Lockheed F-94 "Starfire"
by last date | by total length | by number


15.02.2025 23:36

Lockheed U-2

15.02.2025 13:41

AAA Vision

15.02.2025 08:19

Pemberton-Billing (Supermarine) P.B.31E

15.02.2025 07:57

14.02.2025 11:15

13.02.2025 19:22

Junkers Ju 390

13.02.2025 13:08

11.02.2025 21:38

07.02.2025 15:53

Savoia-Marchetti S.M.79 Sparviero

07.02.2025 05:07

Canadair CL-44 "Forty Four"

07.02.2025 03:11

06.02.2025 17:17

04.02.2025 11:54

Curtiss Eagle

03.02.2025 17:21

01.02.2025 23:00

30.01.2025 19:04

Douglas C-124 Globemaster II

30.01.2025 01:48

Bellanca Aircruiser

29.01.2025 13:36

Convair 240

29.01.2025 01:23

Miles Hawk

28.01.2025 21:49

28.01.2025 12:33

Ilyushin IL-76

27.01.2025 05:09

McDonnell Douglas DC-9

26.01.2025 21:55

Curtiss Hawk III & IV

26.01.2025 02:34

24.01.2025 22:52

Convair F-106 Delta Dart

24.01.2025 18:26

23.01.2025 21:56

23.01.2025 04:37

22.01.2025 03:13

21.01.2025 12:35

Richard Daniels, e-mail, 28.12.2024 22:32

My dad was in the 59th in Goose Bay,
1953 , 2nd LT. Richard Daniels
Trying to locate any photos one may have.
Thank you for your time,
Richard Daniels

Donald W. Hill, e-mail, 28.07.2022 19:55

I also was a member of the 60th FIS stationed at Otis AFB. Our CO was nonother than the famous (Chappy James} During this period of time we had the F94C aircraft. Our neighboring squadron the 58th FIS flew the F89H.

Dux Bo fuller, e-mail, 28.02.2022 21:38

Thank you all for your service!..........i rode shotgun in Mass. aaaaaaag T-33s with dad for years.......Q..

are there any flying 94 s civilian now anywhere

seems to me you could deactivate, remove burner......?

Fritz Adam, e-mail, 07.07.2021 00:54

I only now discovered your email. I was in the 58 FIS in the summer of 1952 and got transferred in the fall to he 59th FIS that went to Goose Bay. I'm 92 years old now still remember Chappy James but no other names any more. Sorry, can't help.

Wes Annas, e-mail, 26.09.2020 20:52

George, hope you are still vertical as I was in the 318th at McChord,Thule and Presque Isle, Maine. I know you.

Wes Annas, e-mail, 26.09.2020 20:52

George, hope you are still vertical as I was in the 318th at McChord,Thule and Presque Isle, Maine. I know you.

Stephen Cohn, e-mail, 29.03.2018 01:24

To Fritz Adam, my father then LT. Donald Cohn was stationed at that same time at Otis flying for Chappy James.Just wondering if you knew him. Thank you for your service. Stephen Cohn

Richard Gross, e-mail, 30.09.2017 22:25

I was a F94B Mechanic assigned to the 319th FIS at Suwon K-13 Korea in 1953. My first assignment to service the F94B and what a great aircraft to maintain. The aircraft was nose number FA-416 ("Kiss of Fire" - S/N 51-5416) and was later shipped back to the States and transferred for flying assignment with the New York ANG 136th FIS.

(Benny) Benjamin, e-mail, 22.07.2017 23:13

I was stationed at Newcastle County AFB From 1954 TO Dec 1957. I was an instrument mech. in the 96th FIS working on F94Cs

Gary Quigg, e-mail, 19.03.2017 19:47

I am a historian/archaeologist writing a report on a crash site on Tyndall AFB property about six miles from center of the runways. The remaining fragments are consistent with a Lockheed T-33 or F-94, but I have not located a serial number on site so I am narrowing it down by crash site location. If anyone has any information about a T-33 or F-94 crash please email me directly. Thanks in advance for your assistance.

