Blackburn B-101 Beverley
by last date | by total length | by number


15.02.2025 23:36

Lockheed U-2

15.02.2025 13:41

AAA Vision

15.02.2025 08:19

Pemberton-Billing (Supermarine) P.B.31E

15.02.2025 07:57

14.02.2025 11:15

13.02.2025 19:22

Junkers Ju 390

13.02.2025 13:08

11.02.2025 21:38

07.02.2025 15:53

Savoia-Marchetti S.M.79 Sparviero

07.02.2025 05:07

Canadair CL-44 "Forty Four"

07.02.2025 03:11

06.02.2025 17:17

04.02.2025 11:54

Curtiss Eagle

03.02.2025 17:21

01.02.2025 23:00

30.01.2025 19:04

Douglas C-124 Globemaster II

30.01.2025 01:48

Bellanca Aircruiser

29.01.2025 13:36

Convair 240

29.01.2025 01:23

Miles Hawk

28.01.2025 21:49

28.01.2025 12:33

Ilyushin IL-76

27.01.2025 05:09

McDonnell Douglas DC-9

26.01.2025 21:55

Curtiss Hawk III & IV

26.01.2025 02:34

24.01.2025 22:52

Convair F-106 Delta Dart

24.01.2025 18:26

23.01.2025 21:56

23.01.2025 04:37

22.01.2025 03:13

21.01.2025 12:35

Doug Sewell, e-mail, 06.01.2025 22:05

Flew on one of these as a Met. observer from RAF Linton on Ouse in 1958/59. Slow but ideal for upper cloud observing from the many portholes. Flew through a Cumulonimbus (thunder) cloud when huge hailstones caused many dents in leading edges of wings and tail fin. Never forgotten this experience.

Revd. Andrew MacKenzie, e-mail, 20.03.2024 14:05

Glad to say that it seems that the future of this last remaining Bev is mow assured, as the Solway Aircraft Museum plans to purchase it, and move it to Carlisle. See their site for more info.

Anonymous, 20.03.2024 14:04

Glad to say that it seems that the future of this last remaining Bev is mow assured, as the Solway Aircraft Museum plans to purchase it, and move it to Carlisle. See their site for more info.

Shay Allen, e-mail, 19.11.2022 21:30

Hi Terry,

Thank you for the quick response.
I have emailed you directly, with some more information and photos.
Hopefully it doesn’t end up in the junk folder :)
Once we can ascertain some more info I can share it back here?

Terrence Scott, e-mail, 19.11.2022 12:59

Hi shay, we had a chap called Adrian but can't remember his name do you know if he was on 142 venoms or 30sqn Beverlys and what trade was he.

Shay, e-mail, 19.11.2022 11:52

Hi Terry,

My grandfather served with the RAF in Nairobi, similar date range as yourself. Adrian ALLEN. Is this name familiar to you and if so, can you share any information?



"Taffy" H, e-mail, 29.12.2021 20:34


I forgot to say that the Night Jump episode I described here is taken from my book "The Other Side of Life". There I describe my experiences
through P Company and Abingdon Para. School training in 1958 - blow by blow.
jgh 23 PFA

