Billy R Leon, e-mail, 29.09.2020 19:12 Without any disrespect intended against Francis Maign (above), the following specifications are included for the Arado Ar.67 in English. It was a single-seat fighter prototype introduced in 1933. It was abandoned in favor of the Ar.68 after only 1 prototype had been built. It was powered by one Rolls-Royce Kestrel VI 12-cylinder (V-12) liquid-cooled piston engine that was rated at 525hp. The maximum speed of this aircraft was approximately 183 mph (295 kph) and had a service ceiling of 9,300 meters (30,510 feet), and a fuel range of approximately 210 miles. It mounted two MG17 7.92mm machine-guns that were fixed and forward firing through synchronization gear on the engine cowling. It carried a crew of 1. reply |
Francis Maign�, e-mail, 21.12.2009 16:36 Ar 67 Monomoteur de chasse, monoplace � ciel ouvert, sesquiplan � plan inf�rieur d�cal� vers l'arri�re, contrevent� par deux pai res de m�ts en N inclin�s vers l'avant et hauban�, monod�rive, empennage horizontal classique d�port� vers l'arri�re et contrevent�, train d'atterrissage fixe car�n� � jambes ind�pendantes et b�quille de queue. Construction classique: tubes d'acier soud�s, bois et entoilage. 1 moteur tractif de 12 cylindres RR Kestrel VI de 525 Cv, h�lice bipale � pas fixe, E: 9,68 m, L: 7,90 m, H : 3,10 m, Sa : 25,06 m�, Pv: 1270 Kg, Ptc: 1660 Kg, C /a: 66,241 Kg /m�, P /p: 3,161 Kg /Cv, Vm: 340 Kmh, Vc: 300 Kmh � 3000 m, d'atter rissage : 95 Kmh, Vasc.: 1000 m en 1 mn 30, Pl: 9300 m, Armement: 2 Mt MG 17 de 7,92 m /m de capot synchronis�es. 1933. 1 seul prototype. reply |