DHarvey603@aol.com, 15.02.2017 00:09

Tom Benjey, the 46th FIS has a web page whith color photos of the F-9C. I flew in the F-94C while I was in the 84th FIS at Hamilton AFB, California.

Don Harvey

Tom Benjey, e-mail, 14.02.2017 15:56

I'm trying to locate photos of the F-94C painted in 46th FIS colors so that I can have a model of the planes he worked on made for a friend.

RICHARD B rogers, e-mail, 29.06.2016 20:14


David Doyle, e-mail, 02.05.2016 19:46

I was stationed at New Castle 1953-1958 332nd FIS Changed name only to 97th FIS without aircraft or personal change.

I knew a T/Sgt Bill Shay, who loved to play volly-ball at lunch time in the hangar.

Richard (Dutch) Miller, e-mail, 23.11.2015 17:21

After a 16 month tour in Korea, Japan, and a few other places in the Far East, came back to Bunkerhill AFB in Indiana in 1955 to the 319 FIS, was crew chief on the F-94C Starfire. Did a lot of flying in the rear seat where the Navigator sits when he didn't fly, we flew a lot at night and our Motto was (We Get Ours At Night) shoulder patch was a circle with a black cat in the middle,couple of my friends were Charles Rayburn, who in now deceased and Jimmy Sauls. am now 84 and retired. anybody there ant that time remember me.

Al Brown, e-mail, 01.08.2015 19:44

Class 51-F Goodfellow AFB and Reese AFB Flew T-6, T-28, B-25, T-33, F-94 Would like to hear from old friends. I was assigned to the 317th FIS and the 449th FIS

billy shay, e-mail, 14.07.2015 21:58

Flew in b.s. in 94s to Alaska, April 51. Col wm benidect was flight leader. Also was at New castle 1951/1958. Was in 97th and332nd. Would like hear

Fritz Adam, e-mail, 04.03.2015 02:30

I graduated from Aviation Cadet class 51-H and was assigned to the Air Defense Command. My first outfit was the 58th FIS at Otis AFB (Chappy James) and then I was transferred to the 59th FIS (Robert Dow). The 59th went to Goose Bay and Thule late in 1952. I have some great pictures of the F-94b

William Ellis, e-mail, 22.02.2015 23:28

I was ten years old when my mom took me to an open house at
Langley AFB in the summer of 1953. I remember running down the flight line pass rows of B-25Js. Then I watched a B-25J
running up its engines for takeoff, then I ventured to a dock that had USAF rescue boats and there I saw the weackage
of a F-94C Starfire that had crashed.

Eileen, e-mail, 31.01.2015 00:32

Hi, I am the daughter of Maj. Walter Cleary USAF RET. My parents have passed and I'm looking for information on where to send some photos I've found.

It appears my father flew the F94-C> My Father was stationed at Moody AFB when he won the Rocket Meet in Yuma. I have some photos that pertain to that, as well as other ones that have a number and a last name. If anyone knows my Dad or has information as to what musuem would appreciated these photos, please let me know? Thank you so much! ~ Eileen ..

Steen Hartov, e-mail, 24.12.2014 17:10

Does anyone remember a pilot or RIO with the callsign "SHEF"? He should have served with 97th FIS. I have his helmet in my collection.

George J Leiby, e-mail, 13.12.2014 19:16

I was a F89D/F94C radar mechanic for the 3630th A&E Maintenance Squad starting in 1956 through 1958 at Moody AFB. Loved working on the F89 and drying out the wiring in the sub-cockpits of F94's after a rain without the canopy cover properly installed. I also had the pleasure of working on a F94 with Kent VanDeMark when a fellow technician, Joe Dean, sitting in the front cockpit, released the tip tanks at the radar "Dock" maintenance area. Can you believe that someone didn’t check the wing pins or CB interlocks that evening? Our boss, C C Bates was fit to be tied. I later followed the F89’s to JCAFB and worked there for a couple more years on both the F89’s and B25’s used for RO training. Anyone interested in interacting about Moody or James Connally during the late 50's, shoot me a note at george.leiby@comcast.net.

