Major reconstruction of KaSkr-1 with much more powerful engine in helmeted cowl forming part of new light-alloy fron end. Other minor changes including rudder of better shape. Flown 1930; one photograph shows it on skis in winter 1930-31. Pilot D.A.Koshits flew KaSkr-2 on 90 occasions by late 1931, reaching figures given below. Pioneer Soviet autogyro, leading quickly to 2-EA and A-4 at CAHI. Bill Gunston "The Osprey Encyclopedia of Russian Aircraft", 2000

The KASKR-2 was the same aircraft as the KASKR-1 with a different power source: the former 100hp M-2 engine was replaced by a 230hp M-2 engine of the Gnome-Le Rhone Titan type.
The two designs got their KASKR designation from abbreviations of the names of the builders Kamov and Skrjinsky. P.Lambermont "Helicopters and Autogyros of the World", 1958
Technical data for KaSkr-2
Engine: Gnome-Rhone Titan 5-cylinder radial rated at 168kW,
rotor diameter: 12m,
length: 9m,
loaded weight: 1100kg,
empty weight: 865kg,
speed: 110km/h,
ceiling: 450m,
endurance: 28min
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