Back Agusta A.105

Agusta A.105

First flown in 1964 the A.105 was again an original Agusta design. There were two models - the A.105 built as a two-seater and the A.105B as a four-seat variant. This small helicopter was designed from the start to simplify the manufacturing process and was powered by a Turbomeca-Agusta TA-230 turbine engine developing 350shp. The design also incorporated an Agusta-designed transmission. Cruising speed was around 210kph with a range of 320km. Both helicopters were targeted at the small commercial user but they never progressed further than the prototype stage.

P.Allen "The Helicopter", 1996

Agusta A.105

After the A.102, Agusta tackled other original designs and at the beginning of the sixties, the single-seat A.103 and two-seat A.104 were produced by the Cascina Costa works with a powerplant which was also original � the 140hp Agusta 1MV.

A few days after the first flight of the big A.101G, another original helicopter took to the air � the A.105, a light two-seater incorporating modern technical features designed to simplify construction enormously. The A.105 had a Turbomeca-Agusta TA-230 turbine engine with a reduction gear designed and built by Agusta. The helicopter was intended for liaison, aerial photography and high-speed transport. The four-seat variant of the same helicopter, the A.105B, was also displayed at the 1965 Paris Air Show. It had the same mechanical and structural parts as the two-seater, but a bigger cabin. Both models remained at the prototype stage.

G.Apostolo "The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Helicopters", 1984

Agusta A.105

Technical data for A.105

Crew + passengers: 1+1, engine: 1 x Turbomeca-Agusta TA-230 rated at 260kW, main rotor diameter: 9.0m, height: 2.60m, take-off weight: 1000kg, empty weight: 485kg, max speed: 210km/h, ceiling: 4750m, range: 320km

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