I was at the USAF Base Davis-Monthan, Tucson,AZ; about a year ago and saw about 30 ea plus UH-1H's lined up in a straight line--Also; I have a contact at the NASA Federal Airfield, Mt. View. CA. (near to San Jose,CA)----The NASA Moffet Field Museum can get anything they want---That 'museum' has Cobra AH-1/ F-104's/ U-2 etc----- NAS Moffet Field is a former P-3 Orion airfield---call me if you need a UH-1H via NASA and I will see what I can do...My tel. is # 650-968-2782 (Mt. View, CA )just south of San Francisco---
Owen, e-mail, 13.09.2016 02:13
A friend of mine was killed while out on a mission in Vietnam due to engine failure and the helicopter crashing. Sparks were initially seen coming out of the tailpipe before the engine failed. The pilot said they had been having vibration problem with Huey engines in Nam. Anyone aware of these issues?
Thomas, e-mail, 31.10.2014 05:15
I am interested in buying UH-1 tail rotor assembly or tail rotor and blade grip. Any condition.
Larry Wade, e-mail, 08.09.2014 12:34
I am with the Liberty War Birds and we are looking for an army uh1h huey to restore and fly in Pa. We are a nonprofit and want to take this aircraft to different veterans events through out the state. We have the vietnam piolets hanger repairman but no huey and not a lot of money. We were trying to get an army surplus one but have hit dead ends. We are getting donations but a long way from the money we need. Can anyone help? Check us out on facebook under liberty war birds. Thank you for all your time.
Joe M, e-mail, 28.05.2014 20:10
Looking for the serial number of the oldest production line D model Huey. should be something like 622106...does anyone know if that aircraft still exists. Someone said the oldest D model is in the museum at Ft. Rucker?
Gary Quigg, e-mail, 06.03.2013 18:20
I am an archaeologist working on Eglin AFB. My most recent task is to identify what appears to be the crash site of a UH-1D or H model. Less than 5% of the aircraft remains on site, having been salvaged out years ago. Unfortunately, after intense examination of the surface of the site, I could not find a manufacturer data plate or any other source of even a partial serial number. The site is within one half mile of the US Army Ranger training facility on Eglin, so it is most likely related to operations there. If anyone has any information on this site, or ideas for lines of inquiry I might pursue without having a serial number, I would appreciate an email. I have already contacted the Army Aviation Museum, Fort Rucker and Fort Benning. Thank you.
Bill Molloy, e-mail, 23.10.2012 23:53
looking for incident reports for TN 15076, a C converted to an M. Plenty of data when a C with 191st ahc. No incident data available after returning to 'Nam with 134th following retrofit. Please help if you can!
Joe, e-mail, 10.05.2012 05:42
Can anyone kindly advise me that in the UH 1 J model if the gyro was vacumm powered and how was the altimiter powered? 35 plus years ago I worked at US Navy AUTEC Andros, Is. Bahama as a diver when with a torpedo hanging under us and we were is basically zero zero vis when we lost our gyro at the same time our magnetic compass started to slowly rotate counter clockwise and the same time we lost all comms.
Rick Miller, e-mail, 30.04.2012 19:00
I was a crewchief on a UH-1H number 67-17700, 67 was the year she was released from production. I crewed her for over 20 months in Vietnam and Laos during Lam Son 719. She was a great helicopter and got us out of many bad situations from anti-aircraft fire in Laos to 50 cal hitting her many times. I flew alot of snifer missions and loved every one I ever did in Vietnam. On one mission into Laos we were flying high on the northern route when I noticed a shining object that appeared to be coming up toward our slick platoon. I told my Aircraft Commander Capt. John Loeffer that it looks like a missle maybe? The shining object started to take on the appearance of a large pencil and I told John that it looks like a Sam maybe. He told me to watch it and let him know if it got closer to my "Slick". I informed him then that the missle had gotten very large now and told him it was at 7 O'clock low postion now and coming up fast. John looked out this time and said it's a Sam Missle Rick and quickly informed our CO Major Newman. Jim told him to break away now. I told John that the missle was now huge and was turning at attitude toward us. Rick, will "Gunky" restart if I shut down the engine? Capt. Leoffler I think she will. Rick I need to know and then I interrupted him again to tell him the Sam Missle had now turned and was heading straight at us. I told John to shut her down now and he did so along with a steep spiral nose dive. Bob Pierce my doorgunner then informed me that it was heading toward us still. We f;ew thru anti-aircraft fire and restated and pulled out at around 2000 ft AGL.
