Formed 1938 and until 1940 was manufacturing parts
under subcontract for Liore et Olivier, Amiot, and Morane
types and overhauling Mureaux aircraft. First postwar production
aircraft was S.10 (French version of Arado 396,
for which the company had wartime responsibility).
 | S.10/S.11/S.12 |
versions were built in quantity. SIPA 901 (derived from S90 of 1947) flew 1948 and ordered by Government
for Service de I'Aviation Legere et Sportive. Minijet, flown
in 1952, was world's first all-metal 2-seat light jet; SIPA
300 was more conventional jet trainer. Later trainers and
light aircraft included Coccinelle 2-seater, and 5-seat turboprop
Antilope. Company was associated with production
of Caravelle, Mirage, Alouette, and Concorde, and
specialised in furnishing and equipping airliners. Taken
over by subsidiary of Aerospatiale.
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 All the World's Rotorcraft Virtual Aircraft Museum
S.10/S.11/S.12 S.901 S.200 Minijet S.300 S.2150 Antilope