"Taffy" H, e-mail, 29.12.2021 20:25


At ten-forty-five on the following evening - to use the jargon - I got one more “under my belt”. A night-jump - without weapons containers - and, for my first time, from the boom - through the upper floor aperture of a Beverley.
In my diary I wrote “Wind speed low”. The other atmospherics were different, and so was enplanement.
From the half-light moonshine outside, our Beverley boom-stick of about 30, emplaned - walking from the portable steps into the dimly lit vast cavernous cargo-hold. From there, like monkeys - except we had parachutes on! - we randomly climbed up the high side wall-bars; then, like bees returning to their nest, struggled through a hatch, onto the boom-deck above. It was also dimly - eerily - lit.
In my mind -
 I must STEP….. I must NOT JUMP,
 I must STEP….. I must NOT JUMP,
 I must STEP….. I must NOT JUMP, …..
I said that the learning sequence began in a relatively simple way, then - jump by jump - progressed to be more difficult and dangerous. Now I tried to reassure myself that, coping at night, was simply another “little” stage of that experience! Another concern was the exit rate - the rate at which we were dispatched from the plane. The tempo was increased on each successive jump.
But what an experience!
 I must STEP….. I must NOT JUMP,
 I must STEP….. I must NOT JUMP,
 I must STEP….. I must NOT JUMP, …..
• “GREEN-LIGHT! GO….!” “GO….!” “GO….!” “GO….!”
 .. I must STEP..I must NOT..!
 “GO…!”
I must STEP….
 Through the ample floor aperture, I stepped into a turbulent blackness -nearly a thousand feet deep. I was out, passing through the quick-flit of the boom’s shadow, in dim, and swift, bracing night air. Lying back, my rigging lines stretched across the sky like lines on music-staff paper. I was surfing again. Oh! the unbridled joy of it.
 Under a clear expansive sky, four throaty engines - each a thousand unsilenced Harley Davidson’s - first above - then behind - spat short, yellow, stabbing flames from twin concentric circles of heated-blue-blazing engine exhausts. Even unreality seemed unreal!
 I was somewhere below the vast heavens, in a lengthy line of sky-borne scatter-graph points of flowing silks sown on moving air - in a new silence - too soon broken by crowded, anxious, excited, collision-avoiding voices carried on the night-air from afar.
 Against the light sky, white parachutes were surprisingly more readily seen than khaki. But, for me? I had all the safe-airspace I needed.
 Below, were two long parallel lines of flickering paraffin-flares, evenly-spaced. They were not so much for me (to land between) as for the Beverley’s navigator to find the DZ. (In combat, they would have been placed by the Guard’s Pathfinder Company, following their ‘unmarked jump’.)
 The flares were valuable; they not only showed me where to aim, but during the last few critical seconds, they also gave the best indication yet, of my height and ground-speed.

David C-W, e-mail, 07.07.2021 12:28

Loved this aircraft. Flew it on 30 Sqn, Eastleigh, Nairobi from 1962-64 as a copilot and covered - very slowly - all of Middle East and East and Central Africa. Subsequently, had two and a half years as captain on 47 Sqn at Abingdon 64-67.
Amazing short takeoff and landing capability, huge payload in even the hottest conditions, utterly unreliable (had some 12 engine failures in my time) and gloriously quirky. Dreadful of the RAF Museum at Hendon in the 1980s to deliberately destroy their only example of this idiosyncratic flying machine that was much loved by all who flew her. The last remaining one at Fort Paull has just been auctioned for £22,000 to be turned into a cafe: utter disgrace.

terry scott, e-mail, 14.11.2020 00:14

I was with 142 sdn venoms at raf Eastlegh niroby we flew with 30sqdn to thornehill in Rhodisha to instructRRAF pilots on hunter air craft.they looked afterus verry well even took us down a gold mine in a place called Gwellow.The Beverly was a big part of my servie whith the raf in komaksa keya and Bharain
1954 - 1968 the best years of my life.

John, e-mail, 19.11.2017 19:53

As a Radar Mechanic on the 'ol Bev, fond memories of having nothing to do, servicing Reb 4, Gee 3, IFF & Rad Alt 7. Spent most of the time at Abingdon helping out the 'heavies'with Plug Changes etc. on SSF. One memorable evening, the Station Commander was 'getting his Flying Hours in' on a Para Drop to Weston on the Green. As part of the 'Start Up Crew', White Overalls of course, all 4 Engines running, followed by a complete 'shutdown'! Unaware of the problem, it transpired that a Para Dispatcher had been struck by a "foreign object" entering the port fuselage, causing injury to his neck! The Flight was cancelled, I never discovered the cause, nor the Station Commanders eligibilty for "Flying Pay" or the wellbeing of the Dispatcher! Priorities being in reverse order of course!! Were you that Dispatcher??

