Back Gluhareff MEG-3X

Gluhareff MEG-3X

Eugene Gluhareff established a development company in 1952 to carry out research into pressure-jet powered light helicopters. He built the MEG-1X personal strap-on helicopter rig which used a single-blade rotor with a tip-mounted G8-2 engine and followed this with the MEG-2X which had a two-blade rotor. His final design was the MEG-3X which was based on a dish-shaped platform on which the pilot would stand and a two-blade rotor revolving underneath the platform. No commercial development was undertaken.

R.Simpson "Airlife's Helicopter and Rotorcraft", 1998

Gluhareff MEG-3X

Gluhareff MEG-3X

Gluhareff MEG-3X

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