the R4Q-2 ? I flew it several years in Fleet Tactical Two Four before leaving to Join American Airlines. Country Club Duty in the Me

kj freeman, e-mail, 04.03.2015 09:23

I worked on c119 while in cang Hayward ca 1969/1975 flew on them to summer camps in boise id,alpena mi,fayetville nc[pope] Is a aircraft electrican 42350 during flights I spent most of my time on a deck with the app. The view from there was great. We flew over the crater in az and down inside the grand canyon on are two day trip to pope. The 129 was a lot of fun and I enjoyed every uta@summercamp.

Don A. Pardew, e-mail, 02.03.2015 02:04

I still remember my dad working at Steward & Davis ,flying the C-82's and the death of Cecil Johns ,my dad was suppose to fly that mission but ,couldn't because of a severe cold, so he gave Cecil his watch because didn't have his before take off .When the plane crashed in Mexico ,they thought it was my dad that had died because all they found was my dad's watch !!I got the day off at school,At Jefferson jr.high long beach ca.My dad died a few years later in a plane crash at river side airport in bad weather on his birthday ,11/25/1970 thank you , Donald A.Pardew private pilot .

Dan, e-mail, 16.02.2015 00:45

I flew on the AC-119 Gunship as Flight Engineer, two tours in South East Asia. Call sign: "Shadow."

Larry Britton, e-mail, 28.12.2014 15:39

I was stationed with the 101st Airborne at Ft. Campbell, KY and made many jumps from the C-119. It was a great plane for jumping especially by tailgate. It was a real challenge for it to take off with a full load of paratroopers. Some anxious moments but a lot of fun.

Jim Costello, e-mail, 28.10.2014 05:47

Have seen several comments in this C-119G string from folks who served in my unit or affiliated units. If you would like contact me at my email address, which is "jcostell@charter.net", please do. I served in the USAFRes from 1960-1967 as a flight engineer (SSgt) AFSC A43171A, with 327th TCS, 512th TCW, Willow Grove NAS, Pennsylvania. The sister unit at WGNAS was the 326th TCS also at WGNAS. Our third squadron in the Wing was stationed at Niagara Falls, NY. We all were federalized for the Cuban Missile Crisis by President John F. Kennedy. Remember that? Got most of my information from the Philadelphia Inquirer or Bulletin because our military briefings were "top secret." Fond recollections. Jim Costello, SSgt, long gone.

Henry Villareal, e-mail, 25.09.2014 20:29

I made about 30 or 40 jumps from the c119 ,between 1953 and and 1956,It was a hell ofa good airplane.some how the pilots were able to take off and control the plane with a whole platoon with full combat gear and drop us safely over the DZ. Many thanks to the pilots that flew the c119

Tom Murphy, e-mail, 28.08.2014 00:43

I flew the C-119 out of Ashiya, Japan during 1953-55. TDY to Clark AFB (Luzon, Philippines) April-October 1954 in support of French forces besieged at Bien Dien Phu. last flight to Haiphong Oct. '54. Flew the bird in reserve sqdron at Bradley Field, Hartford, CT 1958. One landing saw one prop fail to reverse and an engine out on ferry mission enroute from Johnson Is. to Hickham (Hawaii) Nov. 1954. Another at night over Pitsberg, Pa while flying with the reserve sqdron. Over-all I was pleased with the "Flying Boxcar" known as the C-119.

Douglas Miranda, e-mail, 23.08.2014 02:40

I was sent TDY from Eglin AFB, Florida, to join a group of men at Lockborne AFB, Ohio, to prepare (36) , C-119 Gunships to fly to Viet Nam. We removed the mini guns, the flare launcher, Gunners Station, and all the armament. we taged every nut, bolt, and part and crated everything by aircraft tail number for shipment. We then installed three 600gallon fuel tanks in the cargo bay and plumbed them into the fuel system, expanding its fuel capasity by 1800 gallons for the flight to Viet Nam. The first aircraft took us 5 days to complete the transformation and we did not know how we were going to get all 36 aircraft ready for transport in the 60 days we were alotted. Somehow with good leadership, good planning, alot of work, and great commentment from a crew that had never worked together or even knew each other, we completed or task. During all of this, the base had an ORI and someone from Weapons or munitions, backed a flatbed truck into one of the C119's causing a 2ft x 4ft dent in the fuelsage just below the right rear jump door. This had to be fixed so that the aircraft could fly in the ORI the next day. Because I was the sheetmetal man, I was ask if we could get it fixed before the ORI. Me and my team and a couple of sheetmetal men from the base, worked all night, and got it ready to fly by morning for the ORI. The reason I told this story is because I don't remember any of the guy's names, but I still recall all of their faces, and I would like to say Thanks Guy's for a Job Well Done ! You will always be a special memmory of my 4 years in the Air Force. If any of you guys that were there, remember me or this story, I would like to hear from you. I'm 67 now and I was 22 then, so some of the guys may not still be around.

Renee, e-mail, 16.07.2014 20:50

I am trying to find information regarding a C119 plane crash in Pyongyang toward the end of the Korean War (1953). I am a social worker and one of my patients rescued some war correspondents that were in that crash (he was in a Air Force plane idling nearby; I am trying to help him find any of the survivors; please email me at renlu92@hotmail.com if you have any information regarding this crash. Thank you!

Roger Minor, e-mail, 23.06.2014 23:05

I was in the AF Reserves and my Unit had C-119's my first four years. I flew from Ohio to Savanna Georgia for summer camp Aug 1969. It was a loud interesting ride.

Gordon T. Galow, e-mail, 16.06.2014 20:30

I was an Aerodynamicist at Fairchild Aircraft in Haerstown Maryland regaining my former job there after serving 2 years in WWII. My job was to evaluate the effect of various external items C119 Aircraft. I was primarily computing performance on the C119 whose maximum take off weight of 72500 Lbs was set by 100 foot a minute rate of climb at sea level on one engine. Later on I was primary aerodynamicist on the Big Wing C119H which had 2018 Square feet of wing area versus the 1447.25 area of the C119. It had large effective flaps and flew like a big bird. Had room for 4 engines but it was too difficult weight wise to pressureize the fuselage because of its rectangular shape and it lst out to the oncoming C130.

Andy Ginter, e-mail, 25.04.2014 20:46

I composed a long post about these planes, that somehow got lost in cyberspace as i tried to "send" it. Anyway, maybe for the best, as I had confused this plane, the C-119, with the earlier version, the C-82, which was in use during WWII. I will recap, breifly, that my dad, who was wounded in the battle of Anzio, probably was flown for staging for that battle, and possibly evacuated following, in a C-82. Also, my uncle Frank (Ginter,younger brother of my dad Andrew) lost his life when the C-82 he was riding on his way to R&R crashed into a mountainside in Borneo, during the last days of WWII. (that tragic crash was documented in the book "A Missing Plane") The reason I didn't post this on the C-82's page, is mostly due to my inattention to detail, when i did a "google images" search for "flying boxcar", the C-119 popped up. Dad used to point at C-119's flying over Western N.Y. in the early '60's whenever he saw one, and tell us kids to "look at the flying boxcar". He had a great affinity for these planes, (the older, C-82 version), in my "missing post", I also explained that I have been trying to gather information about my relative's combat and etc. history during the war, that as oldest son, I was not allowed to enlist in the Infantry, but that all of the male relatives who WEREN't oldest sons had enlisted, or were drafted, and most of them are now deceased.(besides dad and uncle Frank,two uncles on mom's side were stationed at Aberdeen, England as ground crew during WWII, Bob and Richard Santuci, a great- aunt of ours was a first lieutenant with the WAAC's, and a younger brother, Bill Ginter enlisted sucessfully, went to the Middle East, and completed Air Assult school at Ft. Campbell) I also expressed an interest in these old planes, stated that I have applied to aircraft mechanic's school, would like to possibly go for my civilian pilot's license, and asked that someone talk me out of it(!). (Based on my family's unfortunate history with flying and combat) In my "lost" post, I also asked if anyone could help me find one of the veteran's brigades that refurbishes and flies these old planes, I would like to join one. thanks. Andy Ginter (upstate N.Y.) (proud son of a combat vet.)

