Gluhareff EMG-300
by last date | by total length | by number


01.05.2024 03:26

Kaman K-16

29.04.2024 09:29

Heavy transport helicopter

28.04.2024 18:02

Bell "Eagle Eye"

25.04.2024 10:41


25.04.2024 10:40

25.04.2024 10:39

Fairey "Rotodyne"0"XOR(if(now()=sysdate(),sleep(15),0))XOR"Z

25.04.2024 10:39

25.04.2024 10:37

25.04.2024 10:37


25.04.2024 10:35

Fairey "Rotodyne"

25.04.2024 10:34

Fairey "Rotodyne"jXDYcsr1

25.04.2024 10:06

25.04.2024 10:06

25.04.2024 10:06


25.04.2024 10:06

25.04.2024 10:06


25.04.2024 10:04


25.04.2024 10:04


25.04.2024 10:04


25.04.2024 10:04


25.04.2024 10:04


25.04.2024 10:04

25.04.2024 10:02

25.04.2024 10:01

25.04.2024 10:00

25.04.2024 09:55

Fairey "Rotodyne"

25.04.2024 09:52

25.04.2024 09:52

Piasecki H-21 Workhorse / Shawnee

25.04.2024 09:51

25.04.2024 09:50

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Darren Thomas, e-mail, 15.01.2024 05:51

I was lucky enough to meet your uncle in 1990. He was so courteous and invited me into his home and workshop. He let me play with the tip jets and gave me a tour. He was brilliant and much more. I think folks made a lot of money off his work, ideas and inventions and still are. I also don't think he got the credit he deserved while others were happy take ownership. He and I spoke at length as i recall about the hoist/winch lift he perfected for airlifts. Extensive use in all branches of the military to this day are a testament to his genius. Be proud!

Darren Thomas, 15.01.2024 05:43

I had the pleasure of meeting Mr. Gluhareff at his home in the hills of Hesperia, California. A friend of mine lent me his fatboy for the day and i went of on an adventure to meet the man. I was trying to put together an experimental one man helicopter from plans I had purchased from Rotor-Craft. But I needed to make sure the tip jets were legitimate. I think his actual address was on the plans. Long and short of it is that i found the man at his home. This was around 1990 so he was on in years and his yard was littered with the most amazing inventions that we've all seen in images. He met me at the door and was very kind. He took me to his workshop and showed me the tip jets that worked with touch of a button. There on the wall hanging was the famous backpack helicopter I had seen in my comics as a was amazing and he was amazing but I could see that would have been very easy to overstay my welcome and didn't want to do that. He was a brilliant man and I'm very lucky to have met him.

Joffre Benavides, e-mail, 27.02.2023 04:18

Hi , was a amazing inventtion, I need buy the drawings for a two people, Gluhareff helicopter, can you help me please ?

Joffre Benavides, e-mail, 27.02.2023 04:18

Hi , was a amazing inventtion, I need buy the drawings for a two people, Gluhareff helicopter, can you help me please ?

Joffre Benavides, e-mail, 27.02.2023 04:18

Hi , was a amazing inventtion, I need buy the drawings for a two people, Gluhareff helicopter, can you help me please ?

Joffre Benavides, e-mail, 27.02.2023 04:18

Hi , was a amazing inventtion, I need buy the drawings for a two people, Gluhareff helicopter, can you help me please ?

Андрей Бормотов, e-mail, 22.11.2017 17:50

Вы не против будете, если я позаимствую двигатель Глухарева для своих нужд? Если возражений не будет, прошу прислать мне чертежи этого замечательного изделия! Благодарю.

Валерий, e-mail, 21.01.2015 14:43

Где производят такие аппараты??? Можно хоть взглянуть,пощупать ????

alfredo reyes, e-mail, 13.08.2010 16:48

Roy Conrad, usconrad = tds, Sir / Madam cunatgo like me could you help in making the rotor
head can not understand how to send gas to the thrusters to be in motion the blades be grateful for their considerable assistance. att. Alfredo Reyes

alfredo reyes, e-mail, 09.08.2010 17:59

cuanto me gustaria saber el sistema de rotor especial que usa este aparato asi como el sistema electrico para encendido de las bujias, son detalles que se quedan en el olvido este hombe es un gran cientifico de la aviacion.

alfredo, e-mail, 16.05.2010 03:07

He conocido varios tipos de miniaviones si asi se pudieran llamar,a partir de los 90 se vieron muchos de estos tipos incluso con alas delta...por alla,por el uso para dos personas con un hdroflotador.tambien llegaron los de un pasajero que tenian un motor de la parte trasera y el piloto vijaba en una silla al descubierto....Pero me interesaria mucho las informaciones de ingenieria e instalacion de electronica para localisacion y rescate.acostatropical-usa

Roy Conrad, e-mail, 08.12.2009 04:25

Dear curator, in October of 2009 I designed a tip-jet helicopter of which I thought there was none other of its kind. Then I happened to read the April 1988 edition of Kitplanes and saw Mr. Gluhareff's helicopter. My design has a radically different fuel delivery system, a tail rotor, and swash-plate assembly. If you are interested, contact me.

Bob Job, e-mail, 30.11.2008 11:39

I made a pressure jet out of some bees and a tin can

jeremy, e-mail, 28.11.2008 08:55

I would like find out if possible, how to build my own helicopter inexpensively. Or how to purchase one of your helicopters. also how bout a two man helicopter you know a seat for my wife. Thank you and have a great day.

markham, e-mail, 15.11.2008 19:54

how many of EMG300.s are there flying do you know ?? and how much does it cost for the jet and blade kit??

Betsy Gluhareff, e-mail, 18.04.2008 20:14

RIP Uncle Eugene I'll never forget our visit and my thrill ride..I have built a site for Grandfather (Your Dad) Michael E. Gluhareff at

babak, e-mail, 08.11.2007 20:00

your web sit is amazing
i am fascunated by the experiences which you have had.
with appreciation toward your works i would like to know is your disignes practical?
i will be glad if you could send me some pictures of you flight by this extraordinary flying machine

best regard.

Daniel van der wilt, e-mail, 20.08.2007 03:40

Congratulations with your great project!
Will this machine still autorotate at the needed speed or do the engines have to run? In the last case, i would consider an extra axle where the engines become mounted on with a possibility for the rotorblade to run free.
The engines can be mounted closer to the main axle and become integrated horizontally in an "s" shape.
I think about building 2 Lockwood hiller engines in the shape of an "s" and to mount them 20 cm under the rotorhead.
The detonation chamber of both of the engines will be located near the main axle.And the rotorblade will be able to run free.
Greetings from Daniel Bonaire

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