Thanks for your reply about Ed Stoelting. I too haven't checked this site in a long time. Would you send me your contact info? My family would love to hear stories and see pictures,if any(particularly crew photos.
ssgt don bren, e-mail, 19.05.2024 03:21
i was statioend at mather afb in1952 and 1953 worked in the autopilet bomb site shop was crew member on b50s sq.3535 a&e aq.
lxbfYeaa, e-mail, 14.03.2024 07:02
lxbfYeaa, e-mail, 14.03.2024 07:02
lxbfYeaa, e-mail, 14.03.2024 06:59
lxbfYeaa, e-mail, 14.03.2024 06:59
Carol Vincent, e-mail, 11.03.2024 21:05
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Eddie Jones, e-mail, 08.11.2023 02:05
I was assign to weather recon at Yakota 1962-1964 Wb 50 aircraft tech 4351A
Ernestine Stackhouse, e-mail, 17.08.2023 21:09
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Pamela Brown, e-mail, 15.03.2023 20:45
My dad served in the 56th WRS during that time. He was a meteorologist- radar officer. My older sisters were born in Japan. I think he was a Captain while stationed at Yakota. Do you remember a Captain John C. Brown ?
Pamela Brown, e-mail, 15.03.2023 20:33
My dad served in the 56th WRS during that time. He was a meteorologist- radar officer. My older sisters were born in Japan. I think he was a Captain while stationed at Yakota. Do you remember a Captain John C. Brown ?
Damian Doss, e-mail, 15.01.2023 15:21
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Dick Haras, e-mail, 16.11.2022 17:42
Hi Eddie: Was at Yokota 1963 to 1965. 56th WRS. Worked mostly in the 50 hr post flt hangar, Interesting 2 years to say the least. Stayed with airplanes until retirement in 2009. Very interesting also. Take care.
Terry Fontenot, e-mail, 16.10.2022 09:22
Hi Gary, I WAS THERE AT England during your time there. Jet shop. Sgt Hendricks! Was building across from headquarters. 1960/1963
Terry Fontenot, e-mail, 16.10.2022 09:18
Hi Gary, I WAS THERE AT England during your time there. Jet shop. Sgt Hendricks! Was building across from headquarters. 1960/1963
Wendy Bennett, e-mail, 15.04.2022 21:30
Hi Judith: I am so glad to hear from you. Sadly, my dad passed away about 5 years ago. He talked often about this, He was very much effected and he has always been very saddened. Although I do not know you, I feel there is a connection in some way. I have always felt so sorry for your families loss. I was not very old during our time on Guam only about 2. My brother was older, about 7 or 8. He would have been called Chucky. I can’t even imagine how hard this must have been for your family. Love, Wendy
Judith Stewart, e-mail, 14.04.2022 23:34
Is your dad still alive? Sorry I didn't see this sooner. My mom could never talk about it but I think I heard they found some debris from the plane. I had a great deal of trouble accepting my dads death. Hearing that and seeing the debris would have helped me. But like I said--it was too hard for mom to talk about.
David Gaw, e-mail, 14.01.2022 15:25
Did you know my father-in-law TSgt Ed. Stoelting at Biggs. Thanks
Dave Gaw
Dave Gaw, e-mail, 23.12.2021 05:25
Donald? Please email me your contact info. I would love to sit down and talk about your memories of Ed. The family has very little info about his time in the 343rd. His daughter(my wife) was born at Ramey in 1951. Where do you live?
Dave Gaw
Donald Ross, e-mail, 16.05.2021 22:23
Just saw your 2017 post on Ed Stoelting, your father in law. Ed was radio operator on same crew as me in 1954,1955 at Biggs AFB El Paso TX and lakenheath Eng. I was ECM on many flights with Ed. Squadron was 343SRS also known as 4021 Bomb Squadron. Plane tail number 47156. A/C Maj. Marshall. We flew from Russian base Murmansk in Arctic to Black Sea and Caspian Sea in Middle East. We were stationed in Lakenheath. Coincidentally, the father of my next door neighbor was also on RB 50 and in same squadron too. His name was Lovell Parker. Small world isn’t it.