George M. Boyd, Maj-USAF, e-mail, 13.05.2014 13:03

I flew with the 318th FIS at Thule, Greenland 1952-1953. Flew 58:25 in a one month flying period in F-94Bs. Wmn O. "Jug" Belton was the CO, George C. McCleary was DO and Travis Greenwood was Assistant DO. "Shorty" Graham was Lead RO. We
enjoyed the F-94Bs our first all weather Jet Fighter.

Donald Harvey, e-mail, 13.12.2013 23:26


Saw your post of 4-8-13. My name is Donald Harvey, I was in the James Connally class of 52-4 as well. After Tyndall crew training I was assigned to the 84th FIS at Hamilton AFB in Novato, California which is in the San Francisco bay area. Flew in F-89 B and C’s then in the F-94B and C’s. There were other members of class 52-4 in the 84th also. John Forney, George Rost, Cliff Reiner and Don Schneeman.

From the 84th I went back to Tyndall for intercept director training and then the 666th ACW Squadron at Mill Valley AFS, California, also in the Bay area. At the 666th I worked with Jim Hrabetin who had been at Elmendorf flying in F-94s in the back seat. Possibly you may have been in the same unit at Elmendorf.

Donald Harvey
2nd Lt 84th FIS Sq 1952-1953
1st Lt 666th ACW Sq 1954-1955
1955 to present date in civilian life

Bob Benson, e-mail, 07.11.2013 00:26

Saw the comment from George Butler RO class 53-7. George were you the red headed guy with freckles?--I was in your RO class went to Tyndall then eventually Dover 46th FIS. From their went to Pilot training---class 53-B ended up at New Castle Air base would you beleive back in the 94-c---Loved it but haven,t been able to contact anyone either from our RO class or my pilot traing class. I am retired and living in the Villages Fl. How are you doing????

Gene Kershner, e-mail, 31.10.2013 23:43

The 339th Fighter Interceptor Squadron flew the F-94B during the Korean War in the early 1950's. The squadron evolved from the 339th Fighter Squadron which was activated during the War and flew the famous mission that shot down Admiral Yamamoto in 1943. There is an Association formed to honor that squadron and has a reunion each year. Anyone interested can contact Robert Murphy at 386-364-1454.

richard b rogers, e-mail, 04.08.2013 22:14

Graduated 52-4, james connolly afb tyndal afb for advanced training then assg 94th fis sqd elmendorf afb, anchorage, ak. returned to class 55c along with former ro's dick Barber and dick savage. dick went to 86d's and savage and I went to 86's at nellis. both had pregnant wives so savage went to japan and died of leukemia. lost track of dick and and wife Bev. I was assigned to the 25th srs at larson afb moses lake wa. flying rf84f's SAC. anyone around from that era please contact me.

Skip Hickey, e-mail, 12.06.2013 22:50

Does anyone know why the horizontal tail was swept on the F-94C? Was it to reduce drag?

Matthew Geiss, e-mail, 01.05.2013 00:35

My father was Henry( Hank ) Geiss Jr. He was a navigator in the F-94 and Flew out of Dover DE, Valdosta GA, and San Antonio TX before he was assigned to SAC. His last station was in Frances E. Warren AFB in 1962. was wondering if any one knew him and might have some pictures of him on the flight line. Thanks

Al Brown, e-mail, 14.02.2013 15:44

I flew the F-94's in the 317th FIS and the 449'th Fis in Fairbanks, Alaska. I would like to hear from any of my old friends. Al

Julie Wessinger, e-mail, 29.10.2012 19:16

Re: Norman Bills, nlbills=aol.com, 22.06.2012 above - I am Lt. Wessinger's daughter and we have numerous photographs of the crash site. The ejection seat saved his life. Glad you remember!