Mo (Noddy Hawkins, e-mail, 22.08.2016 00:21

I 1967 I flew as a passenger from Khormaksar up to Masirah in a Beverley. A/C taxied right up to the edge of the bondu and we all deplaned. About 50 locals gathered around the front of the a/c (security was non-existent for some reason) They must have been unaware of the prop reversing facility because the Bev's four engines started up and the a/c reversed under its own power to taxy away and the spectators disappeared in a huge cloud of sand - hilarious start to a month's detachment!

Harper, e-mail, 05.08.2016 00:41

On 84 Sqn Aden in 1966/ 67. Flew as a Navigator and like most aircrew I loved The Old Bev. Most para seemed to prefer it as a jump platform as opposed to The Hastings, but doubt if the engineers liked it too much! Many happy memories of trips around South Arabia, and down Africa (mostly East Coast). Rough field operations were a breeze for The Bev on strips that would destroy a C130.
Will never see its like again (probably for the best)!

John Kent, e-mail, 21.07.2016 02:12

An insult to engineering. A complete pig to work on especially in Bahrein 1964-65. Torquemeter system was a nightmare. Whoever authorised the purchase of this hideos piece of junk should have been shot. Even the great Burt Rjtan woild not have designed anything so ugly.

Taffy H, e-mail, 04.07.2016 23:10

14-04-59 @0900 Last para jump (Bridgeham Heath, Thetford, PTA) OS: TL 924 877 with 23 Para Fld Ambulance from the boom. Number 4 in the starboard stick. At Blackbushe gettin' weapons container and chutes up the steep steps into the boom hole was a struggle (just like P Company!).

Loved The Bev. Spent a night with her over the Med - going to Jordan July '58.

paul scott, e-mail, 19.02.2016 17:55

A fine aircraft, strange shape, seen on film, in the TV comedy series 'Get Some In!' about RAF 'Erks' doing their National Service.

MICK KELLY., e-mail, 31.10.2015 04:55

I served in Malaya 1961-1963, with Royal Australian Engineers,attached to Royal Engineers.Our unit, 4TH.FD.TP.RAE.,Once flew from Singapore to Butterworth, via a Beverley.Before entering the aircraft we were addressed by the Captain, typical RAF type, handle bar mustache etc.His words were "On our journey North we will follow the Coastline.Reason being If we do happen to crash in the jungle chances of surviving are nil.I we crash into the ocean our chances are so much better as these Aircraft will float. WE THINK."
Any way we arrived safley.



Stevo, e-mail, 28.04.2015 16:43

Is there any info online about the internal dimensions of both upper and lower cabins?

Jim Davidson, e-mail, 11.04.2015 16:51

Happy memories of para jump training from Hastings & Beverlys in June1957.
Syndicate PJI was one Sgt Dorward - A1 instructor

Garry Warrington, e-mail, 21.03.2015 12:20

I had the misfortune of being part of the "Funeral Party" at RAF Abingdon, 1956, for the 24 Police (and their dogs)all died when the Beverly crashed trying to land on a vary foggy day. Something I will always very sadly remenber for the rest of my life!!

Derek, e-mail, 22.01.2015 01:18

Versatile aircraft one of which I witnessed being written off at Habilayn, formerly known as Thumier in South Arabia (Aden) in 1967. Early morning flight up from Khormaksar had landed. The pilot took full advantage of the entire runway venturing just slightly off at the end as he manoeuvred prior to backtrack along the runway to the off-load point. Unfortunately the starboard main gear wheels found the anti-tank mine the gollies had laid for our water tanker vehicle. Incredible sight - as the wing rose in the air accompanied by smoke and loud bang. Fastest I have ever seen RAF personnel move but it was an aircraft evacuation!. No injuries except pride and writers cramp from the subsequent written reports and explanations. Another Beverley was nearly written off that afternoon at the end of the same runway but thats another story and this sandbag is getting uncomfortable.