Donald Ross, e-mail, 16.05.2021 03:50
Just saw your 2017 post on Ed Stoelting, your father in law. Ed was radio operator on same crew as me in 1954,1955 at Biggs AFB El Paso TX and lakenheath Eng. I was ECM on many flights with Ed. Squadron was 343SRS also known as 4021 Bomb Squadron. Plane tail number 47156. A/C Maj. Marshall. We flew from Russian base Murmansk in Arctic to Black Sea and Caspian Sea in Middle East. We were stationed in Lakenheath. Coincidentally, the father of my next door neighbor was also on RB 50 and in same squadron too. His name was Lovell Parker. Small world isn’t it.
John P Lutz, e-mail, 25.03.2021 15:21
Pete : Long ago I took a horn button from the parts shelf of the 56th WRS Postflight dock for a souvenir. I still have it. Is it truly missing from WB50D 332 in the museum??? JP Lutz
N.L. Hansen, e-mail, 10.12.2020 02:46
Hope this isn't too late for you, Mac. I'm 90 and going strong --mostly. At Mather in 1953, my cadet class M-36R was training to be triple-rated observers ("monsters") for B-36 aircraft. Our flights were nearly all scheduled to be in either the beautiful, reliable Convair twin-engine T-29; or the complex, ponderous TB-50 which was outfitted for training flight engineer students as well. Our routine for the T-29 was to report to the flight line, board the aircraft, check our gear, take off and complete the flight. Our routine for the TB-50 was to report to the flight line, check the maintenance status of the aircraft, form a circle and sit on the concrete until takeoff deadline had passed, acknowledge our instructor's announcement that the mission was scrubbed and that we were dismissed for the day, return to the barracks, eat our flight lunches, change into civvies and go to town. NOT ONCE did we complete a flight in, or even see the inside of, a TB-50 --with one exception: One evening, a classmate, jovial John Folloni determined he would have a B-50 experience or bust. He hung around Operations and got himself booked on a TB-50 local-area flight whereon some pilots were to practice night takeoffs and landings. One of the aft gunner/scanners even allowed John, during a landing, to take his seat at the sighting blister where he soon demonstrated his natural ability as a scanner by perceiving that the sparks appearing at the propeller tips were indicative of a gear-up landing. John would claim later that, by the time he reached the nearest exit, it had been opened by a crewman, over whose back he climbed to get himself outside and on the ground before the plane had stopped skidding. A subsequent unofficial report stated that firefighting and rescue personnel arriving at the aircraft could not find anyone in or near it. Ever since those days, I have wondered how the flight engineer students were able to complete their training. Hans.
Jerry S Reynolds, e-mail, 09.06.2020 22:03
I was a propeller repairman on Rb50s at Palm beach AFB from
Mac McEachern, e-mail, 24.02.2018 20:57
now 86 and still would like to hear from anybody about B50's particularly mather AFB from about 1950 to 1954.
Kerry Edwards, e-mail, 04.02.2018 11:35
For Brian Carlson: I have a lot of information for you. Email me please.
John F Hampton, e-mail, 30.01.2018 02:37
Hey, Stuart Murphy. I was at Palm Beach in 1958 also on the crew that photographed Yahoo and Umbrella. Your post indicated you had been to Eniwetok. I'm not aware of any other times other than Apr-May-June '58 Operation Hardtack that we had an RB-50 there. I was second photo and acting Operation NCO. You are right, very few of the prop plane crews left.
Ray Magourik, e-mail, 07.11.2017 03:16
I was stationed in the 1370th photo mapping sqd at Turner field in Ga 1961-1963 Tdy to Georgetown British Guiana and Port Moresby New Guiana then PCS to 6486th Hickam AFB Hi. Took radio and Radar repair at Keesler AFB Miss 1961-62.would like to hear from anyone who might have been stationed at either base at that time.
DON BREN, e-mail, 20.09.2017 06:25
Al Barrs, e-mail, 12.07.2017 02:24
A relative of mine, William Bell, was killed in 1950 after the B50A 46-021 crashed near Eglin AFB Florida... He was buried in his hometown in the Day, Lafayette County, FL cemetery. My parents and I attended the graveside funeral services...