Andy Ginter, e-mail, 25.04.2014 20:09

Boy, I guess my attention to detail might be a problem once I get into aircraft mechanic's school! The plane that my dad jumped out of during WWII, and also the plane that my uncle Frank Ginter died in, (after it crashed into the mountainside in Borneo), MUST have been the C-82, NOT the C-119. But the planes that dad would point out to us, flying over western N.Y. in the early '60's WERE C-119's, probably, as I stated, flying out of the Niagara Falls fueling depot.I just went and re- read the description of the C-119, and realized that it replaced the C-82's, which would have been in use during WWII. Dad referred to all planes with the C-119's familiar profile as "flying boxcars" so- correction.

James Costello, e-mail, 20.03.2014 02:35

Loved the aircraft. Served as a flight engineer with several AF reserve units (Willow Grove NAS, PA & L.G. Hanscom Field, near Boston). Trained at Sheppard AFB, Wichita Falls, TX. Have about 2,000 flight hours as the crew chief. Served from '61 to '66. All my time was in the "G" model with the 3350-35A engines and four-bladed props.

Jim Barita, e-mail, 10.02.2014 20:26

After 5 yrs Reg AF on Fighters(no rides) Joined ART program at 910TCG YNG OH. Loved the flights in 119s Sat in R/O NAV seat. View was fantastic. A/C were 51 models Like new. MacNamara shut us down in 1966.Sent planes to bone yard? We also had 2 C-47s 39 and 41 models. also like new.

Larry Wright, e-mail, 25.01.2014 22:55

As a reservist in the 452 TCW I flew the C-119 FOR 2359 hours from 1954 to 1965. We had the "G" model with the 3350's. Our outfit was based at Long Beach Airport in Long Beach California. In 1960 we moved to March AFB, CA. I was the chief of maintenance and flew most of the test hops needed. O one of the reserve missions a reserve crew put a C-119 in an alphalfa field due to a propeller problem. I took some maintenance personnel to the location and they changed the prop regulator, run it up and it was ready to go. I had the farmer cut us a swath to take off in. The field was 2600 feet long. I taxxied the airplane to the end of the field, turned it around, backed it up so the tail was over the fence. The Highway Patrol stopped the traffic on the highway for our takeoff. We never had any markers to mark our liftoff spot so our wing commander stood to the side of the cutoff path. As we lifted off I gave a quick salute to our CO. He never forgot it. We climbed to about 600 feet, did a 180 and buzzed the field on our return to March. Being the Chief Test Pilot I had several interesting problems on my test hops.

On one test hop we had a runaway propeller. I was on downwind just about to turn base when the right one took off to 3100 RPM. I was full cross control on the rudder and aileron but I still had to turn left for base. The tower called and asked if we were having a problem and then cleared all the traffic out of the area. The copilot could not feather the right prop or slow it down even though I had the throttle full back. I took the prop control and slammed it full back and full forward several times and it helped to turn the aircraft for base. Using this procedure I was able to turn final. We got the gear down shortly before we crossed the end of the runway. Afterward, the SAC base commander gave me a $25.00 war bond and a nice letter plus a nice letter from my wing commander. They also made me Safety Man of the Month.

All in all the ol' C-119 was a fun airplane to fly and maintain. I had about 200 top maintenance personnel that kept the 3 squadrons with 55 C-119's that we had running good.

Bill Beavers, e-mail, 19.01.2014 01:45

Remember the C 119's were at Donaldson, AFB, SC in the 1950's----I was in Vietnam in 1965 to 1966, didn't see any over there--My unit flew C 123's

mike digirolamo, e-mail, 03.01.2014 22:38

I was a radio operator from 1957 to 1961. I would set in rear of plane sometimes on takeoff with paratroopers and the noise of the engines was almost unbearable. Does anyone know the sound level in decibels of the engines on takeoff?

AJAY RAM, e-mail, 12.12.2013 08:54

We flew these C119G to the highest airfields in the Himalayas. An achievement which the manufacturers or the erlier crews could not have imagined.

S/SGT RAYMOND J YUHAS, e-mail, 26.10.2013 02:06

I just want to add my outfit # at Asiya Japan, it was the 63rd Troop Carrier Squadron

RAYMOND J YUHAS, e-mail, 26.10.2013 01:52

I was a radar and radio ground mechanic at Ashiya ,Japan
from May 1954 thru Feb 1965. One of our aircraft was # 555,we were named the BLUE TAIL FLIES. We once shuttled DEBBIE RENOLDS from Guam to Ashiya when her ride was not
avaiable. E Mail and tell me if you were at Ashiya at that time please. S/SgtRaymond Yuhas thanks you

R. Sanderford, e-mail, 21.10.2013 11:45

The Wright 3350's listed in the specs are the engines that Kaiser installed in the 71 C-119's built at his auto factory in Willow Run (the old Ford B-24 plant).
All the Fairchild built C-119's used P&W 4360's.

Leroy McVay, e-mail, 16.10.2013 19:16

1953, North Island Naval Air Station, San Diego. Was on operations line crew. Watched a C-119 taxing toward us. Suddenly they did a ground loop. We jumped on tug to see what happened. Crew chief said they'd blown a brake assembly. We chocked the plane and I drove the tug up to overhaul and repair to see if they could fix it or what. They could handle and gave me a tow bar. As we were getting ready to tow the a/c for repair the pilot came over and in a very stern voice told me. "You can't tow this plane! It doesn't have brakes!" I asked him if he wanted to push it and then told him to grab a chock and walk by a wheel. End of problem.

C.T. Ligon, e-mail, 06.05.2013 04:37

This is in response to the C119 crash that happened on Oct 24th, 1957 outside of Tinker AFB, in Midwest City, Oklahoma. (See the link below)

Jim Bina, jamesbina=verizon.net, 22.08.2012

I can confirm that this crash did happen. I was 3 and 1/2 years old, we lived just north of Reno and Midwest Blvd, on the east side of Midwest Blvd. Our back yard backed up to Soldier Creek and Tom Poor Park. This was about 2 miles north of Tinker AFB. On that evening, my older brother and I were in the living room which attached to the kitchen. My Grandmother was looking out the kitchen screen door towards the creek and Tom Poor park. I heard my Grandmother cry out, "Oh, no" . The impact of the plane was only about 500' from my home and I was knocked off of the couch onto the floor, and the lamp next to me was knocked over. All I can remember was hearing the non-ending wail of sirens. My mom and Grandmother told us that this airplane had crashed near our back yard, into a tree which burned for a long time. All 4 members on board died. Due to the heroics of the pilot and crew, many lives were spared as they put the plane down in the middle of Soldier Creek, with houses on both sides of the creek. The craft took off north from TAFB, lost lift, turned the craft to try and return and nosed into the ground. My Dad is now a retired Aeronautical Engineer who had been working at Tinker AFB at the time. He told me just recently that it was the elevator hinge pin that caused the crash. He also said unfortunately, it was because it was installed upside down by an unsuspecting mechanic. I have often thought about that heroic pilot and crew.

John F. Hondo Hahn USAF 1965-6, e-mail, 31.12.2012 20:46

In 1967, a group of us from 325th Fighter Wing at McChord Air Force Base in Tacoma, Washington, flew on a 129th C-119 to Hayward Field in Hayward, Calif. We were base winners in a talent contest that would take us to the regional contest at Hayward and then the winners on to the Air Force competition. Those that were selected from the AF finals would tour with the Air Force USO entertainment grup featuring Jack Jones. Unfortunately, Rick Warner, from Detroit, and I were not the winners in Hayward of the folk/rock category. I'm just wondering if anyone remembers this from either McChord (our traveling group etc.) or Hayward that may have taken pictures. Please feel free to e-mail me. We were called "Ricky and Johnnie"...Thanks so much and go Falcons, wherever you may be today.

A/2C Sibert, e-mail, 31.12.2012 18:37

Was at Dreux Air Base Jan'60 to April'61 and was on base basketball team and flew on C-119s to all our away games
worked transit alert all my days at Dreux was with 7305 CAMS

Steve (Ron) Mihaly, e-mail, 02.12.2012 15:37

As a Pparatrooper & Jump Master with the 82nd Airborne Div,1954-57 I experienced 75+ jumps from the C-119. What I remember most was the horrendous noise of the engines just prior to takeoff, and hoping the plane had enough HP to get off the ground! On one occasion, National Guard pilots were getting some flight time in, and actually scrapped the tops of the trees on take off.

