First flown 29 June 1934, this was virtually an A-6 with two major alterations: wings had 5� dihedral instead of upturned tips, and as well as ailerons direct rotor control of roll was provided, even during autorotation (and found to be vastly superior to ailerons except at max speed). Other changes included auxiliary fins on tailplane and first air/oil shock struts in Soviet Union. Bill Gunston "The Osprey's Encyclopedia of Russian Aircraft", 2000
* * *
Technical data for A-8
Engine: 1 x M-11,
rotor diameter: 11.0m,
wing area: 5.8m2,
length: 6.3m,
height: 3.2m,
weight empty: 595kg,
fuel/oil: 67kg,
weight loaded: 837kg,
max speed: 142km/h,
min speed: 48km/h,
ceiling: 2560m,
endurance: 2.5h,
take-off run: 50m,
landing run: 0m
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