Robert Venable, e-mail, 08.10.2012 23:09

While stationed at Hamilton AFB, in Calif., in the 50's, one of my planes was sent to Castle AFB to pick up a strut. When the pilot 1st Lt Evans was taking off for the return flight he was struck by another plane. I am wondering where I can find more information about this incident?
I was supposed to go with Lt Evans but a young man in our outfit asked to go in my place, it was allowed, I am curious as to this boys name as he took my place? Neither this boy or Lt Evans survived.
I was in the 84th FIS, S/Sgt and crew chief.

George Butler, e-mail, 03.09.2012 19:06

I was an RO (Waco Class 53-7). After assignment to Moody AFB,I was assigned to 48th FIS(Langley) for a short time while the 46th FIS at Dover was being reactivated, Spent the rest of my AF time flying the F94C and meeting some wonderful people (still in contact with Schwab)there.

Norman Bills, e-mail, 22.06.2012 01:22

I was assigned to the 96FIS,New Castle AFB in Jan 1953.as a Armt Sys Tech. working on the F94C. My entire time (until June 1956) in the USAF was spent at New Castle except for training sessions and TDY Rocket Team Comp. at Moody AFB and Yuma AFB.I was there when Lt. Wessinger had to ditch his ride. We spent lot of time searching that swamp for the downed craft, but never found it as far as I know.So many wonderful memories.

Homer Hunt, e-mail, 19.06.2012 21:47

My first assignment was to Moody to check out in the F-94C.
I flew with the 97th FIS, New Castle Air Base, Del and the 94th FIS Dover AFB. A reliable fun Aicraft to fly. It would go Mach 1 in a Steep dive in afterburner starting at 40,000ft.

Matthew Geiss, e-mail, 05.06.2012 23:15

My father was Capt. Henry H. Geiss Jr. He was a navigator (second seat) in the F-94. Was wondering if any one might remember him. Have a squadron mug of his with his nick name Hank and Hellcats on the side. Looking for info on this group. Tahnks M.E. Geiss

Gene Baldwin, e-mail, 02.06.2012 23:04

I graduated in 52A and went to Mooody, Tyndal and then to the 68th sqdn. at Itazuke flying the F-94B. We lost four birds that disapeared from radar -- never a sucessful ejection. I have researched later and have never found one succeful ejection from a F-94B. If anyone knows of one from a B model, please let me know.

Ray Kirwan, e-mail, 27.03.2012 22:22

I answered a request from Wayne Steemsma (21.03.12). It was returned with a note that the e-mail address could not be found.

Wayne Steensma, e-mail, 21.03.2012 04:39

I was a crew chief on a F-94B and then two F-94C's,
SN 50-1010 and 51-3585 in the SD Air Guard. I was given a picure at Christmas showing all the type jets the unit had flown. I am looking for a picture of SN 1010 leading a flight of 4 sometime back in the 50's. The story centered on an Afro-American pilot who was the first to command a fighter squadron. I would like to find that magazine
Thought it was Life or Look, but not sure. I did find a small single pic of in flight somewhere on Google. magazineAppreciate any help in finding the magazine.

David Jenkins, e-mail, 23.01.2012 03:40

I'm not sure if it was an F-89 or an F-94, (I was only 8 or 9 at the time), but the father of a childhood friend of mine was in the USAF and flew the plane. A bird or something hit and broke the windscreen and blinded him. Another plane (wingman?) talked him down to a successful landing. My friend's last name was Durkee. I have read a short story about the event in a Reader's Digest article from the late 1950's. I have tried to find the article since, but have had no luck. That's it!

John Callahan, e-mail, 15.12.2011 05:23

94C only bird I flew that you couldn't break in the air. Only if you flew into ground. Lots of stories about "C", 89D,H & J at Hamilton AFB, CA. 53-60. Developed the head on attack in the 89J. Remember, keep the pointy end forward.

paul wilcox, e-mail, 11.07.2011 22:08

I was radar mechanic on the F94C at new castle FFB in 1953 to 1956. it was the 332 FIS then was changed to the 97 FIS

Stephen Cohn, e-mail, 01.06.2011 16:47

My father (Donald R. Cohn) was stationed at Otis AFB in the early fifties. I understand he flew with Chappy James. My dad was killed in 1959 on a mission from Holliman AFB to Utah when he had a flame out and upon ejection his chute only partially opened. I was wondering if anyone remembers him and if so I would like to know more. I was only 7 when he was killed and thanks to the internet have ben able to get bits and pieces of information. Thank you for serving your country.
Respectfully, yours
Steve Cohn

Donald Harvey, e-mail, 25.05.2011 23:49

Trained at James Connally AFB class 52-4, Tyndall AFB then assigned to 84th FIS Sqd at Hamilton AFB. Flew in the back seat of F-89B and C models, F-94B and C models. The F-94 was a reliable aircraft.