I have no idea on whatever happened to 67-17700 but years ago another aircraft commander who flew with me alot Doug Brinker said he was almost certain that he had seen "Gunky" sitting on the tarmac at a airport in California.
I was assigned to C Troop 2nd 17th Calvary Regiment 101st Airborne Division in Vietnam.
I would love to know whatever for sure happened to her, she was a great helicopter and I knew every noise and what that noise was.
A Great contribution by Bell Helicopter in Fort Worth, Tx to the United States Cavalry and what an honor it was to have been the longest serving crewchief of Gunky.
Tony P, e-mail, 02.03.2012 00:43
Love flying the Huey..all models from B to M...I never appreciated what a Caddy it was until I flew a Jet Ranger a few years ago.. last time I flew a Huey was a civilian A model, a cranberry hauler, up in MA...that was over 15 years ago.. the last time I flew an H model in the Army Guard was about 1981! I really missed the nice solid feel of that H model..plenty of power...solid..yeah..I'd love to get some stick time in one today...just for the memories.. Tony P
k. benson, e-mail, 15.02.2012 18:46
I have a complete tail rotor assy from a uh1-h given to me as adeparting gift in 1979 from my last command in fort bragg nc....I am looking to sell it,,,if you have intrest send me an e-mail Thx...
Khaliq Khan, e-mail, 13.02.2012 12:18
I m an ex military pilot and flew UH-1H for 800 hours. I loved this machine and shall love to fly it again whenever I get a chance in my life.
KHALID, e-mail, 04.10.2011 21:39
hello, I want to ask about the modeles which comes after bell205.I mean what the name of helicopter comes after 205? THANKS
Paul A, e-mail, 02.10.2011 06:24
The UH-1B huey is/was the helicopter version of the DC-3, a fantastic aircraft, a credit to the designers,builders and those that flew them and in them. I am retired and one of my hobbies (besides fishing) is RC model building of UH models, I am trying to find out when or on which models the tail rotor was change from left to right or right to left as I am at that stage of construction, I have searched the web with no luck. Cheers, Paul A.
Don Turner, e-mail, 19.03.2011 21:07
Just completing 45years of "HUEY" maintenance and loved every day. Never found a better toy to work on
Tony P, e-mail, 13.12.2010 01:32
I have about 1000 hours in D and H model Hueys...no combat..stateside flying..I never knew what a Caddilac that helicopter was until I flew jet Ranger..I'd love to locate a Huey flight operation so I might get some stick time and refresh my memory of what a beautiful helicopter the huey is..I have many hours of flight time from big jets to the smallest piston airplane..are there any Huey operators in the eastern US?
Brad, e-mail, 04.08.2010 21:51
Tossing it out there. I have a crate of "timed out" UH-1 rotor grips. I would like to sell them on eBay but was wondering if any of these parts could be researched via their part/sericl number data plates? My thought would be to connect these parts to a ship that possibly someone could have flown missions on. Thanks B
fred, e-mail, 15.06.2010 16:42
fred, e-mail, 24.05.2010 15:59
whats the different between JET A-1 and JP-4 fuels for AB 205 HELICOPTER WITH T53-L-13B engine
fred, e-mail, 24.05.2010 15:54
whats the different between JET A-1 and JP-4 fuels for AB 205 HELICOPTER WITH T53-L-13B engine
jim parham, e-mail, 16.05.2010 16:36
too answer a few questions concerning the huey,in the very eary days of vietnam,the huey was all ready in motion,the year was 1961,the huey started combat in vietnam in 1965,but the engine,had low power due too the climate,and was very difficult too lift off with a full load,gas,crew, equipment,bell textron increased the shp too over 1000,this made the huey,a better ship too lift off,in adverse weather,many people try today too obtain a old huey,for flying,or a static display,it is very difficult,the operateing cost is aprox 1100.00 dollars per hour,at a rate of 100 gph,a hour,two gov grants issue a sale for hueys lawenforcement,is one the second one is goverment military surplus,im the commander for the VFW POST7404,and even im haveing trouble getting one for a static display,the united states goverment, sells them too the public,but there are numerous rules and regs,very few if any,will ever get a FAA standard certificate,for airworthy,i deal with the faa often,the only certificate is expermental,and thats difficult too obtain. jim www.aerobreeze.com
