Societe Nationale Industries Aerospatiale was formed January
1,1970 by French government decision, as a result
 | "Concorde" |
merger of Sud-Aviation, Nord-Aviation, and SEREB. Thus
became biggest aerospace company in Common Market
on European Continent. Concorde supersonic transport
developed in cooperation with British Aircraft Corporation
Ltd.; Airbus A300 in cooperaton with international partners
(see European Airbus
 | Aerospatiale AS.350 "Ecureuil" |
and Airbus Industrie); and Transall
turboprop-powered transport with MBB and VFW-Fokker.
Aerospatiale products included N262 and Fregate high-wing
light transports, and Corvette turbofan-powered light
transport. Light piston-engined aircraft produced through
subsidiary Socata. Helicopter activities covered design and
production of
 | Aerospatiale AS.360 "Dauphin" |
several types, with more modern types including
5/6-seat Ecureuil, 10-seat Dauphin and Super Frelon
(up to 37 seats). Agreements with Westland in UK covered
joint development and production of Puma and Gazelle helicopters
and Westland-designed Lynx. Main
 | Aerospatiale SA.330 "Puma" |
organization then divided among Aircraft, Helicopter, Tactical
Missiles, and Space and Ballistic Systems Divisions.
Eurocopter formed 1992, with Aerospatiale and Daimler-
Benz Aerospace of Germany having 60%
and 40% respectively of Eurocopter Holding SA,
which in turn owned
 | Aerospatiale SA.341/342 "Gazelle" |
75% of Eurocopter SA. Owns
37.9% of Airbus Industrie, and partner with
Alenia of Italy in ATR. Company reorganized under
Aerospatiale Group in 1998, with Aircraft and Space &
Defense subsidiaries. Aircraft subsidiary includes Socata,
Aerostructures, Aerospatiale Airbus and Aerospatiale ATR.
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