Elza Pringle Jr, e-mail, 21.05.2011 04:50

I graduated in pilot training class 53A. After graduation, I went to instrument school at Moody AFB, GA, then to Tyndall to fly the F-94C. From there I was assigned to McGuire AFB to fly the F-86D but since it was grounded at that time, I was transfered to Dover to continue flying the F-94C. I fell in love with that Aircraft and was quite impressed with its capabilities-quite an all weather "Bird". Sitting alert at Dover flying out over the Atlantic to intercept civilian airliners that were off course or times comming in to the New York ADIZ. That aircraft would go gettum. Then of course the great cross countries countries. I only had one break down and that was for brakes partly my fault for not using the drag chute to stop the bird-(didn't want to repack the chute). Seems a waste when they all went to Davis Monthan,the aircraft grave yard. Met a lot of good buddies at Dover.

Lyle "Red" Pierson, e-mail, 25.01.2011 19:44

The 48th FIS was my 1st Squadren & the F-94C my first fighter aircraft. Pilot Training Class 55S then Moody AFB where I teamed with Dave Choate as my RO. Flew on Acro team with my Flight Commander Tom Perfilli. Got "grouned for a month (twice) for buzzing. Transitioned into F-102. Was IP for Glenn, Carpenter. Sheppard and Grissium when they flew with 48th. Hell of a lot of fun and gained a lot of experience. Dave Choate went on to be #1 in his pilot training class.

Tim Long, e-mail, 02.12.2010 04:24

My Uncle, Joe Long, flew 94C's with the 97th FIS at Newcastle, DE in the '56-'59 time period. Does anyone remember him?

Fred Griffith, e-mail, 13.11.2010 17:50

The aircraft pictured at the top of the specifications is a F-94B not a F-94C. I flew the F-94B in the 64th FIS in Alaska, and the F-94C in the 46th FIS in Dover, Delaware. I think they both were very good aircrafts for the job they were doing.

Jim addington, e-mail, 09.11.2010 16:39

I flew the back seat of the F-94C at Langley AFB, the 48th FIS in l955-56. Great A/P I trained in class 52-31 at Waco, Tx. Anyone involved at that, E-mail me. It was agreat aircraft.

Stan Green, e-mail, 31.10.2010 21:46

I flew the F-94C at Oxnard AFB in 1954. It was the 354th FIS. Subsequently flew F-86D's in Japan with the 39FIS.
One 94C threw two buckets from the turbine wheel when 70 miles out over the Pacific and was flown back to Oxnard. The only comment from the pilot was that it was running rough. Some engine.

Ray Kirwan, e-mail, 27.10.2010 21:51

I was commissioned as an RO toward the end of the Korean War and was immediately sent to Japan to transition into F94Bs in the 339th FIS. First jet flight was from Misawa. After my tour, I went to the 58th FIS at Otis where we flew in F-94Cs and then F-89D's. When the Mass. ANG came in for Summer Camp and were short of RO"s, I filled in in F-94A's. All good experiences. When I logged on to this site, I was surprised to see comments from Dick Leith and Tom Torcha. I knew Dick from the 339th and shared a house with Tom while in the 58th.

Dick Lethe, e-mail, 27.10.2010 04:40

. My squadron the 58th was the best all weather squadron in the USAF.I flew the c model at Otis in 1953-55. It was the
best performing all weather fighter in the USAF at the time.
I ferried more than 25 starfires to various squadrons in the EADF. I have 1000 hours in that bird, it was great.

