This important manufacturer has constructed the majority of Chinese fighters, fighter-bombers and jet trainers since the 1950s, including the JJ-2 two-seat jet trainer variant of the Soviet MiG-15UTI, J-5 variants of the MiG-17F and PF from 1956 to 1959, J-6 variants of MiG-19, JJ-6 trainers, and an enlarged and twin-engined development of the Chengdu J-7 known as J-8 Finback (first flown July 1969), which was still being developed in improved versions in the latter 1990s. Undertakes Chinese assembly of the Russian Sukhoi Su-27 fighter, for Chinese service as the J-11, and produces components for Airbus, Boeing, de Havilland, and LockheedMartin transports.

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