Located at Felixstowe, Suffolk, its products being identified by initial F. Particularly associated with Squadron Commander J. C. Porte, RNAS, who assumed command of the Felixstowe station in September 1915. Porte had started aeronautical work in 1909; his interest in flying-boats led him to join Curtiss, in U.S.A., during 1914. Before taking command at Felixstowe had flown Curtiss flying-boats on operations, and set out to improve them. Felixstowe F.1 had wings and tail of Curtiss H.4 but Porte hull. F.2 was comparable development of H.12, and further improved as F.2A and used extensively from late 1917. Porte Baby was early 3-engined type, from one of which a Bristol Scout was air-launched in May 1916. F.3 was larger than F.2A, but though built in quantity was less highly regarded. Some were built in Malta Dockyard, others by British contractors. Some completed as further rleveloped F.5, a type also used by U.S. Navy and Japan. Felixstowe Fury was very large 5- engined type, flown (and wrecked) after Armistice.

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