Thomas Torchia, e-mail, 27.10.2010 00:36

Oh man...........Do I have any comments??.........
I am full to the brim.........

After graduating in Class 53-D, I completed training in the '94 at Moody AFB in Valdosta Ga.....Then went to Otis AFB to stand guard..........
I loved the '94 so a "fighter" through and through...........and was broken hearted when we were given the twin engine, underpowered "bomber" type F-89.......
The '94 served it's time and did it's mission when it was needed.....I was happy to be a part of that......

Robert L Burns, e-mail, 26.10.2010 21:18

After completing AF Instrument School @ Moody AFB, Valdosta, GA in the Spring of 1954 I was assigned to the F-94C transition program (At the time, Moody also had the F-89 transition program). Being a brand new young 2nd Lt. pilot who just recently received his Wings (54-India), I really was ecstatic about flying the F-94C--afterburner; drag chute!! Doesn't get any better than that!! After completion of F-94C training I was assigned to the 66thFIS at Elmendorf AFB, AK which had the F-89D--so back to school all over again.
Rotated from Elmendorf to the 532nd FDS at Seymour Johnson AFB NC which had the North American F-86H Sabre--"The Last of the Sport Models"!!

Al Brown, e-mail, 18.10.2010 21:34

I was in 51-F and went through the All Weather school at Tindall AFB where I flew T-33, F-80, F-94A&B. From there to the 317th FIS McCord AFB then from there to the 449th FIS Fairbanks, Alaska. All versions of the old F-80 were fun to fly and a stsble platform for weather flying

David Doyle, e-mail, 16.10.2010 16:41

Sam M/Sgt Grant was the line Chief when I was in the 332nd I have a photo of the whole 55 Rocket team when they won the event in 55

T/Sgt Sammy McIntyre, e-mail, 10.09.2010 22:09

Dec 1951 I was assigned to Dover AFB,Del. and worked on the F-94B's. Spring of '53 I was transfered to the 332nd in New Castle. May 1956 ,now in the 97th, I was sent to Korea. As a crew chief of 51-5676 my pilot was Lt Elhai and the RO was Lt Koffman. Sgt Segetti was the hanger chief,Sgt Grant was the eng shop chief, Sgt wilson and Sgt Irving Reagnor were flt chiefs, Sgt Andrews was an inspector. Sgt Pryor was my line chief at Dover, Tainan,Taiwan, and at Nellis. I am now a 100% disabled vet, the results of almost being crushed to death in '53 while working on my 94C in New Castle.

Dick Suter, e-mail, 27.08.2010 00:52

I flew the C model 94 with the 391th FIS at Bunker Hill from Jan 57 until we "upgraded" to the F-89J. Then came the (wheeee!) F-106. Loved the 94 and the six even more.
Damn, that Nothrust machine was ugly!

Roy Mills, e-mail, 16.08.2010 05:13

I was assigned to the engine shop in late 1957 and left in mid 1958 to Otis. I remember two F94 "THINGS". one was a Ro ejected and the pilot come home with the rear section of the canopy missing, ice cicles hanging from every protrusion.
Secone was my room mate fired off the canopy while a 94 was undergoing schduled maint in the hanger.
One of the 94's is in the USAF museum at WritePat along side of an F89J I worked on in the 449th at Ladd AFB Alaska.

Russell Caauwe, e-mail, 05.06.2010 21:17

I trained in the F94C at Moody in late 1953. Next assignment was Keflavik Iceland, 82nd FIS which had F-94B's. The side view shown above this list of postings is actually an F-94B, not an F-94C. The photo at the very top is an F-94C, and the 3 view drawing is also correct.
I really enjoyed flying the F-94C. The afterburner was "awesome". The autopilot was so bad we weren't allowed to use it. We could go supersonic in a dive from 40,000ft with the afterburner going and the elevator boost cranked up to 11:1 ratio. Recover had to start at 20,000. My room-mate, Don Watkins, was killed on a low level formation flight. Sad.

