| During 1961, the MiG OKB initiated work on an
upgraded fighter based on the basic MiG-21PF airframe
and referred to contemporaneously as the MiG-23.
Assigned the OKB designation Ye-8, it featured a bifurcated
ventral air intake for the R-21F engine, which, developed
by N Metskhvarishvili, was rated at 4500kg and 7000kg with afterburning.
A variable-incidence canard spanning 2.60m was fitted - this having been earlier tested by a
Ye-6T - and it was proposed to install Sapfir 21 radar to
accompany an armament of two K-13 AAMs. The first of
two prototypes, the Ye-8/1, was flown on 17 April 1962,
followed on 29 June by the Ye-8/2. On 11 September, the
R-21F engine of the Ye-8/1 exploded at Mach=1.7 at
10000m. It was subsequently ascertained
that the sixth compressor stage fan had penetrated the
engine casing and had then continued on to destroy the
starboard aileron. At this time, the Ye-8/2 had effected
13 flights, but the programme was abandoned.
Take-off weight | 8200 kg | 18078 lb |
Wingspan | 7.15 m | 23 ft 5 in |
Length | 14.90 m | 49 ft 11 in |
Wing area | 23.13 m2 | 248.97 sq ft |
Max. speed | 2230 km/h | 1386 mph |
Ceiling | 20000 m | 65600 ft |
 | A three-view drawing (1675 x 1070) |
Aracely, e-mail, 29.03.2024 12:12 One Of The Biggest Mistakes That People Make When Using Kayleigh Pornstar kayleigh pornstar reply | Brokenhome83@gmail.com, 18.02.2022 22:31 Start the E8 back up in service,all that needed to change was the front of fighter.try it back again,,then compare it to others around the glob,globe, worth a try,next sixth generation!! reply | dalhats laudzafata avicena, e-mail, 04.01.2014 17:25 But i think mig ye 8 body is smiliar mig 21,and the canard reminds me with the eurofighter thyphoon. reply | Dalhats Laudzafata Avicena, e-mail, 19.12.2013 17:10 Yes,its like an yf-107 with the intake move to bottom. reply |
| charlesAllen, e-mail, 09.05.2012 23:49 Excellent plane design,reminds me of the north american aircraft's expermental jet f-107a simliar air intake and around the same era reply | pkpatriot, 30.03.2012 02:25 If only they had furthered the development the world might be different reply | Gepard, 16.11.2011 20:16 The Ye-8 was intendet for mass production as MiG-23. But engine problems delayed the program. The soviets had not had an other engine of the wished thrust which fitted into the Ye-8, so the program was canceled in favor of the MiG-23 swing wing design. If you look to the "Projekt 33" from 80th, then the Ye-8 was reborn as a mixture of Ye-8 and F-16. The chinese FC-1 is the successor of this development line. reply |
jorge castiblanco, e-mail, 27.09.2011 01:15 aun se ve muy moderno este avion lastima que los rusos no hubieran seguido su desarrollo es muy parecido al eurofighter typhoon yo no se como hicieron para no enredarse con tanto relojito reply | BURK, e-mail, 11.05.2011 04:08 its not imitation, this was FAR before the f-16, when convair was still building bombers and before general dynamics had even developed the f-111, the f-15 looks like the mig-25 because that was the best layout for that mission role, the f-15 was not a copy at all but a complete misunderstanding of the foxbats role, and based on wild perceptions the US had about it. and when you look at them side by side they look nothing alike, things like this, the concord and the tu-144, the shuttle and the buran, etc, only look similar if you dont pay attention to the details reply | Fireclown, e-mail, 14.03.2011 12:11 Imitation is the highest form of flattery reply | Todd, e-mail, 07.12.2010 07:44 Well looks like the Brits and French took this fighter idea and made the Euro Fighter with it. Funny how we would say the Soviets were copying us but we do the same look at the McDonnell Douglas F-15 Eagle it is essentially a copy of the Mig-25 Foxbat just with better maneuverability and better weapons load. Everybody copy's everybody else and complains when it looks like theirs. reply | Nikos J. Farsaris, e-mail, 15.05.2010 06:12 Mikoyan E-8 (in russian Ye-8)
was an experimental fightr (interceptor actually) may not intended to be in production.
A test subject as many X-fighters in USA
The tandem triplne (Canard Wing Stabilisers) are enough to cosider this as a super performer but also a difficult plane to fly. (by 1960 standards).
Tandem triplane also were used in Su-37 Su-47 (Foward swet wing) None of them in production.
Tandem triplale is dificult to fly even with modern diital Fly-by-ligt systems. reply | Landa, e-mail, 26.04.2010 04:22 I found this aircraft very resemblant to the Chinese Chengdu J-10, and pretty enough for a 60's aircraft. Although, it actually looks like crap. reply | Xenostrike 06, e-mail, 28.11.2009 18:14 Il-76 is a copy of Globemaster... what teh hell ... IL-76 flown faaar before anything called "C-17 Globemaster" born..when that Globemaster born in 1991..IL-76 production already reached some 600 aircrafts.
now it's obvious who lacked the brain capacity here... if you still wish Copy to Copy stuff... try something better like C-141 iiIi< reply |
| Nikos J. Farsaris., 07.09.2009 05:17 Think about the dates again! 1 9 6 1 ! Then USSR was looking for a much more capable aircraft. Mikoyan-Gurevitch OKB was occupied on MiG 23 /27 variable geometry wing fighter bomber studies and the MIG-25 This was a real fighter that frightened NATO. YE-8 after all was an experimental aircraft (a modification of Mig -21) like delta winged F-16 modifications that never got in production or a 2.8 Mach modification of RF-4E Phantom (SR-71 was ready at the time so was Mig 25) reply | TheBluewaterII, 04.09.2009 13:43 I do miss the comment saying that this a /c is a copy of the Eurofighter! Too many people are always saying things like this while proving nothing but low brain efficiency. Look at the Il-76: "copy of Globemaster"... reply | jack elo, e-mail, 19.06.2009 02:49 Instead of upgrading existing fighters, the russians should put money into new fighters with stealth capabilities along the lines of the F-22.Examples of such fighters are the MiG 1.44 and Su-47 that might actually stand a chance against the F-22. reply | jack elo, e-mail, 19.06.2009 02:49 Instead of upgrading existing fighters, the russians should put money into new fighters with stealth capabilities along the lines of the F-22.Examples of such fighters are the MiG 1.44 and Su-47 that might actually stand a chance against the F-22. reply | Nikos J. Farsaris, 03.05.2009 01:03 And I agree with Ross, but think about the dates! Soviets had in had MiG 23 /27 with the same performance and much greater range-load and MiG-25 a trisonic Interceptor / Reconn /Strategic bomber. They already had about 10-12000 light fighters (Mig-21) so another one was of no use.
Hint ... Chinese J-10 was acutally built of E-8 as fas as J-8 was built on Soviet E-150 /152 residual studies... reply | ross, e-mail, 12.03.2009 16:59 I agree with Mixofal, it's a combination between F-16,Eurofughter Thypoon, MiG-21 (the basic aircraft form /airframe) and MiG-23 /27 in term of foldable ventral fin. I wonder why Soviet government (at that time) didn't make this modification a definitive fighter aircraft ? reply |
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