Back MK Helicopter MKII / MKIII

MKII helicopter

The MK Helicopter GmbH of Germany produced the MKII two-seat helicopter in ultralight form, first flown in 1996 and offered ready assembled. Ultralight since withdrawn, giving way to new and improved certificated version.

D.Mondey "The New Illustrated Encyclopedia of Aircraft", 2000

MKIII helicopter

The MK II light helicopter has been developed into the MK III.


Design (initially as Ultralight Mk 2 and later MK Helicopter Mk II) started 1995. Construction of prototype scheduled to begin in December 2001: first flight expected September 2003; construction of first production helicopter anticipated in January 2003; JAR 27 certification process began in March 2001 and completion expected in June 2003.

COSTS: Target US$280.000 (2003).

DESIGN FEATURES: Two-blade semi-articulated main rotor; blades comprise glass/carbon-reinforced plastic (GRP) skin over Rohacell foam core with lead inlay. Two-blade tail rotor on port side with aluminium blades. Main rotor blade section Eppler E361; tail rotor blade section NACA 81012. Engine drives single-stage bevel-gear 1:2.5 reduction transmission with belt drive for main rotor; 90� bevel gear drive for tail rotor. Sweptback dorsal and ventral fins.

STRUCTURE: Tubular main frame with aluminium sheet box structure; Nomex/carbon fibre sandwich fuselage.

LANDING GEAR: Skid type.

POWER PLANT: One 169kW SMA SR305 engine. Fuel contained in two tanks behind cabin, combined capacity 180 litres.

ACCOMMODATION: Pilot and two passengers, or pilot and one student with dual controls. Cabin heated and ventilated.

SYSTEMS: 24V battery for electrical system.

Jane's All the World's Aircraft, 2004-2005

Technical data for MK III

Main rotor diameter: 9.00m, tail rotor diameter: 1.50m, overall length, rotors turning: 9.90m, fuselage length: 7.60m, height overall: 2.62m, max. take-off weight: 1200kg, empty weight, equipped: 660kg, never-exceed speed: 235km/h, max cruising speed: 222km/h, max rate of climb at sea level: 274m/min, hovering ceiling IGE: 2,255m, hovering ceiling OGE: 1,829m, range with max fuel: 1200km

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