Mikoyan/Gurevich SM-12


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In its definitive form the ultimate extrapolation of the basic MiG-19 design, the SM-12 evolved, by a process of incremental modification, as a mixed-power point defence interceptor. As the MiG-19S was phased into service with the VVS mid-1956, the MiG OKB was continuing the refinement of the Izdeliye SM twin-engined fighter initiated in 1951 with the SM-1 (I-340). The SM-12 first saw life as an exercise in drag reduction by means of new air intake configurations, and the first of three prototypes, the SM-12/1, was essentially a MiG-19S with an extended and straight-tapered nose with sharp-lipped orifice and a pointed, two-position shock cone on the intake splitter.

SM-12PMU with a permanent U-19D ventral rocket pack

The third prototype, the SM-12/3, differed from its two predecessors primarily in discarding the paired AM-9B (RD-9B) engines for two R3-26 turbojets developed from the earlier power plant by V N Sorokin. These each offered an afterburning thrust of 3600kg, enabling the SM-12/3 to attain speeds ranging between 1430km/h at sea level, or Mach=1.16, and 1930km/h at 12000m, or Mach=1.8, and an altitude of between 17500 and 18000m during its test programme. This outstanding performance prompted further development with a view to production as a point defence interceptor.

Similarly powered by R3-26 engines and embodying major nose redesign with a larger orifice permitting introduction of a substantial two-position conical centrebody for a TsD-30 radar, a further prototype was completed as the SM-12PM. Discarding the wing root NR-30 cannon of preceding prototypes, the SM-12PM was armed with two K-5M (RS-2U) beam-riding missiles and entered flight test in 1957. This was joined at the end of 1958 by yet another prototype, the SM-12PMU. This had R3M-26 turbojets uprated to 3800kg with afterburning and augmented by a U-19D accelerator which took the form of a permanent ventral pack containing an RU-013 rocket motor and its propellant tanks. Developed by D D Sevruk, the RU-013 delivered 3000kg of thrust. With the aid of this rocket motor, the SM-12PMU attained an altitude of 24000m and a speed of Mach=1.69, but the decision had been taken meanwhile to manufacture the Ye-7 in series as the MiG-21P and further development of the SM-12 series was therefore discontinued.

Mikoyan/Gurevich SM-12A three-view drawing (1677 x 1167)

  Max. speed1720 km/h1069 mph
  Ceiling17400 m57100 ft
  Range1700 km1056 miles


John Doe, 22.06.2017 00:09

Someone should make a game that has prototype aircraft like this one. I would pay for that.


Dalhats Laudzafata Avicena, e-mail, 06.04.2014 15:44

Looks like Mig-21.


David Sanchez, e-mail, 21.08.2013 21:40

Do I have any comments about this aircraft? Hell yeah, it's the most beautiful, deadly, sexiest jet ever made!!!!


Nonya, e-mail, 09.02.2021 David Sanchez

It was a test example. It never went into combat or service. It was barely supersonic. It was very very far from Deadly... Its based on the MiG-19.


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