Howard West, e-mail, 22.08.2014 01:35

I was a USAF GCA Controller at Keflavik Iceland 1956-1957. I made one run with a Beverley, biggest thing I had ever seen up to that point.

Jim SPIERS, e-mail, 05.06.2014 23:14

which meant about every thirteen weeks or so we had to pack up and fly out for a fortnight in the sun!!!!!

jim shergold, e-mail, 03.01.2014 21:57

Hi Iwas at Abingdon in 58 and 59 station workshops also had the pleasure of working on the old Bevs. Great camp and agood croud of lads, very good memories,Cheers.

cliff lowe, e-mail, 02.12.2013 20:14

for about 2 years I refuelled and towed Bev's at RAF Abingdon1963-64. that pic at the top is on the BEV washing pan outside the refuelling flight at Abingdon.
backing a Bev into F hanger with a Tug Master was a bit tricky at first.once I took a Bev to the end of a runway for a compass swing. but the Chiefy said lets have a cup of tea first. so as I was driving away someone shouted 'the Bev's moving' so I chased it down the runway, It was without it's back doors [the reason it was moving at about 10mph]
as we chased it the Tower gave it a green to take off. I got up to it and a liney [who had forgot to put on the hand brake]climbed over the bonnet of the tugmaster and got into the Bev.I see that someone told about a landrover made a hole in Saisbury plain. When at RAF Old Sarum I took a coach load of German Air Force Officers to Lark Hill to watch a heavy drop by a Bev. only one of the 6 chutes opened of the land rover pallet and after the dust had settled a bulldozer came out of some woods and filled in the hole.then went back into the woods.the CO'S Marine driver and I fell about laughing the Germans were not amused.

Revd. Andrew MacKenzie, e-mail, 19.10.2013 19:15

Duly went Fort Paull and saw the only complete surviving Bev. My wife was well impressed. It seemed to be nearly as big as a 747! The floor sockets were well and truly u/s, and will never work again. Brought back a lot of 30 Squadron memories.

carl mann, e-mail, 13.09.2013 18:10

April 60 - May 62 Served with 84 Sqd Aden avionics tech. close shave June 61 aircraft blown up terrorist Bahrain refuel stop A.M. sec heavy lift short range U.K. Singapore ??? served the country well.

Revd. Andrew MacKenzie, e-mail, 09.09.2013 18:30

Was a Role Eqpt. Corporal airframe fitter on 30 Squadron Eastleigh from May 1961-November 1963. Just about to pay a visit to Fort Paull to see the last remaining Bev there. I shall give the floor sockets a hefty boot!

John Lowe, e-mail, 19.07.2013 12:11

Hi,i did my first plane jump from a beverley in early 1957 when with the parachute regt.I broke my back on a jump from a bev in may 1959.We jumped from 3 exits port,starboard and boom.It is said this was never done but i know it was.I love this air craft and have many happy memories about it.I would love to get a a nice picture of one.We also did rigging courses to load platforms for dropping land rovers.all at abingdon.It has been great to read how other people enjoyed this air craft.Many thanks John.

Maurice Millard, e-mail, 27.04.2013 17:53

I was an an apprentice at Blackburn's in the 1950's. As I recall the GAL-60 wasn't a Beverly prototype, it was a little smaller, with Hercules engines. The Beverly was bigger, with a large upper rear fuselage. The marketing pitch was that the rear fuselage was larger than a C-47.

The Beverly prototype had a "lash-up" wing center section. One of my assignments was on a team building a production center section with was retro-fitted to the prototype.

The field at Brough was a little tight for an aircraft this size, the prop 'auto-reverse' was very handy.

