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Padise, Estonia. Padise monastery
Padise monastery
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Padise monastery

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The predecessor of the Padise monastery was a chapel built around 1250 by the Dünamünde Cistercian monks. More extensive construction, however, started only in 1317 when the Danish King Erik Menved granted permission to erect a monastery. The Cistercians had previously sold their Dünamünde monastery on Latvian territory, and settled at Padise.

The predominantly wooden buildings dating from that time were destroyed in the course of the St. George's Night Uprising. By that time the foundations had nevertheless been completed, and work continued in the second half of the 14th century. The monastery followed the example of convent-type order castles - a covered walk (cloister) joined the rooms situated around the quadrangle. Construction work dragged on for a long time - over 200 years. The consecration ceremony took place in 1448.

By that time, the forecourt in front of the monastery gate was completed. Although it was protected by a powerful front gate tower and the three-storey tower house, the monastery owned by the Livonian Order since 1559, was nevertheless further fortified during the Livonian War. Especially extensive construction work was carried out by the Russians who were in possession of Padise between 1576 and 1580. They demolished the cloisters and used the material for building the front fortifications in the northern and southern part, primarily designated for firearms. The mightiest of those were the two towers for firing guns. The number of embrasures was also increased, limestone cannon bases were set up, and a well was dug in the westward forecourt.

In 1622 Gustav II Adolf donated the monastery to the mayor of Riga Thomas von Ramm who adapted it for living purposes. The church was divided by a ceiling, a kitchen with a mantle chimney was built, living rooms were provided with tiled stoves, and windows and doors were enlarged. The Ramms lived in the monastery until the end of the 18th century until their new Baroque manor house was completed nearby.

Padise monastery is situated by the Haapsalu road, 21 km south-west from Keila, at the banks of the Kloostri river.

About 1 km south of the Padise monastery ruins, on a cape of a river bend lies an ancient Estonian castle site, known under the name of Old Town Hill.

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Padise kloostri eellaseks oli kabel, mille ehitasid siia Dünamünde tsistertslastest mungad u. 1250. a. paiku. Suuremad ehitustööd algasid 1317. a., kui Taani kuningalt Erik Menvedilt saadi luba kloostri rajamiseks. Eelnevalt olid tsistertslased 1305. a. maha müünud oma Dünamünde kloostri, mis asus Läti alal, ja Padisele ümber asunud.

Tol ajal valdavalt puidust ehitised hävisid Jüriöö ülestõusu ajal. Selleks ajaks olid siiski juba valminud kavatise vundamendid ning 14. saj. II poolel tööd jätkusid. Klooster järgis konvendilaadsete ordulinnuste eeskuju ning selle nelinurkse sisehoovi ümber koondunud ruume ühendas võlvitud galerii (ristikäik). Ehitamine jätkus pikalt - üle 200 aasta. Põhihoonestiku pühitsemistseremoonia leidis aset 1448. a.

Kuigi selleks ajaks oli välja ehitatud kloostrivärava ees asuv eesõu, mida kaitsesid võimas eesvärava-torn ja kolmekorruseline elutorn, kindlustati 1559. a. Liivimaa Ordu poolt üle võetud kloostrit veel Liivi sõja ajalgi. Eriti ulatuslikke ehitustöid tegid siin venelased, kes olid Padise peremeesteks aastail 1576-1580. Ristikäikude lammutamisest saadud materjaliga rajasid nad põhja- ja lõunaossa eelkõige tulirelvade paigutamiseks mõeldud eeskindlustused, mille võimsaimateks ehitisteks olid kaks haakpüssitorni. Lisaks suurendati ka laskeavade arvu, ehitati paekivist suurtükipesad ning kloostri läänepoolsesse eeshoovi kaevati kaev.

1622. a. kinkis Gustav II Adolf kloostri Riia linnapeale Thomas von Rammile, kes kohandas selle elamiseks. Kirikuruum poolitati vahelaega, rajati mantelkorstnaga köök, eluruumidesse ehitati kahhelahjud, akna- ja ukseavad murti suuremaks. Von Rammid käsutasid kloostrit elamiseks kuni 18. saj. lõpuni, kuni selle kõrval valmis nende uus barokkstiilis mõisahoone.

Padise klooster asub Haapsalu mnt. ääres, 21 km Keilast edelas Kloostri jõe kaldal.

Padise kloostri varemetest umbes 1 km lõuna pool asub jõekääru neemikul muistne eestlaste linnusekoht, mida hüütakse Vanalinna mäeks.