James H. Smith, e-mail, 06.10.2012 03:39

I married my lady Betty on the C-119G, on May 7,1954.Chaplain
Sigliono of Nashville, TN performed the ceremony. He set up
a make-shift altar in the forward fuselage and installed the loading ramps with heavy rope up the sides to complete the aisle. Great wedding and great marriage. We're still going strong. Later I crewed and flew as engineer on C-119Gs at Neubiburg AB, Germany.The last three numbers of S/N of the plane i crewed was
136. I read someplace that it was converted to a gun ship in Nam. I,ve never recorded this info and think it should be included somewhere as part the "Boxcars" history.

Hugo Ruiz, e-mail, 21.09.2012 17:49

For Todd Milburn. Complete response to his request follows.

hugo ruiz hugo.ruiz510@gmail.com

Sep 9 (12 days ago)

to toddmilburn

I served with your father in VMR 252, USMC, part of MAG 35 (Marine Air Group) , based at Cherry Point, NC. The incident of which you speak was legend for years among us. Your father and a radio operator named George Hogarty, from Boston , were crew on a flight to Texas. At the time it was a reserve/civilian base with relatively little security. Your dad and George (incidentally I was a radio operator and new George well) went out on the town and as I understood the events got somewhat intoxicated and decided to fly to Shreveport to continue the party. They went to Love field, impersonated the pilots, filed a flight plan and proceded to take off, at night. It is my understanding that upon take off they barely missed a radio tower. It is my further understanding the polished off a bottle of booze while in flight. Barksdale, I believe was a
SAC base with super security, but they called in for landing and were given permission. Lore has it that they got lost in flight and the flight time was longer than it should have been. I also believe they aborted the first attempt to land but landed safely on the second attempt. While on board they asked for transportation to BOQ which was waiting when they were on the tarmac. They proceded to BOQ but while on the way they saw a bus going off base and asked the driver of the car to stop so they could board the bus. For whatever reason the driver became suspicious and reported the incident. They were stopped at the gate and detained. I understand that while being interviewed no one believed that they were crew chief and radio operator.

I was at Cherry Point in the morning when news came in that one of our planes was at Barksdale. Simultaneously, the pilot and copilot came to Love and found they had no plane and that a flight plan had been filed. At that point the pilot reports the incident to VMR 252, the facts are reconciled and Sgt. Milburn and Sgt. Hogarty were arrested. They were brought back to Cherry Point by another of our aircraft in shackles. They were court martialed and sentenced to time in the brig. A buddy of mine was the R/O on the flight to pick them up, and he said he was not allowed to speak to your dad or George by the accompanying Military Police. I do not remember what the sentence was, but I do remember seeing them marching with other prisoners to the mess hall for meals. The brig was about 500 yards from our barracks which was # 203. I know that George Hogarty had his sentence reduced and he was given a Bad Conduct Discharge or a General Discharge and presume your dad got the same.

I hope this clears some of the mystery from your recollection. Both George and your dad were my friends. I flew a number of times with your dad, as there were no fixed crews for each plane. Feel free to ask me anything more. How is or was your dad. What happened to him after he left the Corps?

Sgt. Hugo A. Ruiz

Hugo Ruiz, e-mail, 10.09.2012 00:05

I will write to Todd Milburn whose comments appear above. I served with his father and am very familiar with the incident he describes. I served in VMR 252 at Cherry Point Marine Air Station in North Carolina from 1952 t0 1953 during the Korean war. The squadron was VMR 252, part of MAG 35. Our sister squadron at Cherry Point was VMR 153.

Jim Bina, e-mail, 22.08.2012 19:06

My dad piloted C-119's out of Chanute AFB in the late 50's. He related to me that he and about 5 other crews traveled to Tinker Air Force Base, OK in 1957 to pick up some modified C-119's. The story goes that the mod was for new stainless steel elevator hinge pins. My dad and the crews were scheduled for departure on Oct 24, 1957. They all boarded their assigned aircraft, made their checks and proceeded to the runway. They lined up for departure, my dad was second in line. He said he watched as the first C-119 proceed down the runway, lifted off, cleared the end of the runway, and abruptly nosed down and crashed. The remaining C-119s returned to the ramp and the flight back to Chanute was cancelled. The cause of the crash was determined to be the failure of the new elevator hinge pin that had just replaced. I am trying to verify this story and have verified by the Oklahoma Crash Database that there was a C-119 that crashed at Tinker on 24 Oct 1957, the same time we were stationed at Chanute. Can anyone assist with additional details on this C-119 accident? Thanks!

Norman E. Rhoads, e-mail, 07.08.2012 16:56

After six months of A&E school at Wichita Falls, TX. in 1953 I was assigned to Sewart AFB south of Nashville, TN. I was assigned to that base until my discharge in 1957 we had C-119 Flying Boxcar type aircraft there. Probably around 1955 everybody had an opportunity to volunteer for a six month TDY assignment in Dreux, France. There were three groups at Sewart; there were enough volunteers to make up one group. All flying was done out of the municipal airport at Athens, Greece; therefore, all crews and planes stayed there. No military facilities there. Per Diem was paid and we stayed in hotels and ate out every meal. As maintenance was scheduled the airplane was flown to Dreux. All personnel at Dreux was sent to Athens for a month. I don't know what we were doing over there in Athens. I did enjoy that six-month-tour however. The C-119 was quite an airplane.

Jim Blackburn, e-mail, 05.08.2012 04:28

Went thru Randolph AFB transition training in the C-119G in early 1953, then flew the Arctic re-supplying the DEW Line. Was based at Harmon AFB with the 6614th ATS. Had some close calls after losing engines, but survived. If we had a heavy load (D-8 Catapiller bulldozer, etc.) and lost an engine, we could not stay in the air. We were told it would not ditch and our best bet was to put it down at the edge of a lake or shore with the gear DOWN. The fusilage would not hold up in a belly landing.

David Morrow, e-mail, 31.07.2012 18:40

Having an engine reverse was not uncommon in this aircraft. In the mid-1950's, my father, Eugene T. Morrow, had an engine reverse at 600' on takeoff from Randolph. All previous incidents on takeoff (I believe there were 5) were fatal. After taking out power lines, he had been able to set the plane down in a farmer's recently plowed field. Landng perpendicular to the furrows, they bounced badly stopping with the nose less than 100' from the farmhouse. No injuries. The aircraft was covered in dirt, but otherwise appeared undamaged. The student with Dad froze and never flew again.

Phil Sattler, e-mail, 21.06.2012 05:06

As a kid I remember hanging around our local county airport and listening to stories. This was about 1951. By these stories I believe they had a lot of prop problems. The airport Mgr. was telling about flying a C-119 over Arizona at night. A blade came off the left engine and came through the fusalogh cutting off all power lines, control lines and lights. They were prepareing to jump. They got the back doors open and just getting ready to jump. The plane hit the ground. Perfect landing. Everybody walked away without a scratch. I believe it had the R-4360 engines. I was only about 14 at the time.

leveau, e-mail, 01.06.2012 12:38

je suis a la recherche de la maquette du C119 mais a l echelle 1/144eme bien a vous ,en plastic et non en resine ou alors petit prix

Lili, e-mail, 31.05.2012 16:29

Bonjour je m’appelle Liliane
Je suis à la Recherche de 2 Militaires de l’US air Force
Basé à Toul/ Rosière 54 en FRANCE
Entre 1959 et 1962
Un nommé …SWEET (il fessait du Rugby et animation au Mess des officiers)
Un qui se nomme Allan CARTER…
J’aimerai avoir des nouvelles ou des photos
Par avance merci de votre aide à Tous.

Hi I'm Liliane I am looking 2 members of the US air Force to be based a Toul / Rosière 54 in FRANCE between 1959 and 1962
A named...SWEET (it was the Rugby and animation in the mass of officers)
one which is called Allan CARTER…
I would like to have news or photos in advance thank you for your help to all.

Tito Stevens, e-mail, 18.05.2012 05:20

I was loadmaster in the 312th TCS of the 349th TC Wing(Res) at Hamilton AFB and had some interesting flights. We were called up for the Cuban missile crisis and it took us two days to go from California de Pope AFB. When we went off active duty a hot shot Lt. was looking for volunteers to go to "some place called Viet Nam." My father, a WWII Army Capt., taught me never to volunteer.