jim parham, e-mail, 16.05.2010 16:34
too answer a few questions concerning the huey,in the very eary days of vietnam,the huey was all ready in motion,the year was 1961,the huey started combat in vietnam in 1965,but the engine,had low power due too the climate,and was very difficult too lift off with a full load,gas,crew, equipment,bell textron increased the shp too over 1000,this made the huey,a better ship too lift off,in adverse weather,many people try today too obtain a old huey,for flying,or a static display,it is very difficult,the operateing cost is aprox 1100.00 dollars per hour,at a rate of 100 gph,a hour,two gov grants issue a sale for hueys lawenforcement,is one the second one is goverment military surplus,im the commander for the VFW POST7404,and even im haveing trouble getting one for a static display,the united states goverment, sells them too the public,but there are numerous rules and regs,very few if any,will ever get a FAA standard certificate,for airworthy,i deal with the faa often,the only certificate is expermental,and thats difficult too obtain. jim www.aerobreeze.com
fred, e-mail, 03.05.2010 16:05
IS IT POSSIBLE TO INSTALL ENGINE T53-L-13B P/N 1-000-060-22 INSTEAD OF 1-000-060-17 ON AB205 OR UH-1H HELICOPTER WITHOUT accomplishment any change on helicopter?
jim parham, e-mail, 30.04.2010 15:55
the huey had the best of everything for the military,and is still being used,by the military,BELL TEXTRON,has started marketing the new HUEY-2,and has a contract with the military,on the other side,BELL REFURBISHES,and old UH1,for the public,and a charge of one million is the cost,the orginal huey was sold too the military,during the vietnam period,for 585,000 dollars,now a used 1967 huey that can fly,with the orginal equip, has a value of six hundered thousand,they are still in demand across the world, jim www.aerobreeze,com
James Gebhardt, e-mail, 21.02.2010 22:48
I carve hueys from wood which you can observe on myspace.com/jimmyschoppers. It saved my dad's life in Vietnam 67-69. I'm a vet from the 101st Air Assault.
James Gebhardt, e-mail, 21.02.2010 22:47
I carve hueys from wood which you can observe on myspace.com/jimmyschoppers. It saved my dad's life in Vietnam 67-69. I'm a vet from the 101st Air Assault.
James Gebhardt, e-mail, 21.02.2010 22:34
I carve hueys from wood which you can observe on myspace.com/jimmyschoppers. It saved my dad's life in Vietnam 67-69. I'm a vet from the 101st Air Assault.
Sam Langhofer, e-mail, 12.02.2010 22:16
I have a tail rotor from a UH-1 and want to know how to find what ship it came off along with the history of the ship. I know it flew in Nam.
Berlin Barthold, e-mail, 30.01.2010 02:10
Description of A/C navigation in UH-1 VOR
mirzaloo ali, e-mail, 06.11.2009 19:02
hi, I am working on UH-1,Iwanted to know how I may get to avionic testers(instrrument,navigation,radio ,) I will be pleased to help me to have our 205 ready to flight. your sincerely mirzaloo ali
Bob Greene, e-mail, 02.07.2009 21:37
In your article you stated that: "Deliveries of an initial series of 319 [HU-1H]aircraft for the US Army began in September 1967." Information found in website: http://240thahcfl.www1.50megs.com/history.html Indicate that the first delivery of the HU-1H was early in the year of 1967. Can anyone confirm the actual date of first delivery?
THawat, e-mail, 06.06.2009 07:32
nereida, e-mail, 23.04.2009 22:09
hola carlos como estas? soy nereida de loreto, baja california sur espero tu contestacịn marcame a este telefono 016131351120
LEE, e-mail, 26.03.2009 09:26
I think it is a SIN, that A machine as Fantastic as A "Huey" can end up as Scrap or target practise fodder. The "Venerable Iroquois", should be manufactured at the rate of digital watches (without loss of quality) so that all of us could afford to buy one for ourselves. It is not Fair that Governments and Rich people are the only ones to be able to afford them .
