In 1909 the well-known company Luftschifflan Schutte- Lanz was established to build airships. This company's Luftfahrzeugbau was founded in 1915 at Zeesen, near Konigswusterhausen, Brandenburg, in recognition of the fact that airships must be supplemented by aeroplanes. The C-1 of 1915 had an unconventional engine installation; D-III built in 1916 was a single-seat fighter. Company built the Ago-Flugzeugwerke two-seat C.IV in quantity. Had studied 'giant' aircraft and was included in 1916 R-plane 'giant' programme. Contract awarded for six Staaken bombers. R.27-29 delivered late 1917 and became operational; three other Staaken machines (R.84- 86) unfinished at Armistice. Company also made special equipment (e.g. bomb gear and engine-room telegraphs) for other builders of giants, but own ambitious twin-boom project of 1917 remained unrealised. After aircraft work ended company remained as plywood manufacturer.

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