Founded 1912 at Billancourt, Seine, by Emile Salmson (1859-1917) to develop radial type watercooled engines jointly designed by Canton and Unne as installed in French, British and Russian aircraft. In late 1915 turned to airplane construction. First was unorthodox Salmson- Moineau SM-1 of 1916, designed by Rene Moineau, with "buried" engine and twin tractor propellers. The Type 2 conventional two-seat reconnaissance tractor biplane was tested early 1917, with Salmson (Canton-Unne) engine. As the 2A2 it served with French and U.S. squadrons and 2,300 were built. At Armistice 2A2 converted to Limousine, used by several European airlines. In mid-1930s turned to light aircraft, producing D6 Cricri parasol monoplane with small Salmson air-cooled radial engine (see Societe Franaaise d'Aviation Nouvelle).

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