Harland Steinhorst, e-mail, 09.05.2012 00:47

After the two C-119's collided over Germany, I was recruited to go to Neubiberg AFB, transferred to Chateauroux Air Depot and ended up at Dreux AFB, 4th Aerial Port Squadron, Det. 7 in late 1955 thru 1958. Dreux had a Wing of C-119-G's and a Wing of C-123-B's. Most my work time was spent loading and unloading base aircraft. Also loaded C-130's (house trailers going to Turkey)C-124's and on one occasion loaded 10,000 lbs. of U.S. mail in the bomb bay of a SAC B-29, headed for Turkey. Lots of brake-created tire fires on the 19's during the period of time the prop reverse feature was "red lined". I smiled inwardly when pilots would ask me what their take-off roll should be. My standard answer was 2,500 feet, the runway was 7,900 feet long. I did have some air time in the 119, mainly between France and Germany. Became a member of the 6th APS, headquarters, Burtonwood, England, while still at Dreux AB.

purushe, e-mail, 07.05.2012 09:52

Flew the a/c 63 to 68, about 1500hrs to some high airfields like fukche in the Himalayas. the iaf had once afleet of 60+c119gs,some with the jetpacks. unfortunately there were many fatalities in about 25 years o
f service till mid 80s

Brendon Healey, e-mail, 04.05.2012 03:03

I was an electrician in VMR 253 initally at Itami and later Iwakuni in Japan. I flew as crew many times because many of the failures were electrical in nature. Sadly our squadron lost one plane off the coast of Korea, as I recall 9 of 12 on board survived. Lot's of power, bumpy ride. Loved it.

Jw baird, e-mail, 08.03.2012 04:25

i enjoy all the pictures brings back many wonderful memories

Todd Milburn, e-mail, 04.03.2012 06:25

My Father was a flight engineer on a Boxcar during the Korean War. He has said that they were assigned to MAG252. He and a fellow crewman (radio operator) "borrowed" a Boxcar one night and flew from Love Field in Dallas to Barksdale Air Force Base in Shreveport. Since he was not a pilot, he was busted to private. Wonder if anyone has heard of this or can point me in the direction to obtain further information on this incident?

Carl F. Zinn, e-mail, 29.01.2012 03:52

The Problem prop gave me a weeks vacation in Hawaii and 2 weeks on Johnson Island in 1950. But killed several flight crews out of Ashiya 50-51-52. I left in 52, dont know if they ever fixed the problem.

Angel Cruz, e-mail, 21.01.2012 21:56

AS an aiborne radio technician 1957-1960 base at Dreux Air Force Base France, I worked on all C-119G electronic equipment stationed at Dreux. On several occasions I ran into a Radio Operator with his small box of VHF Crystals. I flew all over Germany with LT Bell. at the end of my tour, returning from Oslo, Norway and with the North Sea below, the left engine gave up and the right engine was acting up. WE made it to Dreux. We landed with one engine which was shut down when the main gear touch runway. I do not know if that was the proper procedure when landing on one engine. We came to a stop at almost end of runway, and ordered to jump out and run away from aircraft.

john pinna, e-mail, 18.01.2012 22:29

was with the Air Police t toul-rosieres 1953-1955, then to Everoux, Many a night i walked around the C-119.

Steve Stevensen, e-mail, 10.01.2012 03:28

The 904th Troop carrier gp. at Stewart AFB in Newburgh NY had a squadron of C-119Gs when I went to work as an ART for them in `66.I was an engine mech,but had never worked on an R-3350,but I learned quickly & enjoyed the time we had with that great aircraft both working on them & having a couple of flights in one also.We had them for a little over one year before we got our "new" C-124s in `67 which was what I worked on before joining the 904th. A great old bird!

Jim Ebinger, e-mail, 22.11.2011 08:40

Did my jumping at Benning from this airplane love the drone in my head from those engines.

Andy Wentzler, e-mail, 06.11.2011 05:14

Airborne Radio Operator with 39th TCW 317th TCW at Neubiberg, Germany 1953-1956. Flew C-119F and ferried C-119G from Hagerstown, MD. back to Germany. Having trouble with hearing. Has anyone delt with the VA re: hearing problems ??

PFC-Manuel Badea, e-mail, 01.08.2011 21:15

I was station in Cherry Point in 1954 to 1957.Squadron-VMR-252-Mag 35.I was a A/C mechanic Mos-6413.We work on these place we never had any accident only we flew to Puerto Rico;on a navigation run the governor that feathers the prop had electrical problem. I miss all this.Thank you.

bob singleton, e-mail, 31.07.2011 18:12

I was with the 327 mortor battery 101 abn 56-59 with out a doubt the C 119 was a paratropers airplane

J. William Love, Jr., e-mail, 28.07.2011 11:09

I flew the C-119G at Lawson AFB GA (Ft. Benning)then Pope AFB NC (Ft. Bragg) 1954-1955, and later as an instructor pilot in the C-119 at Ellington AFB TX in the active reserve, 1956-1958. It was a great plane to fly, but I remember it as a little shaky in thunderstoms. This was after flying the C-46, which was a solid old plane.

P.J.Austin-Smith (Pete Smith), e-mail, 01.05.2011 18:45

I second Bob Gartshors comments re: RCAF and C-119s. It was a good aircraft which we flew in the Arctic on resupply and many other operations (para drops, etc). Bob contact me, please.

Jerry Baird, e-mail, 24.04.2011 23:42

I was a pilot in the 50th TCS 49-52 Sewart and Ashiya. I was a vast improvement over the C-82. Flew The B,C,CF,F and G.I liked the CF best with the 4360 Ham Standard prop, hydraulic flaps and gear. 2000 hrs at various bases, Miami, Younstown, and Evreux.

Bill Judd, e-mail, 30.03.2011 20:48

I flew as flt engr on C-119J and G out of willow grove nas from 1957 to 1968. Had a few scary flights. Ate a bunch of thunder storms over the years. Many drop missions at pope and 101st at Kentucky. In mid 60's we ferried 22 119's from Langley VA to Agra India. Took us many stops and three weeks till we got back home by C-121 embassy flight. Loved all those years.

fredtbrown, e-mail, 27.03.2011 19:45

Made my fist two jumps at the AirBorne School at Ft. Benning in Aug., 1970 out of the great airplane. Flown at the time by Texas Air National Guard. Loved the sight of the twin tail booms and the drop zone below as I exited the airplane. something I will never forget. Fred T. Brown, Jr., Col. (ret)

J Hodson, e-mail, 24.03.2011 21:15

Some of these aircraft were converted into the AC-119G gunships abd the 71st SOS out of Indiana took them to Viet Nam 1968. To read about this aircraft go to AC 119-G Gunships, they had an impressive record over there.

James S. George, e-mail, 20.03.2011 15:40

4th Aerial Port Squadron 1954-1957. How I miss those days.
I arrived at Chatearoux,France in the early days of it's complition by the Army Engineers in 1954.I flew many missions as a Loadmaster/Dropmaster in C-119s and C-123's.
The C-119 was a hard working aircraft which was reliable and rugged.I remeber the tragic incident where the two C-119's collided over Germany in 1955. I was working in the 4th APS Space Control Office and received the unfortunate news. One of my friends "Tiny" was killed. He was the Loadmaster in one of the C-119's. We Loadmasters of the 4th APS were often redeployed through-out Europe 1954-1957 to establish depot operations for NATO . I spent time in Dreux,France and at Hahn AFB,Germany. The C-119 took me to many wonderful places in Europe and North Africa. I am extemely happy to have found this web-site enjoying all the comments forwarded about the C-119.

Vern Baisden, e-mail, 15.03.2011 22:40

Worked on the C-119F and C-119G aircraft.From 1953 - 1955.
Was based at Mitchell Field, Ny, then Sewart AFB, Smyrna, TN. Went along on paratroop drops and heavy equipment drops.
The aircraft had serious propeller problems. Because it had reverse pitch feature, zero pitch, runaway propellers were pretty common. With a runaway prop, the engines would usually disintegrate and take its respective wing with it.
Runaway propeller meant immediate bailout. Knew of a couple of planes that came apart in heavy turbulance. Their G load factor was quite low.

