ShinMaywa became the title of the Kawanishi company after reestablishment in October 1949 as overhaul center for Japanese and U.S. aircraft. Also made components for other constructors, developed reengined de Havilland Heron, but after contract in January 1966 directed attention especially to new marine aircraft. Rebuilt a Grumman Albatross as a dynamically similar flying model for projected very large STOL ASW flying-boat for Japanese Maritime Self Defense Force. The latter type developed as four-turboprop PS-1, but later also as U.S.-1 amphibious search-and-rescueaircraft. PS-1 flew October 1967; U.S.- 1 October 1974. First prototype PS-1 converted later as waterbombing test vehicle. Basic type remarkable for low take-off and landing speeds, achieved by boundary-layer control system and large flaps for slipstream deflection. Company also carries out major subcontract work for advanced Mitsubishi and Kawasaki aircraft, and manufactures components for Boeing 717/ 757/ 767/ 777 and Gulfstream bizjets.

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