Back Kamov-Kumertau "Rotorfly"

Kamov-Kumertau "Rotorfly"

The ultra-light coaxial-rotor helicopter powered by a Rotax 912ULS engine. Designed by a design bureau of Kumertau helicopter plant. First flown in 2005. Presented for the first time at MAKS'2005 airshow.

Sea also:

Kamov-Kumertau "Rotorfly"

Technical data for "Rotorfly"

Rotor diameter: 6m, length: 5.3m, width: 1.6m, height: 2.6m, take-off weight: 500kg, empty weight: 250kg, max speed: 170km/h, cruising speed: 140km/h, hovering ceiling: 2000m, range: 500km, fuel consumption: 12-16l/h

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