Back Mil Mi-32

Mil Mi-32

A project of the heavy flying crane helicopter with a take-off weight of 140 tons intended for transporting civil and military technics in Siberia. Not built.

V.Miheev "Mil MVZ - 50 years", 1998

Mil Mi-32

Comments1-20 21-40
landon, 28.09.2023reply

why was it not made it would a easy way for transport

wren, e-mail, 28.05.2015reply

I know it wasnt designed for it, and it would cost a fortune to put together, but picture a flight of these toting MBT's into battle

Me, e-mail, 17.10.2014reply

The Weir's planned the helicopter's blueprints during their military service.

villaran, e-mail, 01.11.2010reply

Bonjour a Vous,

Je vous avoue que cela me ferait plaisir de vous conffiez mon heritage ( une malle metallique) qui se trouve dans une compagnie de securité, je souhaiterais sincèrement vous rencontrez et vous connaitre davantage, voilà pourquoi je souhaiterais vivement que vous m'aidiez a transferer ma malle metallique dans votre pays. Je pense que vous êtes digne de la recommandation de ma prière donc une personne honorable de confiance que je peux esperer sur sa confiance. Ainsi je n'ai aucune hésitation à me fier à vous pour solliciter votre assistance Simple et sincère,je tiens à me présenter à vous. Je me nommes madame Mme villaran Nenita, et je suis en Philippines ,si possible reponder moi je vous donnerai tous les details pour faire sortir ma malle metallique vers votre pays,je vous suis reconnaissant et je vous remercie dans l'attente de vous lire d'une suite favorable. Madame villaran nenita .

Kiril, e-mail, 12.11.2010reply

a flying triangle

1337painless, 08.03.2011reply

You don't rotors on the back to turn. The three rotors can also turn the helicopter like the chinook.

1337painless, 08.03.2011reply

Riou_, you think that it's a fail when it gets shot, but it was not design for a gunship or to go to the battlefield. it was designed to carry materials, vehicles and troops far behind the frontlines.

jack, e-mail, 23.01.2012reply

well john actually we have haven't you heard of the triangle shaped ufo's

sevedsky soyuz, 04.07.2010reply

It does not have any roters in the back,turning would be difficult.

DANILO, 17.07.2010reply

BELL X-22A and BOEING CH-47. Nothing New under the sky.

Mukama, 14.03.2010reply

This would be great for lifting heavy equipment.

yasshri, e-mail, 31.10.2009reply

make this Aircrafts angles as 30deg,75deg,75deg then which can manage air and gravity

nick, 28.06.2009reply

i really like thes russian ideas they are pretty imaginative

CessnaPilot4Fun, e-mail, 27.03.2009reply

I love how imaginative the Russians can be when it comes to rotary wing aircraft. I would have loved to see this thing built and fly. The US would not need such a beast as much, this helo was designed with the Soviets large amounts of hard to reach no infrastructure areas such as Siberia. No roads, no landing strips, etc. Bearing that in mind it would have been practical for them to use in those areas. Battlefield not so much, and the times when the benefit would outweigh the cost in the US would probably be slim.

dan, e-mail, 07.02.2009reply

Actually, if the rotors are tilted slightly, the torque will cancel itself at. Let's not for get the cierva-weir w.11 air horse. IT was a moderately successful helicopter which operated under the same basic principles--but in the 1950s! Although, it was more than a tad smaller, but the three rotors spun in the same direction. Weirdly, this worked.

dan, e-mail, 07.02.2009reply

Actually, if the rotors are tilted slightly, the torque will cancel itself at. Let's not for get the cierva-weir w.11 air horse. IT was a moderately successful helicopter which operated under the same basic principles--but in the 1950s! Although, it was more than a tad smaller, but the three rotors spun in the same direction. Weirdly, this worked.

merco1959, e-mail, 21.12.2008reply

This is why I love the Russian imagination. If they had enough capital and money, then I assure you this giant flying triangle would be built.

Nikos, e-mail, 18.08.2008reply

3 rotors? Does not make sense to me... unles 3 pairs of counter-rotating were used. With this litle correction it could be a magnificent crane of very heavy objects.

Wee, 03.07.2008reply

This is really trully amazing, but too unpractical.

fly in sky, 09.02.2008reply

omg its like a tripod

1-20 21-40
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