Founded on 28 March 1932 and commissioned on 24 August 1934, as GAZ 125 (becoming GAZ 39 in 1941), Irkut has built some 6,500 aircraft of 16 types from Antonov, Ilyushin, MiG, Petlyakov, Sukhoi, Tupolev and Yakovlev bureaux and supplied them to 21 countries. In recent years, it has manufactured MiG-23UB trainers (1970-85); 165 kits for Indian-assembled MiG-27MLs; Su-27UB trainers (from 1986); and is currently responsible for producing the Su-30 fighter (since 1991) and Beriev Be-200 amphibian. Su-30 customers include China and India; offers Su-27UBM and Su-30KN upgrades to older aircraft. Series manufacture of the Yak-112 lightplane has been abandoned, although company has been allocated prospective manufacture of the Ilyushin/HAL IL-214 twin-jet transport. Also undertakes Su-30 upgrades.
Irkut is a member of AVPK Sukhoi. Known from April 1989 until 2002 as IAPO (Irkutsk Aviation Industrial Association), having become a joint stock company in October 1992, but on 19 December 2002: shareholders approved a company change of name to Irkut NPK ���, IAPO becoming a subsidiary.
In 2000, IAPO branched out into design and manufacture of its own products in the form of the prototype A-002 autogyro.
TYPE: Three-seat autogyro.
PROGRAMME: Project announced October 2000: first product of Irkutsk Light Aircraft Design Bureau (OKB Legkoi Aviatsy ���), although an experimental version was tested in 1998. Almost complete prototype shown at Moscow, August 2001. Maiden flight 21 April 2002.
DESIGN FEATURES: Conforms to FAR Pt 27 and Russian AP-27. Streamlined, cabin autogyro which can be stored and serviced in a motorcar garage. Choice of engines, including those using motorcar fuel. Classic configuration, with pusher propeller; single, sweptback fin with large rudder; broad track landing gear. Engine-driven pre-rotation of rotor.
FLYING CONTROLS: Manual. All-moving tailplane mounted at one-third of fin height; horn- and mass-balanced rudder.
STRUCTURE: Generally of metal. Rudder and elevator of composites.
LANDING GEAR: Tricycle type; fixed. Cantilever-spring mainwheels; rubber-in-compression shock-absorber on nosewheel. Mainwheel tyres 400x150; nose 100x125. Hydraulic disc brakes on mainwheels. Safety tail skid on prototype; auxiliary tailwheel on production version.
POWER PLANT: Prototype has one 157kW Teledyne Continental IO-320 flat-six driving a fixed-pitch, two-blade propeller. Alternative engines of 134 to 157kW and three-blade propeller can be installed. Subaru motorcar engine under consideration in April 2003.
ACCOMMODATION: TWO front seats, side by side, with dual controls; single rear seat. Upward-hinged door each side. Heating and ventilation provided. Jane's All the World's Aircraft, 2004-2005
Technical data for A-002
Rotor diameter: 9.80m,
length of fuselage: 4.98m,
height, rotor removed: 3.17m,
propeller diameter: 1.90m,
max take-off weight: 800kg,
overload take-off weight: 850kg,
empty weight: 500kg,
max level speed: 210km/h,
min flying speed: 40km/h,
max rate of climb at sea level: 150m/min,
service ceiling: 3000m,
take-off run (jump start): 0m,
take-off run (normal start): 40m,
range with 200kg payload 500km,
endurance 6h
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