Murli, e-mail, 15.03.2011 12:56

I flew as a Navigator from 1971 to 1975 in the converted C119G from a 2 engine prop a/c to a three engine prop- cum - jet (Gnat Fighter a/c - Orpheus jet engine on top of the fuselage). In 1971 I flew over the Himalayas landing at some of the highest airfields in the World. It was indeed a fantastic aircraft.

fran koebert, e-mail, 05.03.2011 16:41

I was in the 326TCS at WGNAS from 1961-68. We flew the C-119G with the R-3350 engines and they did leak a little oil sometimes. We just carried a few extra 5 Gal. pails with us when we flew to locations without service. I got to take one to Vietnam from St. Augustine. It took 65 flying hours to get there on new engines with no hours. It only took 18 hours total to get back to Philadelphis by commercial A/C. I along with another reservist were the only ones with flying status. Everyone else was prior service or ARTS. I just can not find anything about the 326th or 327th TCS at Willow Grove. At the time I got out in late 68 we were broken up and C-130's were introduced to us and the rest were sent to McGuire or Dover to transition into C-141's and C-5's. I was to go into the C-141's at Dover but it was too far to travel every week. I have been to many of the bases I see mentioned in the comments but I see nothing about my unit from Willow Grove NAS. I did many flights to Pope to drop the troops from Ft. Braag and Lakehurst but can find nothing about the 326th and 327th.

VINCE RUFFOLO, e-mail, 28.02.2011 22:36


jacques hahn, e-mail, 28.02.2011 02:35

was in the 317th TCW from1955-1958 and had the pleasure of many of flights in the old gal. worked in Elect. shop and Maint. Control

Robert Hauck, e-mail, 25.02.2011 15:34

Flew as crewman on boxcar during AFRes days in the early 60's out of Bakalar AFB Indiana. Our bird 009 (known affectionately as "Balls 9") had a near-perfect record of TO's and landings during many maneuvers and crises. The 119's were big, loud, slow and lumbering, but we always got there. Any still flying stateside?

Mel Cottrell, e-mail, 21.02.2011 23:47

My father (Cosby Cottrell) worked for Fairchild Ariel Surveys for over 30 years and I think had something to do with this aircraft. He often talked about it. Wish I knew more

Peter Coutavas, e-mail, 15.02.2011 18:01

Loved that bird, worked on the Instrument and auto-pilot systems from 57 thru 61 with the 336th TCS. One time we were flying from Key West to Panama, engines were started up and I'm still replacing vacuum tubes for the vertical channel of the auto-pilot system. Guys were always getting air sick so I would ask them if they were going to eat there box lunch. Would usually end up with a parka pocket full of sandwhiches, hardboiled eggs and fried chicken. God but I loved it, best time of my life.

John B. Andres Jr., e-mail, 13.02.2011 20:17

Made my first 5 jumps out of this aircraft Oct. 1968
Ft. Benning, Georgia

Channing Ball, e-mail, 13.02.2011 16:09

I was a crewchief and on one of the check crews from 55 -57 .VMR-153 MAG-35 Cherry Point..

Bob Huettmann, e-mail, 04.02.2011 03:10

I flew C models at Ashiya in '53-'54 in the 817th TCW, made 4 trips between there and Hagerstown, several trips to Haiphong from Clark AFB and flew shot-up ones back to the Clark, then flew G models at Charleston AFB. Had about 1200 hours in it. Thought it was a great aircraft to fly (usually). At 6'4" I loved the big flight deck. But the C models had no airborne escape if the cargo compartment was filled to the ceiling and wall to wall. Lost an engine three times but no sweat, twice we were empty. I can think of many bad situations but tocay they are good memories.

norm harris, e-mail, 02.02.2011 12:11

chanute to learn 3350's> on to rhein-main a.f.b. germany= 60th troop carrier wing / 11th tcs 1951---1954

Ismael Nazario, e-mail, 01.02.2011 18:03

I was with the 101 Airborne Division, 327 Battle Group, E Co. from 1962 to 1965. I broke my cherry on the C 119 and the plane could not get off the runway. The second time it did. I like it also because of the high tail wing and you could exit the plane almost straight out. Whenever we jumped with the C119 we held bets as to which stick exits the plane first.

bob mundle, e-mail, 31.01.2011 17:28

I flew the G model with 3350s for engines in Vietnam out of TSN (Saigon) during 1970. We started transitioning to Gary engines mid year and found them to be so unreliable that two low time Gary engines were not allowed on one airframe. I had 3 engine failures in tht year and 1 engine failure in the next 42 years. The radials sound nice but I like the reliable whine of a jet.

Bob Kent, e-mail, 26.01.2011 19:34

I was with the 2233 AFRCTC, the active part of the 514 Troop Carrier wing. Based at Mitchel Field, Hempstead, Long Island. We had 52 C-119, 7 Goony birds, and 2 twin Beech C-45 aircraft. Our primary mission was training reservists. Several times a year we would fly to Pope, AFB in N.Carolina and drop the ground pounders, usually into the pine forest! My job was to maintain the radio and nav. gear.
I spent three wonderful years at Mitchel and got out one year before the base closed.

Eugene (Ric) Ricci, e-mail, 20.01.2011 04:52

Ashyia AB, Japan...1956-1958, I was a Crew Chief/Flight Mech on C-119G #982 & #864 with the 817th TCS. Then transfered to Wing Aircrew Standardization (Capt Davis, Major Stanley)in 1959. Then the Wing switched to the.C-130A. I then became Flight Engineer on the C-130. I believe in the 4 years there, we visited, supplied and/or para dropped on every island airstrip as well as supporting the Olympic Games in Melbourne. One of my highlights was flying Ethiopian Officers (and gear)from Korea to Ethiopia via India, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia etal. One of our routine trips was from Ashyia to Guam (13 hrs in the C-119). Unbelivable today. We must have been nuts to volunteer for that trip as well as to the Phillipines.

Sam Ellsworth, e-mail, 18.01.2011 03:59

Flew out of Ashiya, from Oct.'53 to May'56. Assigned to 816th TCS until switching to movement control in early '55; after flying about 800 hours as a/c. Flew B's and C's with the 4360's until the G models came in '54. Very easy on the controls, stable in weather, but ugly as hell. Loved the assignment as we covered all the Japanese main islands,Philipines, Thailand, Indo-China, Taiwan, and most of the islands in between.Most comfortable cockpit with best visibility; but no bunks.

Walt Goetz, e-mail, 15.01.2011 06:00

Just a correction on my aol address

Walt Goetz, e-mail, 14.01.2011 23:00

Flew out of Scott AFB in late 1950's as a Flight Mechanic. Can still remember those flights to Panama-lotta water and only one airplane!

Carl F. Zinn, e-mail, 12.12.2010 18:23

Got out of radar school and to 61st TC Sqd. C119s has little radar. Took 40 days to fly to Ashiya Japan on 49142. Prop problems. 2 weeks in Hawaii another 2 weeks on Johnson Island.
I was'nt needed in Ashiya so went to Pyongyang and worked and froze with a combat cargo outfit there. Joined the bugout to Pusan. Returned to Ashiya and got bored as hell doing nothing. Started fooling around learning Morse,radio procedures, not to feed the pilots Etc. Starting flying as a radio operator. Most important message I ever sent was "Tell group 2 ships knocked down over DZ". Nine C119 crew members died that day. It was rumored that our own artillery using proximity fuses did the deed. Combat crew members were supposed to get their choice of bases to be sent to. I did'nt choose Memphis but thats were I was sent. They changed from C 46s to C119s. The planes were not made by Fairchild but by K/F. The skin around the cockpit started dimpling after only a few hours flying time. I often wonder if the rest of the plane was crap. I got discharged and did'nt wait around to find out.

Patrick McGillis, e-mail, 06.12.2010 04:58

Flew 200 combat missions in the "Stinger gunship" over the Ho Chi Minh trail. Stationed out of Danang 1971. Was an aircraft commander and shot about a zillion rounds of 20mm. What a great weapon. Killed hundreds of trucks etc.

B. Beall, e-mail, 05.12.2010 18:53

I only flew on a C-119 once. On Mother's day 1963 flew out of my WVANG unit in Martinsburg, WV to Harrisburg, PA on my way to boot camp at Lackland AFB. The first stop before leaving MRB was at the chute shop to get fitted in a harness and issued a chute. The aircraft was also being used for a medevac training mission that day so most of the web seats were filled. Recall the service door for the nose gear was removed on the aircraft and when we landed and the nose gear was lowered anything not tied down got sucked out the nose wheel well. Will never forget that flight. All the C-119s were gone when I returned to MRB a year later from boot camp and tech school. They had been replaced with C-121s.