And the US Government has given so many Huey's away to Countries and people who dont deserve them. I am putting my hand out for My Huey too ! ( Good Luck !!!)
I would like to see the government Give Us All our own Huey's and close places like Davis Monthan and other Boneyards, as I am sure all of you would agree...We would definately Appreciate, Love and Respect our Own Huey.
I am glad you all love the Huey as much as me. I have loved them for 40 years and always will. UH-1H and 205A-1 for Ever.
P.S. If You know someone who is Rich and Loves Huey's too... and wants to Donate a Huey to me, I Promise I will look after it For Generations to come, that is how strongly I feel... Stay Safe and Healthy everyone. (Huey's 4 ever.) I am in Australia. Cheers!!!
Vincent Fox, e-mail, 09.03.2009 15:18
Hi guy's question could you give me any information on remote control Iroquois helicoptor's as i am having trouble finding any information, thank you regard's Vince
can d., e-mail, 08.01.2009 16:27
vietnamese could have built their own uh-1h fleet using remainders of crashed or deserted hueys.. what an ugly war it was..
Robert Mounts, e-mail, 29.12.2008 05:02
I crewed a UH-1H in Viet Nam in '67-'68, flew about 1200 hours. Only down for regular maint. Great ship. 135th Assault Helicopter Company, EMU's and Taipans
can d., 18.12.2008 14:44
around 16,000 hueys were manufactured.. at least 7,000 is destroyed then on. this is what I call "loss" most successful heli ever
Charles Ivey, e-mail, 30.11.2008 18:29
I flew the UH-1C in RVN as my command and control aircraft. Do you have stats on that ship?
Steven Guy, e-mail, 10.09.2008 11:39
Just an interesting factoid, The Australian and South Vietnamese UH-1D/H models were the most heavily armed long fuselage Huey's used during the Vietnam war. Sadly the Aussies have just retired the Huey from service. A sad day for the ADF and for me as I feel that the Crash hawk ie Sikorsky Blackhawk is a poor substitute for the best Helo ever built.
Carlos Ayala, e-mail, 23.07.2008 23:34
hy Im Carlos i have helicopter uh1 photos please.... im speak only spanihs aim sorry im need wallpaper and all the best photos
justin sheehan, 14.07.2008 00:17
always tought the huey was a lot faster than the 204 kmh stated top speed. most sites state 150 mph plus.
wanbi, e-mail, 19.05.2008 05:02
i just want to know the specific modifications made on T53 L11 on its conversion to T53 L13 engine. Tnx. Hueys are great to fly!!!
Diane, e-mail, 07.04.2008 11:29
I would like to send a CD regarding the Iroquois which was used in Vietnam. Have you a postal address please so that I may post you a copy?
Lee Eng Teck, e-mail, 29.11.2007 10:15
Do you happened to have a SEA camo profile or the RSAF(Singapore) camo profile of the UH-1H ? If you do, please sent attachment to me. Thanks.
richard, e-mail, 06.11.2007 05:40
Awesome helicopter, i work in the rugged steep terrain in british columbias northcoast for nova gold at the galore creek project very safe reliable proven aircraft travel on them all the time with vancouver island helicopters and quantum helicopters cheers richard
DuWayne VanDruff Ret.E-7 US ARMY, e-mail, 09.09.2007 16:22
The UH1D will forever live in my heart. This helicopter saved my life so many times I lost count. There are other fine helicopters in the world, but none for me. Memories of hot jungles, and cold loney places can never be forgotten. Thanks for the opportunity to say thanks to the old girl.....
Andrew, e-mail, 04.06.2007 17:47
What can one say about the Huey? One of the most produced helicopters ever made and perhaps the best known due to its role in the Vietnam War, also known as The Helicopter War.
Its big cabin and strong lifting capacity was its main feature as it was largely a very slow aircraft. During the war, the trick was to fly as low as possible. That way it was harder for the enemy to hit you.
This UH-1H was the definitive version, followed by twin engined and modern versions in the shape of the Bell 412.
The Bell 205 helped make the helicopter the main tool for troop deployment and carrying of wounded soldiers back to base.
The 412 today lives on as a widely-employed air ambulance aircraft.