Societe Nationale Industries Aerospatiale was formed January 1,1970 by French government decision, as a result of
Aerospatiale/BAC Concorde
merger of Sud-Aviation, Nord-Aviation, and SEREB. Thus became biggest aerospace company in Common Market on European Continent. Concorde supersonic transport developed in cooperation with British Aircraft Corporation Ltd.; Airbus A300 in cooperaton with international partners (see European Airbus
Aerospatiale AS.350 ''Ecureuil''
Aerospatiale AS.350 "Ecureuil"
and Airbus Industrie); and Transall turboprop-powered transport with MBB and VFW-Fokker. Aerospatiale products included N262 and Fregate high-wing light transports, and Corvette turbofan-powered light transport. Light piston-engined aircraft produced through subsidiary Socata. Helicopter activities covered design and production of
Aerospatiale AS.360 ''Dauphin''
Aerospatiale AS.360 "Dauphin"
several types, with more modern types including 5/6-seat Ecureuil, 10-seat Dauphin and Super Frelon (up to 37 seats). Agreements with Westland in UK covered joint development and production of Puma and Gazelle helicopters and Westland-designed Lynx. Main
Aerospatiale SA.330 ''Puma''
Aerospatiale SA.330 "Puma"
Aerospatiale organization then divided among Aircraft, Helicopter, Tactical Missiles, and Space and Ballistic Systems Divisions. Eurocopter formed 1992, with Aerospatiale and Daimler- Benz Aerospace of Germany having 60% and 40% respectively of Eurocopter Holding SA, which in turn owned
Aerospatiale SA.341/342 ''Gazelle''
Aerospatiale SA.341/342 "Gazelle"
75% of Eurocopter SA. Owns 37.9% of Airbus Industrie, and partner with Alenia of Italy in ATR. Company reorganized under Aerospatiale Group in 1998, with Aircraft and Space & Defense subsidiaries. Aircraft subsidiary includes Socata, Aerostructures, Aerospatiale Airbus and Aerospatiale ATR.

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CM.170 Magister / CM.175 Zephyr
SE-210 "Caravelle"
SN-600 "Corvette"