Back Kamov Ka-115 "Moskvichka"


Ka-115 is a light multi-purpose helicopter equipped with landing skids. It is powered Pratt & Whitney/Klimov PW 206K/2 engine (Canada/Russia production) and is designed for a wide range of application roles:

  • carrying of passengers and cargo;
  • external cargo transportation;
  • medical emergency service;
  • search-and-rescue and patrol operation;
  • charter flights and others

The helicopter features large five-door cabin with large windows. In terms of payload-to-weight ratio the helicopter is comparable to its world counterparts and it is attributed to the extensive use of composite materials in its structure.

Cabin is fitted:

  • facilities for decreasing vibration and noise level;
  • heating and ventilation systems;
  • comfortable shock-absorbing crew and passenger seats

High rotor system efficiency, absence of power losses for the tail rotor drive, combined with smooth aerodynamic shape of the airframe and economic engine give the helicopter fuel flow characteristic of less than 0.5kg per km at a cruise speed of 230km/h. Shock-absorbing seats

De-icing system of the rotor blades, engine inlet particle separator and air conditioning system make the helicopter capable of operating in any climatic region within the temperature range of � 50 degrees. Flight-navigational and communication equipment ensure helicopter reliable piloting and navigation along different routes.

The helicopter complies with international standards on reliability, safety and comfortable conditions for pilot and passengers.

Kamov Ka-115 "Moskvichka"

Technical data for Ka-115

Crew: 1, passengers: 5, engine: 1 x PW/K 206D turboshaft, rated at 477kW, rotor diameter: 9.5m, fuselage length: 9.2m, height: 3.6m, width: 2.0m, take-off weight: 1850kg, max speed: 250km/h, cruising speed: 230km/h, rate of climb: 11.5m/s, service ceiling: 5200m, range: 780km, payload: 700-900kg

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