David E. Doyle, e-mail, 04.02.2010 06:14

I first arrived at New Castle De. 22 July 1953, assigned to the 332nd FIS With the F-94C.The 332nd became the 97th FIS in 1955 and the base closed down 1 Jan 1958. The 94 that crashed in Northen Delaware crashed near Newark and killed both the Pilot and RO assigned to the 97th.

Bill Rivers, e-mail, 27.01.2010 16:37

A native Delawarean, my grandparents told me stories of a military fighter crashing in the hills behind their home in rural Northern Delaware in 1958 (we think). My brother and I used to hike out to the wreck site and we've been fascinated with military aviation ever since. We have reason to think it was an F-94 but no one at DAFB has any records of it being one of theirs. Does anyone have any information on this? I'm a college student at the University of Delaware and I'm working on a writing project on the tragic event.

Betty Wessinger, e-mail, 18.01.2010 03:58

My husband, Terriel Eugene (Gene) Wessinger, trained at Moody AFB beginning in Oct., 1954. He was assigned to the 96th Squadron in New Castle AFB in April, 1955. While on a routine flight on February 7, 1956 he had fire warning lights in the cockpit and flames were shooting out from under the plane. He was alone on this flight and was advised by his wingman to eject. He parachuted safely into the woods near Vineland, NJ. Due to back injuries, he returned to civilian life several months later. We still have his ejection seat in the basement.

ralfabco@hotmail.com, e-mail, 31.12.2009 23:44


I have been collecting "old" USAF Fighter Interceptor Squadron cloth patches, for over ten years.

Does anyone have an extra old new or used Fighter Interceptor Squadron cloth patch ? Of course, I already have some squadrons in my collection. I have some nice new F-94, F-86D, and or F-89 books, I would be happy to send you, for a cloth patch. I would send the books to your address before you send any patch. In fact, I sent two books to one of the pilots, who commented in this section. The patches are difficult to locate, after all these years. Please let me know, at your leisure. Thanks for your interest. Check Six.

Ed Horan, e-mail, 31.12.2009 19:04

After Moody AFB F-94C school in 1954 I was assigned to the 96FIS at New Castle AFB, Wilmington,DE, then the F-89D in the 69FIS at Goose AFB Newfoundland.Returned to New Castle in the 97FIS in 1959. We had a F-94C rigged with two external fuel tanks. I often flew this bird to depots to pickup spare parts and tie them down in the back RO seat. This F-94C really had long legs, but was tricky, with the spare tanks. Maintained F-94C currency but moved to McGuire at the New York Air Defense Sector during 1957-1961, and then to the 26thAD at Syracuse in 1961.

Ed Horan, e-mail, 31.12.2009 19:04

After Moody AFB F-94C school in 1954 I was assigned to the 96FIS at New Castle AFB, Wilmington,DE, then the F-89D in the 69FIS at Goose AFB Newfoundland.Returned to New Castle in the 97FIS in 1959. We had a F-94C rigged with two external fuel tanks. I often flew this bird to depots to pickup spare parts and tie them down in the back RO seat. This F-94C really had long legs, but was tricky, with the spare tanks. Maintained F-94C currency but moved to McGuire at the New York Air Defense Sector during 1957-1961, and then to the 26thAD at Syracuse in 1961.

DICK WILSON, e-mail, 27.09.2009 00:38


Sid Gates, e-mail, 22.09.2009 18:22

In my May post I said I am building a flying model of the F-94C. You can see my progress at my personnal web site:
The model is powered by a miniature turbine engine putting out 18lbs static trust. The model will weigh about 25lbs at takeoff, a little better power to weight than we had in the full scale.

George Butler, e-mail, 15.09.2009 23:51

I'm still arround and hear from Bob Schawb & Bob Kimbal occasionally. I didn't realize Bob Benson was involved with this web page. Bob, we both were at Waco in Class 53-7, if you read this send me a note.

Victoria Sharp, e-mail, 05.08.2009 15:02

My father, Capt. William C. Sharp, was stationed at Eglin AFB in 1952-53 with the 3200nd Air Support Command. He was killed when his F94C had a flame out and crashed on landing on June 21, 1953. Cause of accident was found to be incorrect installation of fuel pump. More than fifty years later, his three children still remember...and we would love to hear from pilots from his era.

