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Purtse, Estonia. Purtse vassal castle
Purtse vassal castle
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Purtse vassal castle

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Purtse vassal castle contains elements of archaic fortified manor house, medieval stronghold and the advancing Renaissance-style palace. The castle was built in the middle of the 16th century, probably by the then owner of Purtse manor Johann Taube (Tuve).

The functional concept of the 3-storey castle with a western corner tower is derived from tower castles. In Purtse as well, the lower floor was used as a storage, the second was for living and the upper floor had the defensive function. Unlike tower castles and rather resembling fortified manor houses, the floors have not only one but up to three rooms.

The entrance lay on the second floor. A two-storey wooden building probably stood in front of it, and the entrance to the castle was on its second floor. Staircase led to the lower floor whereas it was possible to get to the upper floor only by means of a ladder, which was pulled up in case of danger.

The basement floor contained a hypocaust system that was supposed to heat the second-storey hall. In addition, the eastern wall of the second-floor hall had a fireplace. One of the smaller rooms on the same floor was heated by a stove, the other with a fireplace.

After the Northern War Purtse was joined to Püssi manorial complex and developed into its auxiliary business. Purtse vassal castle was entirely abandoned after 1940. It was restored as a cultural center between 1987 and 1990.

The castle is located on the eastern shore of the Purtse river in Lüganuse municipality.

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Purtse vasallilinnus on omapärane kindlusehitis, mis kätkeb endas elemente arhailisest majalinnusest, keskaegsest kantsist ja pealetungivat renessanss-stiili esindavast lossist. Ehitatud on linnus 16. saj. keskel arvatavasti Purtse mõisa tolleaegse omaniku Johann Taube (Tuve) poolt.

Kolmekorruselise, läänepoolse nurgatorniga linnuse funktsionaalne kontseptsioon pärineb tornlinnustelt. Purtseski oli alumine korrus kasutusel nn. moonakorrusena, II elukorrusena ning ülemine kaitsekorrusena. Erinevalt tornlinnustest ja sarnasemalt majalinnustega pole korrused aga mitte üheruumilised, vaid koosnevad koguni kolmest toast.

Sissepääs linnusesse asus II korrusel ning oletatavasti asus selle ees kahekorruseline puithoone, mille II korruselt läks käik linnusesse. Linnuses viis alumisele korrusele müüritrepp, ülemisele pääses aga üksnes redeli abil, mis ohu korral üles tõsteti. Soklikorrusel asus II korruse saali kütmiseks mõeldud hüpo-kaustahi. Lisaks oli II korrusel saali idaseinas ka kamin. Sama korruse üht väiksemat tuba köeti ahjuga, teist kaminaga.

Pärast Põhjasõda ühendati Purtse Püssi mõisaga ja kujunes selle abimajandiks. Hüljatud 1940, restaureeriti Purtse linnus 1987-1990 kultuurikeskuseks.

Asub Lüganuse vallas Purtse jõe idakaldal.