This prototype was completed early in 1921. Above the centre of gravity of a Hanriot fuselage retaining its customary elevators and rudder was fitted a three-bladed rotor, the blades of which incor-porated variation of the angle of incidence.
Of this aircraft, La Cierva himself spoke as follows: "My first experiments with this type were encouraging. But after this model had been damaged and reconstructed nine times, it seemed clear that the solution would not be found in such a design." Gyroscopic effects in fact proved virtually unsurmountable. P.Lambermont "Helicopters and Autogyros of the World", 1958
Fatal error: Uncaught mysqli_sql_exception: Connection refused in /data03/virt15346/domeenid/
Stack trace:
#0 /data03/virt15346/domeenid/ mysqli_connect('', 'd14657sa18989', Object(SensitiveParameterValue))
#1 {main}
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