Name was that of F. W. Siebel (1891-1954), associated
with early sport-flying in Germany and who helped form
the Klemm company, for which he took charge of
new works at Halle (Saale). In 1937 Siebel established
own company as Flugzeugwerke Halle GmbH (q.v.), later
renamed as above. First aircraft was Fh 104 5-passenger
monoplane of 1937. Si 201 was experimental military reconnaissance aircraft; Si 202 Hummel of 1938 a sideby-
side 2-seater. In Second World War Siebel contributed
to production of standard German military types; also built
own Si 204 communications aircraft, though this was
mainly built by SNCAC in France. After war produced
Si 222 Super-Hummel and 3-seat Si 308. As member of
Nordflug group helped with Noratlas.
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