Ronnie Claassen, e-mail, 27.04.2013 09:50

Forgot to mention the date we South Africans did the cours at Abingdon. October 1960 to December 1960. Completed only 15 jumps due to adverse weather conditions. Jumps were made from Balloon, Beverley, Hastings as well as two jumps from a helicopter

Ronnie Claassen, e-mail, 27.04.2013 09:28

I am a South African Ex Paratrooper who with fourteen other South Africans did a jumping course at No 1 Parachute Training Scool at Abingdon. After two balloon jumps, our first Ac jump m was from a Beverley. Grand Aeroplane. Greetings to all.

Robert Garrett, e-mail, 06.04.2013 17:24

I was a RAF PJI at Abingdon during the 60's and worked despatching trainee Paras from Bevs - Hastings - ect would like to hear from anyone who was there during this time - I now live in Aus

Bob Garrett, e-mail, 04.04.2013 13:41

Was a PJI at Abigdon throuthout the 60s - Dispatched many Paras from the 'Old Flying Elephant' Now live in Aus - Anyone remember me ??

Vince (John) Nolan, e-mail, 30.03.2013 13:26

Loved this old 'Flying Elephant' did my first jumps from it at Abingdon - It was roomy and easy to exit for para - I can smell the arcid fuel now just lookig at the pic - Loved Abingdon including the food and the RAF girls - Went back later on a APJI course and made a lot of friends Army and RAF as I stayed in the Sgt Mess there - I am still in contact with one RAF PJI who now lives in Australia - Bob Garrett if anyone remembers him let me know as I am in daily contact on email - Happy Days - PS Did not like the Hasings

A Michie, 15.03.2013 22:22

The beverly moved the 1 st bn the Gordon highlanders from Kenya to Swaziland in the early sixties great air craft

A Michie, 15.03.2013 22:20

The beverly moved the 1 st bn the Gordon highlanders from Kenya to Swaziland in the early sixties great air craft

jack, e-mail, 12.01.2013 21:16

The Beverley boom was my first aircraft jump on para course back in the early sixties great aircraft slow but sure. Flew in the Beverley many times and my final Beverley flight was from Butterworth via KL to Singapore in 67. An RAF friend in Singapore told me they were stripping bits off aircraft just to keep 1 or two flying. Not sure when they finished in service?

john benton, e-mail, 18.08.2012 23:14

Imagine this aircraft with turboprops. What a piece of kit it would have been.

john perryman, e-mail, 17.05.2012 11:56

Para's training 10th bat 1962 Abingdon door came off so we had to land.Does anyone remember Sooty RAF sargent instructor realy thick jump boots used to be a drifter.
Up 800 ft five men jumping!

martin ( jock ) leslie, e-mail, 03.05.2012 16:58

I had two years on 84 sqdn, 1963 to 1965.
learnt more about my own abilities keeping these monsters servicable, from Aden to Kenya, Southern Rhodesia ( as it was then )Swaziland and all points south, great times.

billd766, e-mail, 26.01.2012 16:16

Actually Norman the Beverleys were usually only 4 in number and 2 came from 30 Sqdn at Eastleigh and the other 2 came from 84 at Khormaksar.

I worked on them from June 1963 to June 1964 so if you were there at the time we probably know each other.

RAF Norman,, 04.11.2011

Whilst serving in the RAF in the Middle East, there was a squadron of Beverley's based at RAF Muharraq in Bahrain in 1964. Flew in this aircraft on many occasions delivering machinery for MPBW to distant outposts, Para drops, air sea rescue (The Beverley was used in the search for survivors including that of the MEA Caravelle which crashed into the sea whilst attempting to land at nearby Dahran in April 1964. I have Such Fond memories of this incredible versatile aircraft.

RAF Norman, e-mail, 04.11.2011 19:56

Whilst serving in the RAF in the Middle East, there was a squadron of Beverley's based at RAF Muharraq in Bahrain in 1964. Flew in this aircraft on many occasions delivering machinery for MPBW to distant outposts, Para drops, air sea rescue (The Beverley was used in the search for survivors including that of the MEA Caravelle which crashed into the sea whilst attempting to land at nearby Dahran in April 1964. I have Such Fond memories of this incredible versatile aircraft.