Jim Addington, e-mail, 26.06.2009 22:24

I flew back seat in the F94C in 53-55 48th FIS, Langley AFB, Va. WE raffled a Cadillac and built the Alert Hangers with the proceeds. Great aircraft and great Squadron. Many good memories.

Sid Gates, e-mail, 19.05.2009 22:23

I went through F-94C training at Valdosta,GA June,July,Aug,Sept of 1956. My permanent assignment was with the 27th FIS Rome, NY. I have been working on a flying model of the F-94C for the past 4 years. It should test fly in the next 2 months. You can view my build progress at this web site: http://www.gates-sid.com

Steven Nicolay, e-mail, 19.05.2009 16:33

My dad, Henry Charles "Nick" Nicolay, was at Moody in 1956, then moved on to Dover AFB , was killed flying the F94C over Lake Huron, March 57. If anybody knew him, especially flying with him, would love to hear from you. Please send me an e-mail. Any info no matter how small, would be helpful.

Bob Lynn, e-mail, 02.12.2008 10:16

Transitioned to F94C at Moody AFB, GA,in 1953, then flew the bird with 48th FIS, Langley AFB, VA.

Harry Archer, e-mail, 01.11.2008 11:16

Can anyone give me the fuel load and disposition of the F-94C please?

BobHazlett, e-mail, 18.09.2008 23:12

I joined the 29th FIS at Malmstrom AFB in 1955. I pilotted the F-94C util I left the squadron for exchange duty with the Navy in 1957.

gene Baldwin, e-mail, 18.08.2008 00:51

I trained in the F-94 at Tyndall AFB in May-June 1952. I flew it for over two years with the 68th Fighter Iterceptor Squadron at Itazuke. The 68th later converted to the F-86D -- but eight crews maintained all the alerts in the F-94 while the squadron transitioned. Good bird!

Bob Benson, e-mail, 02.07.2008 22:10

Went thru RO training James Connally in Waco in 1952 Class 53-7. Went to Tyndall for training in the 94C. Assigned to 46th FIS at Dover from there went to Pilot training at
graham air base Marianna Fl, class 55G then to Greenville Miss. Then was assigned to 332nd FIS 94C squadron at New Castle--1955. Would love to here from anyone still around that might remember me from any of the above.

John A. Fant, e-mail, 18.06.2008 03:33

After completing Moody AFB training I was assinged to the 48th FIS at Langley where we stood alert on the east coast. The F-94C served us well. We frequently would fly a 16-ship formation training flight with only 25 assigned aircraft. The unit was awarded the Presidential unit citation for flying safety.

w. d. woodruff (woody), e-mail, 10.06.2008 00:45

Trained at Moody in F94C June-Sept 54, assigned to F94C in 332nd FIS, New Castle Delaware until May 55, F89D in 59th FIS May 55-June 56 at Goose and back to F94C at Bunker Hill AFB (now Grissom), IN June 56 to Sept 57. Loved the 94C, fund to fly, great (for its time period) performance (0-42,000 ft in 7 minutes and an airframe you could go thru mach 1 (going downhill). Ailerons like a barn door would allow faast rolls and fun! Terrible fire control system but the best we had for the '50s.

Bill McCarthy, e-mail, 08.06.2008 09:06

As an RO I trained in the F 94 C at Moody AFB in 1953 then reported to the 59 Fighte interceptor Sq. at Goose AB Labrador in 1954. The 59th was the first to operate in high artic. Many stories are told of the squadron during the following years. The unit is now reactivated as a test squadron at Nellis. We have a great association of past members who get together and tell war stories. Freicuden Du

George Butler, e-mail, 01.05.2008 04:02

I was assigned to the 46th FIS at Dover AFB from '54 to '56. It was a safe AC, especially when we were scrambled out over the Atlantic to check on various commercial AC entering the ADIZ at the wrong time/location. There still are a few of us left & occasionally get together.

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