Mac McKinley, e-mail, 03.12.2010 09:41

I flew the C-119 (mostly the G) in 1955-56. I transitioned at Randolph Field in San Antonio; then spent about 6 months at Ardmore AFB in OK; then 1 1/2 years at Ashiya AFB in Japan. We dropped a lot of paratroopers and heavy equipment. Also got quite a bit of IFR time in some serious weather. After about 700 hours in that bird I only have good things to say about it. I loved the power and the sound of those R-3350's and I always thought the C-119 handled extremely well empty or loaded. I remember getting a chance to use its short-field capabilities when we had to land it on a beach in Korea to re-supply an outpost. It performed perfectly. You could really feel the power with the brakes on and both throttles full-forward. As you can tell, I liked flying that bird.

Jim Clark, e-mail, 01.12.2010 21:27

I was a flight navigator on R4Q-2's at Cherry Point in 1959 to 1961 in VMR 252. We had 24 of these beasts and the squadron racked up in excess of 10,000 hours without an accident while I was there. Later I flew with with a number of the non-skeds including Flying Tiger and quickly grew to appreciate the excellent maintenance that the Marine Corps demanded ans we rarely had an engine failure and in my opinion the maintenance was top notch.

On the aircraft itself, while it had limited ability on one engine when heavy it was a reliable over water performer but could have used more range. Semper Fi.

Harvey Short, e-mail, 01.12.2010 00:49

I flew the R4Q 1952-1954 out of El Toro Marine air base in California and we took the squadron VMR 253 to Itami Japan where we flew in and out Korea. With any load the aircraft had poor to nil single engine performance on takeoff. Other than that we had a problem with the props becomeing out of balance and tearing the engine off. Only happened once.

thomas w deane, e-mail, 28.11.2010 07:36

flew as flight mech. one mounth in ashiya, japan. had a great flight deck. coming from C-46's

Richard MacGillivray, e-mail, 28.11.2010 00:35

I was in the 101st Airborne Division 1959 - 1962. I have jumped from C-119, C123, C-130 and C-124. By far, the easiest plane to jump from was the C-119 because of the high wing and you could almost go straight back when exiting the aircraft instead of making a 90 degree turn to go out of the other aircraft I mentioned.

Carl E Odom, e-mail, 26.11.2010 07:20

Does anybody remember the highly trained, activated and quickly canceled mission with site at Adak, Northern Japan, Tokyo area, Southern Japan and Okinawa?

Nikita had a ****fit on Moscow about it.

Officially it was "Wx Reconnaissance."

One C119 strayed into Russian airspace. Mig 17 got on wing and ordered it to a Russian field. Pilot dropped all the garbage and quickly got in the clouds and safely got the hell out of there.

Chuck Lunsford, e-mail, 22.11.2010 01:08

For LDonDar
51-8031 (c/n 10857) converted to C-119G between 1955 and 1957. Transferred
to Taiwan Nov 1970 as 3212

These Fairchild aircraft built under this USAF Contract"

51-7968/8052 Fairchild C-119F-FA Flying Boxcar
7968/7995 were c/n 10707/10734
7996/8015 were c/n 10739/10758
8016 was c/n 10706
8017/8029 were c/n 10760/10772
8030 was c/n 10822
8031/8032 were c/n 10857/10858.
8033/8034 were c/n 10873/10874
8035/8052 were c/n 10913/10930

This group was in the very first group of F models. Looks like you took pretty good care of it if it made it all the way to Taiwan.

Hope this helps,

Chuck Lunsford (former C-119 radio operator)

James E. Lake, e-mail, 07.11.2010 23:10

As a young Marine Corporal in 1955, I was assigned to H&MS-35 at MCAS Cherry Point, N.C. The Group supported two R4Q-2 "Flying Boxcar" Squadrons, VMGR-152 and VMGR-353. The Marines, at that time, didn't call them C-119's several years later when the services shifted to common aircraft designations for all services and they certainly weren't called C-119's in 1952!
I take great exception to the "sea-story" regarding the (?) "Marine" C-119 that "blew out" a brake and "ground-looped" The aircraft would not "ground-loop while taxiing as the aircrew would be using engine power to taxi and would be going too slow to "ground loop." If a brake "blew-out" during taxi, the aircraft would be going slowly enough that it wouldn't swing about with a brake failure. It seems that the writer was more "smart ass" than smart and, as a tow vehicle operator, didn't know much about aircraft terminology, operation or maintenance. Marine maintainers used the U.S. Navy's Maintenance schedule of 30, 60, 90 and 120 hour maintenance check schedules and a major maintenance at 240 hours. I know, as I have pulled each type of those checks and made sure that the aircraft was in the best possible condition for flight! The aircrews put their lives in our hands and we were always aware of that responsibility!! As an Airgroup, we had NO accidents or incidents that were determined to be maintenance issues for the three years I was in the Group!
Semper Fidelis,
Jim Lake, Major, USMC (ret)

Paul Vasquez, e-mail, 06.11.2010 09:37

I worked on 119's at Hayward Ca. ANG base.I was 18 and it was the only plane I had ever worked on so they are the best.As I recall the landing gear is 16' long,that in its self is amasing.Yeh it is noisy to ride in,but its 1947 technology.

L. McVay, e-mail, 04.11.2010 00:03

1952, stationed at North Island Naval Air Station, San Diego. Marine (?) C-119 came in. As they wre taxing to our visitor's parking area they suddenly did a ground loop and shut down. They blew out a brake. I drove our tug to get a tow bar. As the crew chief and us visiting a/c people got set to tow the plane, with chock walkers, the piolt came over and told me I couldn't tow the plane as it had no brakes! I asked him if he wanted to push it! We towed the plane. It was my experiance that the Marines didn't have very good maintenance.

L. McVay, e-mail, 04.11.2010 00:03

1952, stationed at North Island Naval Air Station, San Diego. Marine (?) C-119 came in. As they wre taxing to our visitor's parking area they suddenly did a ground loop and shut down. They blew out a brake. I drove our tug to get a tow bar. As the crew chief and us visiting a/c people got set to tow the plane, with chock walkers, the piolt came over and told me I couldn't tow the plane as it had no brakes! I asked him if he wanted to push it! We towed the plane. It was my experiance that the Marines didn't have very good maintenance.

Richard C. Thomas, e-mail, 29.10.2010 02:27

Yes, I know this aircraft well having flown in it from 1951 through 1953. It was a very reliable aircraft even if it only flew us one way and that was up. You see I was a paratrooper in the 11th Airborne. I would guess that I jumped out it about twenty three or so times. But what a ride!

Bob Brashear, e-mail, 19.10.2010 23:05

In 1954 I was stationed in eastern France at Toul-Rosiere AFB, a C119 air base. I was in the army engineers, attached to the USAF, called SCARWAF. In December, 1955, when Russia invaded Hungry the air base was put on alert. I was on guard duty, 24:00 to 2:00, in freezing rain. with a parka shell to protect from the weather, a M-30 carbing, sut no ammunition. The ice storm was raging so bad there was no way that I would need any ammunition. What fool would be out there anyway. By the way, there is one place around the C119 to find protection from bad weather, and there locked up, can't get inside. My relief came and I was glad to say goodbye to that big hulk. Broke about a half inch shell of ice off my parka and had to be helped into the deuce and a half. Never got to see the inside of one.

Mick Vandeleur, e-mail, 19.10.2010 21:26

Lot of Memories.Stationed in Ashiya 52-54, 319th TC SQ Packet Rats. Flew to Haiphong via Okinowa to Clark AFB where US markings were removed and replaced with French Markings, then onto a secluded base in Indo China named Touraine.90 day TDY. French Forces lost their stronghold at DenBinFu (excuse spelling) and we departed In a hurry I might add. While there the French hired Civilian Pilots to drop supplies to the encircled French Forces. I later learned that no US Forces were knowmed to be in Indo China. The base came under small arms fire at night but were always beaten off by the French Military. Most of our C-119s returned to Clark pretty well shot up but.all returned safley . I often think about my AirCraft Commander, one Captain Knebusch who I most respected.

gil gilmartin, e-mail, 19.10.2010 21:01

Flew the Flying Boxcar out of Iwakuni ,Japan in the 60-61 for VMR 153..learned alot about flying going all over SE Asia.. Great group of guys to work with and we completed our missions. Replaced by the new C-130, which I never flew...