Dave Gaw, e-mail, 09.05.2017 07:18
Looking for anyone who knew my father-in-law T/Sgt Edgar Stoelting in the early-mid1950s. He was in the 343 SRS and 6091 SRS. Thanks.
Stuart Murphy, e-mail, 24.06.2016 20:09
i just finished reading this web page on the B50. I especially enjoyed the emails from crew members, maintenance folks etc. I flew the RB50 at Palm Beach AFB Fla, the WB50 at Kindley AFB, Bermuda, and the RB50 again at Turner AFB, Ga..This got me to a lot of interesting places like England, Azores, North Africa, Iceland, Thule, Panama, New Guinea, Colombia, Japan, Hawaii, Phillipines, Guam, Samoa, Port Moresby, Eniwetok, Austrailia, and other places I can't remember at the moment. It was exciting, important and rewarding. The many people involved were the most rewarding part of it. God bless you all! Hi to Ed Fleck, and Gene Sheldon ! Our ranks are thinning thanks to Father Time. I'd do it again though, how bout y"all? Stu Murphy
Jim Smith, e-mail, 17.05.2016 19:51
I was a tail gunner with "Menting's Meatheads" in the 6091 Recon Sq. in 1955. Flew many recon missions on an RB-50 while at Yokota AB in Japan. Great times except when an engine blew one night on takeoff. Makes for an interesting pucker time. Great engineer had that puppy "fire-out and feathered" in seconds and a great AC (Capt. Carrol V. Menting) had us back on the ground in minutes. Never saw so many fire trucks in my short 20 year old life.
john toole, e-mail, 29.01.2016 01:24
I was at Walker AFBase in Roswell, New Mexico in the ground crew of the B50 and 29's in 830 bomb sqdn. from 1948 until 1952 great aircraft
Dewey Tillman, e-mail, 22.12.2015 03:00
Was an airborne radio Maintenance technician, 1370 PMW AST-7, Guam, 1962. Got to ride the bombardier position during in flight maintenance testing. The take off and landings were fantastic. Nothing like the view of the runway coming up to meet you up close and personal.
wendy bennett, e-mail, 20.10.2015 22:32
How do you reply to a comment
Wendy Bennett, e-mail, 20.10.2015 22:31
This message is in reply to J Stewart, 20.07.2015. My dad was also a weather observer stationed on Guam at the same time. He was suppose to be on that flight but schedules were changed at the last minute. He is still living and talks frequently about this incident. He spent many hours after looking for this aircraft.
My dad was a weather observer stationed on Guam with the 54th weather squadron. The B50 he was flying in went down 500 miles off Guam during typhoon Ophelia in Jan of 1958. He loved flying and took some beautiful pictures from the eyes of several typhoons.Guess the typhoon was stronger than the aircraft. Anyone remember or was it too long ago? My dad was Capt. Marcus George Miller.
J Stewart, e-mail, 20.07.2015 20:30
My dad was a weather observer stationed on Guam with the 54th weather squadron. The B50 he was flying in went down 500 miles off Guam during typhoon Ophelia in Jan of 1958. He loved flying and took some beautiful pictures from the eyes of several typhoons.Guess the typhoon was stronger than the aircraft. Anyone remember or was it too long ago? My dad was Capt. Marcus George Miller.
Robert F Carroll, e-mail, 01.03.2015 15:26
I'm writing for my father, Robert F Carroll from Emmetsburg, Iowa. He was stationed at Smyna, TN, Langley VA and Lajes, Azores. 413th and 314th. Anybody? Email is
Robert Danneman, e-mail, 31.01.2015 00:32
Was with the 53rd Weather Recon Sq. in Burtonwood. England--1956-58...
Charles K Crowder, e-mail, 13.01.2015 03:49
Assigned to the 431st 1959 at Turner AFB Albany, Ga. Worked in the Hydraulic shop. We moved to Biggs AFB, El Paso, Tx 1960 and I left the 431st October 1963 fot Bien Hoa, Vietnam. I remember all the TDY trips to Hickham AFB Hawaii, Wake Island, Guam. Phillipines and you name it. I'd do it again.
