Second variant of Ka-50-2 is another two-seater, intended to have conventional stepped tandem cockpits; is offered to armed forces which do not accept the single-seat or side-by-side two-seat layouts. A further subvariant of the tandem-seat Ka-50-2, the Erdogan (Turkish for Born Fighter), was proposed to Turkey jointly by Kamov and Israel Aircraft Industries. This would have been fitted with longer-span wings and feature a NATO-compatible Giat 621 turret containing a single 20mm cannon which would fold down below the belly of the helicopter in flight, for a 360� arc of fire; it would fold to starboard for landing, and could be fired directly forward, even when folded. TV3- 117VMA-02 engines. Ten Turkish pilots flew Alligator "061" at Antalya, Turkey, in early 1999 as part of evaluation process; requirement was for 145. Named as second choice when Bell AH-1Z selected, but negotiations reopened in mid-2002, following impasse in negotiations with USA. Jane's All the World's Aircraft, 2004-2005

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