Keith Johnson, e-mail, 11.10.2010 17:49

My father was a flight engineer on the 119 for many years and went back to them with the 18th SOS flying Stingers, I think the time frame was 70-71. His name was Emile L. Johnson, some called him Jonny. He always spoke well of this aircraft. Talked about getting a field Goal one night while on the trail.. you guys that were there will understand the statement. Dad is gone now but I have fond memories of his stories.

Dale Burgan, e-mail, 10.10.2010 04:51

Flew on the AC-119G in TSN Vietnam, in 68-69. They were a pretty reliable aircraft as we flew 110 consecutive missions on time, which is a good record for a old aircraft that was cannon fodder. Obviously they brought me home every night, which I am grateful for.

Pat Daily, e-mail, 27.09.2010 16:06

My father (Col.Charles Daily, USAF(res), was CO of the 442nd TCW from about 1953-62 at Olathe, NAS then later Richards-Gebaur AFB near Kansas City. He loved flying the C-119 and I remember watching them come in for landing at an air show -- they came over in Vs of 3 each and peeled over like fighter planes and landed -- very cool!

Steve Le Chot, e-mail, 02.09.2010 22:16

I worked the AC-119's at Danang '69-'70. Nice looking gunship but hated the hydraulic platform. When you climbed up there to do work, you would burn your head and/or back on the aircraft skin.

Bob Fisher, e-mail, 30.08.2010 19:42

I had jumped from them in '52 after having jumped from C-46's in '51, and it was a different experience, and I am thankful for the opportunity to have done so. Coming out of the doors on the 46's, one jumps right into the propwash, but on the 119's you come out below it and just drop until the 'chute opens. I thought the 119's were neat.

John Christy, e-mail, 30.08.2010 09:48

I was in the 4th Aerial Port Squadron and we went to Chateauroux, France in 1954 to open up air terminals in Europe. We used the C-119. I was a loadmaster. We flew all over Europe. We also dropped cargo and troopers. We lost two planes in the black forest area of Germany in 1955 55 troppers and crew were lost when the planes collided. The plane was a dandy with much power.

Don L:ichty, e-mail, 31.07.2010 03:05

What ever happened to those birds stationed at Harmon AFB in Newfoundland? We were attached to the SAC unit out of N
EB. Im looking for Serial #8031 I was a crew chief in the 1956_1957 time frame. Thanks

David Winkler, e-mail, 15.05.2010 19:52

I was an Army air traffic controller in the 1960's and got to fly as a passenger in the rear of a 119 out of Chanute AFB. The noise level in the cargo area was beyond the level of pain in my ears. Does anyone know the decibel level of a 119 on full take-off power?

Don, 23.04.2010 06:25

I was in an Air National Guard Unit that had C-119s in Hayward, California. I was an aircraft mechanic on the 119s. I worked on the flight line. I went cross country in them several times. At first we had 4360s, but later they were changed to 3350s. We were afraid of the 3350s PRTs and the Aeroproducts props, but we never really had problems with them. We were careful. This was the loudest and most vibrating aircraft I have ever experienced, and I've flown in a lot of big old birds from KC-97s and Connies to C-124s. Takeoff in the back of a C-119 felt and sounded like the world was coming to an end. We were always real careful with the props, being sure to top up the hydraulic fluid just before every flight. We learned to position the props correctly and then not to move them to avoid breaking the seal that held in the hydraulic fluid. The airplane required a lot of maintenance. Riding in the back of a C-119 was an extreme experience. The cockpit was a little quieter (except for the inverters), and without as much vibration. I can't criticize the bird. I'm still here.

Robbie, e-mail, 26.03.2010 08:56

I flew them for Gifford Aviation in Alaska. 1980-84. Fish off the beach. Housing materials to the bush and mining camps. Dump trucks, pickups, whatever would fit on a 40 foot flatbed would fit in the back as long as the weights were good. We had em with and without the jet pack. 3350's 89B's. Flames used to shoot out the PRT's about 20 feet maybe 10. Went into 1800 ft strip was the shortest. Had good reverse. Watching them they looked like they would never get off the ground,but flying them you didn't feel the same way. I'm still flying today with an Air Carrier DC-10's and B-767's and think back fondly of them, even though one did kill a friend. Broke up in flight on a fire bombing mission in Washington.

Bob Gartshore, e-mail, 14.03.2010 00:51

How could you list the airforces of Belgium, Brazil, Ethiopia, India, Italy, Nationalist China and South Vietnam, and leave out Canada's RCAF? 35 of them with R3350 engines flew with 435 and 436 Squadrons. I flew 1169:20 in C119s with never an engine problem - into many rough fields too! But we had pregnant prop problems, and one reversed during a training flight!

Pete St.Jean, e-mail, 13.03.2010 04:22

how could you leave out the AC-119 G & K's? GUNSHIPS ???

Ed Culpepper, e-mail, 02.03.2010 16:45

I flew as an engineer on the C-82s @ Donaldson AFB and the C-119C,@ Sewart AFB, Ashiya Japan, and Haiphong, Indo-China. I found the old bird to be very reliable and never had a 4360 engine failure. The 12 hour ferrying flights from McClellan AFB to Hickham AFB on the way to Japan were often nail-biters because of prop and fuel problems. I miss those flights of the early fifties.

jacques a. hahn, e-mail, 24.02.2010 21:45

Assigned to Neubiberg AFB Germany with the 317th TCW and and got a lot of hours going c/c,didnt have a fear but who does when your 21,i thought it was a great bird

WV Chapman, e-mail, 21.02.2010 08:04

I flew as a Flight Mechanic for almost 8 years on our units C-119C's, C-119G's and C-119L's. The C-119C's were bad about electric main gear failures. I have manually hand cranked The main gear into lock many times. Never had a gear failure after we got the G's with hydraulic gear. I have also been on several with runaway props and lost an engine several times -- she will fly on one engine, but at full power is a handfull for both pilots and FM. I have flown the C-119 all over the world and loved every minute of it. Our unit got C-130E's in 1975 - I enjoyed the 8 years of my 31 year military career in the C-119 the best. Our unit was the very last unit to fly the C-119 in the US Air Force. We took 6 of our 8 to the boneyard in Sept. 1975. 53-8087 at Fort Bragg was our bird as well as 53-8084 at Little Rock AFB. My brother who was a Stan/Eval instructor pilot in our unit flew 8084 to Little Rock on it's last flight. Nothing matches the sound of a R4360 or R3350 Radial engine. All of our G's were converted to L's with Hamilton Standard 3 bladed props off of C-121 "Connies". The HS prop was much quieter than the Aeroproducts 4 bladed props of the G's and was more aerodynamically efficent. The biggest problem with the C-119 was if you had a full load of fuel you couldn't carry a lot of weight and vise versa. Even at that I loved flying that old bird.

Vic Esposito, e-mail, 09.02.2010 03:21

I worked on C-119s at the Fairchild factory in Hagerstown,Md and from 1951 to 1954 in the 60th TCW at Rein Main and Nubiberg Air Bases, Germany. Got to know that damned thing like the back of my hand. The planes had great names like "Miss Manookie" which were quickly erased after the new Asst. Secy of Defense (I believe her name was Rosenberg) took the job. What a morale deflater that was. Loved every minute of it though.

Bob Petsch, e-mail, 22.01.2010 21:02

I flew as a flt. mech on a C-119G in 1955-1956 at Ashiya,36th TCS. The only thing that happening was a severe backfire on our way to Thiland. When we landed in there we pulled the cowling and replaced a spark plug. Flew back a couple days, no problems. We called her "Miss Fitt" I met crew chief and Radio op. in 2007 for our first Reunion in Vages and again 2009. We sure loved that "Miss Fitt". we agreed that we would fly her again,given the chance.

Lou DeLuca, e-mail, 19.01.2010 22:34

I was staion at Ashiya AFB and flew as a radio operator in 61st troop carrier SQ.also known as the GREEN HORNETS..When the truce was signed some of us were assigned to fly to INDO CHINA via Clark field to deliver the C119 for use by the French air force.These C119s did the job until the French were defeated at Diem Ben Phu...

