Hanriot HD.1


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Hanriot HD.1

The first fighter to be produced by the Societe anonyme des Appareils d'Aviation Hanriot, the HD.1 was designed by Emile Dupont and was built in the summer of 1916. Powered by a 100hp Le Rhone rotary engine and carrying an armament of one synchronised 7.7mm Vickers machine gun (although a few aircraft were later to be fitted with two Vickers guns), the HD.1 was an extremely compact and agile single-seat fighter. Appearing later than the SPAD S.VII which was already in production, it was not ordered by France's Aviation militaire. It was adopted by Italy, however, and licence manufacture was undertaken by the Societa Nieuport Macchi which delivered 125 to the Aeronautica del Regio Esercito in 1917, 706 in 1918, and a further 70 after the Armistice. The HD.1 was also adopted by Belgium, to which country Hanriot supplied 79 fighters of this type from August 1917. The HD.1 continued in service in both Italy and Belgium into the mid-'twenties. In 1921, Switzerland purchased 16 from Italian war surplus stocks and retained these in service until 1930.

Hanriot HD.1

 ENGINE1 x Le Rhone 9Jb, 120 hp
  Take-off weight652 kg1437 lb
  Empty weight446 kg983 lb
  Wingspan8.70 m29 ft 7 in
  Length5.85 m19 ft 2 in
  Height2.94 m10 ft 8 in
  Wing area18.20 m2195.90 sq ft
  Max. speed184 km/h114 mph
  Ceiling6000 m19700 ft
  Range360 km224 miles

Hanriot HD.1A three-view drawing (800 x 574)

Noel Brathway, 12.10.2017 18:51

I used this site for hwork 2 :)


kylee, e-mail, 20.01.2012 04:39

thanks for this website i got lot of research done...so thank you:) this is for my history project


Chris, 01.04.2011 04:52

Belgium's leading ace and champion balloon-buster S.Lt Willy Coppens, 9e Escadrille, scored many of his 37 victories in the HD1.


Giuseppe, 09.02.2011 11:01

The italian ace Silvio Scaroni flew with such plane in WWI.


Steve, e-mail, 17.05.2010 16:48

The US Navy also purchased a few of these at the end of WW1. An example can be seen at the Naval Air Museum at Pensacola, FL.


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