Primarily designers and makers of sailplanes, one of which (SGS 2-32) fitted with piston engine was tested by Lockheed Aircraft Corporation as Q-Star for 'quiet reconnaissance' in Vietnam. On Q-Star was based the Lockheed YO-3A, using Schweizer wings and tail, new fuselage and muffled engine. Company also built for Grumman the Ag-Cat agricultural biplane, later for Gulfstream, before acquiring rights in 1981 (Ag-Cat subsequently produced by Ag-Cat Corporation). In 1972 acquired rights for Teal light amphibian, but in 1976 sold them to Teal Aircraft Corporation. Makes fuselage assemblies for Piper Aircraft Corporation and structures for Bell Helicopters. Became license-holder for Hughes 300 helicopter in 1983, producing piston-engined three-seat Model 300C from 1984 to present day and developing new 3/4-seat Model 330 turboshaft-powered helicopter (first flown June 1988); also supports Hughes Model 269s. In 1986 flew the SA 2-37A low-noise special-missions aircraft suited to surveillance and other roles, followed in May 1995 by a radical twin-boom SA 2-37A conversion known as SA 2-38A, two joining the U.S. Coast Guard as RU-38A Twin Condors for covert patrol and surveillance (one by conversion, one built as new).

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