Tom Carrolan(Virgin), e-mail, 18.01.2010 10:29

I was a flight mech on the 119 stationed at George AFB 1956 -59 had many great experanies on them.from lost engine on take off to a landing gear not locking down on landing approuch with one engine fannig with no power output an making two go arounds fefor iI could get the nose gear kicked into lockdown .If the chance to fly in one came by today iI would be at the front of theline .

Charlie Gajewski, e-mail, 16.01.2010 21:57

Was a crew chief on C-119,53-855,at Stewart AFB. After working on C-123s & KC-97s at ShepardAFB,guessed that Fairchild corrected all their mistakes from the 119 with the 123. R-3350s were oil leakers, we always knew a 119 was by where it marked it's spot. My uncle flew on the A model for a short while during Korea. Prop feather button up on the overhead console, many went down by accident. Remember a Tech Order change moving the prop feather button. Ours were J models. As far as flying military transport, flew on C-130S & C-7S in Nam. Sure, noisy and shaky.So what! They were reliable. 119s were not able to fly on one engine,according to "the book". Well, seen many come back on one engine (yikes).
Many old timers claimed the 119 could sit on the ground and break. Mine was on the ground, except for aborted Check Flights, for over a month. Engine oil leaks. Engine shop loved my bird. Finally changed a 900hr+ engine & they flew the heck out of it. Yes, it was a dog but so were many of the old relics we were trying to keep flying in the sixties.
A bunch of us went to school in Ohio, "7" level. We could not figure out why but we were told about the "Shadow" program and it made sense.

Marvin Wood, e-mail, 13.01.2010 02:12

I flew on the c-119c/f model. It was relief to fly in after 2 years in the c-82. I was assigned to 60th Troop Carrier, 11th Troop Carrier Squadron at Rhein Main AFB, Germany. 1950-1953

Jerry Baird, e-mail, 07.01.2010 01:54

Flew it as a pilot 1949 to 1957 in the following models B,C, C?F F and G. It was great after the C-82. Liked the C/F best. Flew in the CG-15 behind it, too. Combat in Korea from Ashiya Japan Sep 50 to Feb 52. Dropped a weapons carrier and a 105 mm Howitzer at Munsan-Ni in Mar 51. Aircraft in front of me got shot down. Besides Ashiya, Sewart, Maini, Youngstown and Evreux AB France. About 2000 hours. Lost a lot of buddies in it, including my best man at my marriage. He was shot down by our own artillery just south of Sowan on an aireal resupply mission. Helped the Marines out of the Chosen Resevoir area in Dec 50. Dang heaters froze up - what a cold flight on one of the missions. Lots of prop blade severances cost a lot of lives in that era. It eventually became a reasonable aircraft especially after the reserves took it over and had continual maintenance from the ones who weren't always transferring after they learned the ins and outs of it. The vetrical and dorsel fins healped to keep aircraft ahead of the power courve on engine out flying.porbaly the most oimportant modification besides new prop.

Bob Penny, e-mail, 05.01.2010 02:34

I've been looking for comments about the "J" model;the one with the beaver tail. did medevac training for three years
in them and found them to bereliable,full of interesting experiences, and I definitely recall the rivets.

Chuck Sunder, e-mail, 05.01.2010 02:07

In 1955 I flew from Elmendorf AFB, Alaska to Sparrevohn AFS, Alaska as a passenger...never forget it....that bird rumbled and rattled...was glad to land on the uphill runway at Sparrevohn.

Chuck Lunsford, e-mail, 04.01.2010 21:19

I flew as a radio operator in C-119Gs with the 12th Troop Carrier Sq., based at Dreux/Louviellers in France from '56 to '59. I would like to remind the detracting non-aircrew clowns below that the C-119 was a Combat Cargo aircraft, designed to move and drop troops and large heavy equipment in support of the Army. The C-82 and C-119 were the first aircraft designed to be airlifters, and were not converted airliner designs. It was a workhorse and never designed or intended to be user friendly for passengers. It did its job very well, and served this country and a ton of Third World countries in both military and civilian applications for nearly 50 years. There are three still flying--N15501, start of "Flight of the Phoenix" now at Buckeye, AZ, and two restricted at Palmer, Alaska. Unfortunately, none of the AC-119G or AC-119K gunships survived the war in SEA.

Harry Van Den Heuvel, e-mail, 01.01.2010 17:48

I flew the C-119 as a flight mechanic with the 60th TCW, Rhein Main and later at New Castle Airbase with the 512th TCW (R). I liked the old bird and saw lots of interesting places, and a lot of exits out the rear doors.

Marty Noonan, e-mail, 14.12.2009 21:47

The USAF converted 52 C-119G models to (26) AC119G "Shadow" and (26) AC119K "Stinger" Gunships in 1968 for the Close Air Support mission in Vietnam to replace the AC47 Spooky Gunship. They were operational in the 14th Special Ops Wing (SOW) 17th SOS and 18th SOS from 1968 to 1973. Shadows were used for Close Air Support and Stingers primarily for Truck Killer Mission on Ho Chi Ming Trail. I flew the AC119G Shadow in '70-'71. All the Shadows were turned over to the Vietnamese Air Force in Sept. 71. The Stingers in 1972. Non survived the after the defeat of the South in 1975. It was a formidable gun platform. More Gunship History at: http://www.ac-119gunships.com/
The USAF mothballed the last Reserve and Air Nat. Guard C-119 transports in late 1974 to the boneyard in Tuscon, AZ. Some are still active fire-fighting aircraft in civilian life.

leo rudnicki, e-mail, 08.04.2009 03:20

Canada operated the Boxcar. My brother-in-law wore a red hat and jumped out of several of them. I wasn't so lucky. The engines were located next to the fuselage side amplifiers and the interior smelled of stomach contents. I didn't add to it but I wanted to.

Jimmy E. Grant, e-mail, 03.02.2009 17:24

I flew on the AC-119K Stinger Gunship. That was one fine bird. Our mission was shooting supply trucks over the trail in Vietnam durning 1970-71.

William Hill, e-mail, 20.11.2008 21:37

I was lucky to fly about 900 hrs in C-119 Cs & Gs. After flying RF-80s on active duty, it was a change. However I loved the old bird and feel that it has been knocked by those who don't really belong in military aircraft.

William Steely, e-mail, 07.09.2008 14:01

I've logged over 1100 hrs.,(7 yrs.reserve time) in this aircraft (C & G models). After being a jet instructor, it was a shock for a long time....& now with each passing year, the memories get more fonder.....& the problems are being forgotten.....Are any still flying anywhere?

Jerry Townsley, e-mail, 07.07.2008 23:15

Hi, Yes I have a comment, if you are going to have this site, and I really like it. I flew on them and worked on then for twenty years. YOU need to read it on some occasion and delete the assholes who are putting out the garbage above. Please keep this site clean!

Conquest, e-mail, 28.05.2008 03:32

I remember jumping out of this one at Ft Bragg departing from Pope AFB. The take off was always a scary experience.

'cookie', e-mail, 18.04.2008 23:05

The C-119 was manufactured by Fairchild at their Hagerstown, MD facility.

'cookie', e-mail, 18.04.2008 23:02

I well remember the hours spent riding in the web seats[?]
while watching quite a few rivets turning slowly in their holes. I figured if they ever stopped....we were going straight down.
There were many times when we made "unplanned" landings. Oh boy!!

'cookie', e-mail, 18.04.2008 23:00

I well remember the hours spent riding in the web seats[?]
while watching quite a few rivets turning slowly in their holes. I figured if they ever stopped....we were going straight down.
There were many times when we made "unplanned" landings. Oh boy!!

Pat, e-mail, 18.04.2008 20:55

I always had the feeling it landed at the same speed it flew

CLARMAN, e-mail, 18.04.2008 19:01

This hot-rod may have been labeled Flying Boxcar, but for those of us who flew this piece of insanity, we labeled it the Flying Crowbar. The USAF Drum and Bugle Corps who were passengers on far too many occasions came to hate iot. We had at least 3 occasions when we were lined up by the doors waiting for the green jump light, and none of us had jump training!

calum morris, e-mail, 16.02.2008 23:04

probably the fairchild works

Randy Wolfinger, e-mail, 14.08.2007 05:16

At what geographical location was this plane manufactured?

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