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Harju county, Estonia.
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The castle, popularly also known as Monk's Tower, was probably built by the local manor lord F. von Tiesenhausen around the year 1520. The tower castle became narrower conically, which was quite exceptional in Old Livonia, had four storeys and only one entrance closed by a bolted beam. The entrance was protected by a courtyard with service buildings surrounded by a limestone wall, acting as a kind of outer ward that has not survived.

Nothing but the second storey was used as living quarters - and only in times of war. In addition to a fireplace and dansker also found on other floors, these quarters had a bed alcove in the wall. The rest of the storeys fulfilled a purely defensive purpose, exhibiting embrasures of 11 different shapes. The inserted ceilings are vaulted, with the exception of the beam ceiling between the third and fourth floor. Wall staircase leads from one storey to the next. What makes the Kiiu tower castle unique in the Baltic countries is the defensive passage around the third storey supported by posts - the hoarding (reconstructed).

The castle was destroyed during the Livonian War and restored in 1973. Today the tower accommodates a museum and a bar. The tower is situated at the 38 th kilometre on the Tallinn-St. Petersburg road in the Kiiu manor house park.

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Rahvasuus ka Mungatornina tuntud linnus rajati oletatavasti 1520. a. paiku kohaliku mõisniku F. von Tiesenhauseni poolt. Koonusekujuliselt ülespoole aheneval (Vana-Liivimaal erandlik) tornlinnusel on kokku neli korrust ja vaid üks riivpalgiga suletav sissepääs. Viimast kaitses omamoodi eeslinnusena praeguseks hävinud majandushoov, mida piiras paekivist müür.

Eluruumina - ja sedagi vaid sõja korral - kasutati II korrust, kus lisaks kaminale ja danskerile, mis esinevad ka ülejäänud korrustel, on seina ehitatud voodinišš. Ülejäänud korrused on puht kaitseotstarbelised, millest annavad tunnistust ka 11 erineva kujuga laskeava. Korruste vahelaed (välja arvatud III ja IV korruse vaheline talalagi) on võlvitud. Ühelt korruselt teisele pääseb müüritreppi mööda. Kiiu tornlinnuse muudab aga Baltimaades erandlikuks III korrust ümbritsev, taladele toetuv kaitsekäik - nn. urdaaž (rekonstrueeritud).

Linnus purustati Liivi sõja ajal, taastati 1973. a. Praegu on tornis muuseum ja baar. Torn asub Tallinn-Peterburi mnt. 38. kilomeetril Kiiu mõisa pargis.