Chance Vought and Sikorsky Aircraft Division of United Aircraft Corporation formed as result of April 1939 reorganisation within UAC, upon which Chance Vought moved headquarters to Stratford, Connectictut. From 1936 concentrated primarily upon manufacture for the US Navy, major programs including the SB2U Vindicator scout-bomber, OS2U Kingfisher observation aircraft, and F4U Corsair single-seat naval fighter. Of the massive production of the wartime Corsair, which continued until 1952, Vought alone built more than 7,700. Vought-Sikorsky products
Sikorsky XPBS / VS-44 Excalibur
XPBS / VS-44
at this time included the Sikorsky-designed VS- 43 and VS-44 flying-boats and the historic VS-300, the world's first fully practical helicopter, from which the production R-4 and R-5 and later designs were developed. Vought and Sikorsky were reconstituted in January 1943 as separate manufacturing divisions of UAC, so that Sikorsky could concentrate on helicopter development and Vought on combat aircraft, primarily the F4U and OS2U. After the war, Chance Vought Aircraft Division moved to Dallas, Texas, in 1948-1949, and produced its first jet fighter for the US Navy, the F6U Pirate. On 1 July 1954 the company became independent of UAC, under the new name of Chance Vought Aircraft Inc.

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XPBS / VS-44