James W. Berry, e-mail, 15.09.2014 03:26
My e-mail address is I do not know why it shows up as an = sign instead of the @ sign.
James W. Berry, e-mail, 15.09.2014 03:14
I was in the second integrated basic training group in the Air Force. Flight 4366 from August 9, 1949 for the next 13 weeks at Lackland AFB. After basic training I spent the next 9 months at Shepherd AFB in A & E School. After A & E School, Castle AFB was my home base. I was at Castle from August 1950 until January 1953. We saw TDY at three RAF bases in the UK. I was there when the King died. After a time in EBU I was promoted to S/Sgt. and took over one of the engine change and conditioning crews. I was in the 93rd Maintenance Sqd. We had 22 KB-29's and 45 B-50D. After I was processing for discharged one of the B-50 crashed in Northern California. Before that happened we had a KB-29 sheer a prop shaft and dropped a prop into the bedroom of a house in Bakersfield while they were in the kitchen eating supper. If anyone was there there during these years please send me and e-mail and let us get acquainted. My wife passed away on June 27, 2011. I will soon be 84 years old and am now living in Friends Home, Inc. in Greensboro, NC. One of the problems we had with the planes was a shortage of parts and we would have to get a scounge slip and take parts from a plane that was not scheduled to fly that day and use them on one that was scheduled. Captain Mauldone was one of the test pilots that would fly the plane on a two hour test flight after an engine change. The day I was discharged, he left for Japan for a tour there. I last saw him in Birmingham, Alabama where he was in charge of flight acceptance for the Air Force after we completed the work at Hayes International where we were modifying the B-50's to a three point reel tanker, the KB-50. He had been promoted to Major by the time he came to Hayes.
Roy Peaslee, e-mail, 24.08.2014 02:51
I flew recon missions for USAF Security Service on RB-50Gs out of Yokota AB in 1957. The aircraft and crew were from the 6091st Recon Sqdn and a fine bunch they were. It seems that the aircraft required a great deal of repair as system and engine failures were common but for an additional $50 a month hazardous dut pay it suited the life-style of a 20 year old in Japan. I still have contact with some of my usafss buddies but lost touch with 91st guys. It was a brief but great time in my life.
Rob Carter, e-mail, 19.08.2014 00:48
Hi, I am a member of the Control Tower Museum at Bassingbourn here in the UK. We had B-50D's stationed here between 1950 - 51 from the 96th and 97th bomb groups, and I would love to hear from anyone who was stationed here during that time. Also any photos of The mighty B-50 at Bassingbourn would be very much appreciated. Thank you. Rob
Ted Britain, e-mail, 22.07.2014 23:21
I served at Kindley AFB in Bermuda from Aug. 61-Aug. 64. Part of that time I served with the 53rd WRS as a dropesound operator. Would love to hear from anyone that flew on the WB50 from Kindley.
Dick Haras, e-mail, 12.02.2014 02:38
Was at Yokota 1963-1965.Was with the 56th WRS. Worked as A mechanic in the 50hr post flt dock on the WB-50. Believe Col MCkibbin was sqd commander. SGT Rue was was our NCO in the hanger. To say the least it was an interesting 2 years.Would like to hear from anyone who was around at that time.
dan merry, e-mail, 02.02.2014 22:26
Mark,My father was on the plane that crashed out of fort Bliss,The accident was april 18 1951. the pilots name is Wells. The navigator was killed, his last name is Dow.He was burried in maine.For some reason there not giving much info. My father had news paper articles on the crash. The info on the crew is. 49-0279 of the 340th bomb squadron, I hope this will help, if i find more ill send it.
