Formed at Dachau, near Munich, in 1951 by Egon Scheibe, who at first built gliders designed by Scheibe in Austria. His Sperling two-seat light high-wing monoplane first flew August 1955, and was developed with new wing and tail as SF-23A and built in numbers until 1963. SF-24A Motorspatz built from 1959. SF-25 Motorfalke licencebuilt from 1970 by Slingsby Sailplanes Ltd in UK as Type 61 Falke. SF-28A Tandem-Falke tandem two-seat motorglider no longer offered. Currently available are the SF-25C Falke 2000 and Rotax-Falke two-seat motorgliders, and the SF-40 two-seat lightplane (first flown 1994), the latter originally offered in A and B versions with tailwheel undercarriages, but the latest version isthe SF-40- C-Allround with a nosewheel undercarriage. SF-34B Delphin now produced in France as the S.N. Centrair Alliance 34 two-seat glider, while the SF-36 R two-seat motorglider is also expected to go into production in France.

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