Helwan HA-300


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Helwan HA-300

Originally conceived to meet a Spanish Ejercito del Aire requirement for a small M=1.5 interceptor and the design responsibility of a Germano-Spanish team supervised by Prof Willy Messerschmitt, the HA-300 programme was transferred to Egypt. Here development and construction was undertaken in Factory No 36 at Helwan, this being controlled by the Egyptian General Aero Organisation (EGAO). Originally designed for the proposed afterburning Orpheus BOr 12 turbojet, the HA-300 was modified for the Brandner-designed E-300 with a calculated afterburning rating of 4800kgp. The first prototype, powered by a 2200kgp Orpheus 703-S-10, was flown on 7 March 1964, a similarly-powered second prototype flying on 22 July 1965. The definitive third prototype with the E-300 engine commenced taxi trials in November 1969, but the HA-300 programme was then terminated without flight testing of this prototype being undertaken. It was anticipated that the E-300-powered HA-300 would be capable of attaining 12000m and M=2.0 within 2.5 min of take-off. The Orpheus-powered prototypes achieved approx M=1.13 during flight test.

Helwan HA-300A three-view drawing (1613 x 1190)

  Wingspan5.84 m19 ft 2 in
  Length12.40 m41 ft 8 in
  Height3.15 m10 ft 4 in
  Wing area16.70 m2179.76 sq ft
  Max. speed1490 km/h926 mph

Helwan HA-300

Comments1-20 21-40
Moustafa Abdel-Wahab, e-mail, 27.01.2010 18:21

One of the projects killed by incompetancy and lack of money, and what else the west supremacy !!


R. Barr�n Medrano, e-mail, 18.01.2010 00:24

Proyectado como interceptor supers�nico,HA-300, para Mach.2 de ala delta.
Inicialmente se costruy� en la Hispano Aviaci�n la maqueta de madera(pintada en rojo)a escala 1:1, como planeador.El morro en metal y el resto en contrachapado de
Vol�, el 25-VI-1959, en San Pablo (Sevilla),, pilotado por Pedro Santa Cruz,remolcado por un CASA C-2111 (He-111).
Se vendi� el proyecto completo con toda ladocumentaci�n t�cnica, a la RAU,con fuselaje,ala y superficie de cola, tomas de aire y cabina.
El primero vol� en El Cairo el 7-XI-1964 y el segundo el
a�o 1965 con motor Bristol Orpheus 703, seleccionado por la
Hispano Aviaci�n.
Se abandon� el proyecto del cuarto prototipo como conse_
cuencia de la Guerra de los Seis D�as.


ahed osama, e-mail, 15.12.2009 19:52

Mohamed Bahaa it's because the 67 war,Israel tried to break the Egyptian plans in every thing that had could been made in this time


Yahia Al Shaer, e-mail, 29.11.2009 20:31

There were thre units

HA-300 V.1 (Versuchsmodel 1)

This was the unit, where modifications on the fuselage were implemented and other corrections to the structure itself

HA-300 V.2 (Versuchsmodel 2)

This was the , which flew SUPERSONIC and you can see its photos as well within the link, I write at the bottom of my lines

HA-300 V.3 (Versuchsmodel 3)

This was the (pre-series production) unit

The HA-300 V.1 is being displyed in the Deutsches Museum - Oberschleissheim

The Ha-300 V.2 and V.3 are still in Cairo .....

yahiaalshaer.com /YS-H300-200-1.htm

You can see the Gentleman on the towing truck and is waving with his arm ..

He is the one, "Moustafa Abdel-Wahab" who mentioned, that he was working himself on the co-development of that great fighte A /C

Yahia Al Shaer


The Tutorial, e-mail, 02.02.2009 15:49

One of the best Megaupload searchers and download centers is megaupload.name / I have downloaded lots of files out of there- you can do it to!


lxbfYeaa, e-mail, 14.03.2024 The Tutorial



Ziad, e-mail, 28.11.2008 03:20

can anyone help me know how to become a fighter pilot in Egypt?
I know it sounds silly.. but I never really knew.



lxbfYeaa, e-mail, 14.03.2024 Ziad



abcdef, e-mail, 14.07.2008 17:12

it is the old time
can not return


Moustafa Abdel-Wahab, e-mail, 11.04.2008 16:57

I have worked myself on that great airplane at the Helwan plant, it is a pitty that it was not produced.


Aviator, e-mail, 28.03.2008 19:38

an informative article about Helwan-300,
www.e-sac.org /articles /scripts /article.php?id=13&tit=Helwan-300%3A+The+Egyptian+Interceptor+Project&cat=avart


Marc, e-mail, 19.02.2008 14:21

I liked this fighter, a nice effort by Egypt with its foreign partners to bring it to the fore. Mind you, I don't think it's fair to say France took its inspiration from it - more the other way around, as the Mirage III started development in the mid 1950's


Mohamed Bahaa, e-mail, 15.11.2007 03:03

I also have a very confusing contradiction, nearly all references state that the first maiden flight for HA-300 was on 1964, but the indian test pilot who flew the aircraft says the flight was on 1963, so where's teh truth ??
www.bharat-rakshak.com /IAF /History /1960s /Kapil-HA300.html


Mohamed Bahaa, e-mail, 15.11.2007 03:01

Thank you so much for your reply, but let me get this clear, you want to say Helwan 200 and 300 are two variants with two diferent uses but they're the same aircraft ??


mahamed, 10.09.2007 15:18

this is ALQAHIRA-300 not HELWAN
HELWAN is a premier traning plane with front engine

but ALQAHIRA was have 2 versions :
1- ALQAHIRA-200 FOR essintial traning with 2 seats
2- ALQAHIRA-300 for ground support


Mohamed Bahaa, e-mail, 27.08.2007 17:33

I have visited the no. 36 factory in Egypt myself, i heard this aircraft was something to be proud of in its times, i even heard that the French took their ispiration for Mirages fromthis aircraft, the question is: Why was the program terminated??? with no resumes after ????


1-20 21-40

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