Keith Greenwood, e-mail, 27.10.2011 08:17

Back in the late 50's I was a balloon operator at RAF Abingdon and sent up many jumpers in the gondala for there first jump. On sports afternoon some of us would try and get a flight in the Beverley air craft,great way to spend an hour or two.Love abingdon camp, food not great, but company was good.

Edward Wilkinson, e-mail, 06.04.2011 18:33

I rember servicing this aircraft when based at RAF Dishforth in the North Riding of Yorkshire, and then on a paratrooper training session at RAF Abingdon, when someone didn't set up the parachutes correctly and a landrover towing a trailer went down 15,000 feet on a drogue parachute. It left a big hole on Salisbury Plain!
Trying to keep a Beverly on the peri track by hand signals was a work of art, because the pilot was so high above the ground and the landing wheels so far apart.

joe of beverley, e-mail, 25.12.2010 00:00

I remember, as lads, helping to "wheel" shape into beverley sheet metal panels at the old flying school,Actually we sun bathed in the engine bays high above the ground whilst the men wheeled the panels . Joe

Keith Hesselden, e-mail, 09.12.2010 09:08

My father, Vern Hesselden, worked for Blackburn up to about 1954.l Remember walking into the wing root of the Beverly and down the spar to the inboard enginr (number 2 if memory serves). I was only 7 at the time and the Beverly to me was, of course, a massive aeroplane. As an aside, my mother Joyce also worked for Blackburn as secretary to test pilot Sailor Parker who presented me with a flying helmet and oxygen mask with mic. and a set of headphones on the occasion of my parents leaving so dad could go to work for Avro on the Vulcan program. All said, I have very fond memories of living in Brough, the airfield and Blackburn.

Ted Dalton M.B.E.EX PARA, e-mail, 09.11.2010 13:03

I did my basic para coursr in the early sixties we used the Beverly and Hasting aircraft The best juump on my course was the Beverly boom this was the last air craft which you jumped through the hole Fond memories of RAF Abingdon

Mike Scott, e-mail, 07.10.2010 22:51

I remember flying on one as a CCF cadet. I think it was from Jurby to Abingdon in about 1962.

J. Jeffcoat, e-mail, 29.08.2010 06:24

As a USAF Pilot, I was selected as an Exchange Pilot with the RAF, and was assigned to fly the Beverly. Attended the flight school at Thorney Island, and was assigned to the 47 Sqd at RAF Abingdon. 1965 - 1968. Was previledged to fly the last operational Beverly of the 47 Squadron around most RAF Bases, then terminated at the Bone Yard. Flew demonstration flights in three Air Shows at RAF Abingdon, and RAF Boscom Down. A Great Old Aircraft.

J.OAKES, e-mail, 05.06.2010 19:50

involved with this type 1st visit El Adem throught to last flight to paul . info and pics

mike horsfield, e-mail, 11.03.2010 22:14

what a yoy to see the two beverley shots,I flew a few times in the 1950s and earley 60s from watebeach and west raynham as steward many times with 1Sqdn and 54 Sqdn R A F can any one sell me a couple of photos for my memories of my flights in the old girl,if so I will eternaly contact no is 0161 292 1080

Les Jones, e-mail, 10.03.2010 01:50

I flew from Cyprus to Abingdon via Libya,Malta and Orange in one of these in 1960. We sat it the hold but because the doors wouldn't quite close, we piled on the blankets for the 6-8 hour legs. Longest, most uncomfortable journey of my life!

Gibby, e-mail, 07.02.2010 06:21

I did my NS 1960 to 1962 with 63 coy rasc Airborne and we jumped from these planes in UK Libya Cyprus Germany Channel Islands,very safe plane.

John, e-mail, 06.01.2010 18:28

A friend of mine jumped from this aircraft
as a paratrooper [Scotland]

paul scott, e-mail, 23.10.2009 19:00

Strange aeroplane, but in its own way another classic.

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