Gary Van Singel, e-mail, 28.01.2014 20:56
Flew as Navigator on KB50J with 622 AREFS at England AFB, LA October 1960 to December 1963. During that time we refueled fighters over US and Canada as well as TDY's to Hawaii, Wake, Bermuda and Azores. Refueled over Key West,Fl during the Cuban Missile Crisis. The configuration was 4 props, 2 jets, three refueling hoses. Carried both AvGas and JP4 fuel load. Flight engineer was responsible for keeping the fuel separate and going to the correct engine. The jets could burn either fuel. Planes were modified to J configuration in Birmingham, Al.
orlo noxon, e-mail, 02.01.2014 07:27
i was a mechanic with the 509 bomb wing walker afb in roswell nm from nov53 util summer of 55 i didn't know that the 509th was the group that dropped the a bomb on japan until much later and i never heard a word about ufo's. the new mexico dust storms were not good for recip engines.
Mac McEachern, e-mail, 26.11.2013 04:25
I was stationed at Mather AFB from about 1951 till discharged in December of 1954. I was a crew chief on a TB-50 and would like to communicate with anybody that was there around then.
Eddie Jones, e-mail, 28.10.2013 04:43
I was a crew member/mechnic on the WB50 at Yokota AFB Japan 1962. 1964. Flew many missions from Yokota
Bob Mann, e-mail, 15.06.2013 15:23
For Dean Williams. The symbol CE referred to "circular error", the distance from center of designated target to actual impact point of bomb. While on training missions, this was calculated by ground based electronic stations to evaluate proficiency of the bombing/navigation systems operators. I was one of the techs that maintained that system onboard the big birds.
Bob Mann, e-mail, 14.06.2013 17:14
I was with the 97th BW from April 51 thru Jan 54,airborne radar maint. When I arrived at Biggs most of the outfit was TDY to UK. I went to Lakenheath the next time around, the following year.I always enjoyed my time in the B50s
Ron Williams, e-mail, 14.04.2013 01:22
There is a book entitled “Air Force Legends Number 215” by Geoffrey Hays (235 pages at least half photographic) and is the best resource on the B-50 and its history I believe available.
Ron Williams, e-mail, 12.04.2013 23:44
Flew as a gunner in the 329th, 93rd Bomb Wing at Castle AFB in 1953. As an eighteen year old I thought it was all very exciting except for cleaning our fifty caliber machine guns. The B-50 needed to be jacked up at the nose to load an atomic bomb in the forward bomb bay. We lost our jobs when the B-50's were replaced by B-47's and many of us were retrained as inflight refueling operators on KC-97's one of which was lost with all hands on takeoff.
Dean Williams, e-mail, 20.03.2013 18:37
My father, David L. Williams was initially a mechanic and then a flight engineer on RB-50 with the Photo Mapping Wing at Palm Beach AFB, Turner AFB and then Forbes AFB from 1950 to 1967. I am trying to document his life in the USAF and am having problems determining what the various Mission and Duty Symbols are listed in his flight logs. S-3, X-3, 0, 0-1, R-2, R-3 and many variations are listed as Mission Symbols while CE, WG, WE, etc are listed as Duty Symbols. Do any of you flight engineers of this era have an idea as to what these mean. I took so much pride in my fathers service and the long periods of time he would stay away on TDY. The joke was that his wing had teh highest birth rate of any in the USAF and I would agree with having four siblings all within about seven years. I can still see him in my mind walking out to the RB-50 and watching each of the engines come alive belching smoke. Cathcing a glimpse of him at his small window at his engineer station, knowing it would be thre to six months before I would see him again. Beautiful plane! My father only recounted a few of his stories and unfortuantly the best ones I heard from fellow crewmembers at his wake in 1997. I never realized the compexity of his job as a flight engineer and how many times I almost lost him due to failed engines wheather flying to Austraila during a storm and losing multiple engines or losing mutliple engines when returning from Operation Hardtack in the Pacific. With over 5000 hours in the plane I would imagine there were many more stories. All of you were the greatest generation!. Any help on the symbols would be appreciated!
Pat McGee, e-mail, 14.02.2013 00:40
Was with 57th WRS Hickam 1955-1958 4860 Eng mech. I don't remember any engine failures besides the ones caused by ground crews (easer to replace than to fix). Spent last few mounths on Eniwetok befor discharged in 1958. I always thought she was a great plane.
Thomas F Brown, e-mail, 03.02.2013 23:48
Tom flew the B-50 as a weather plane in Bermuda. Member of the Huricane Hunter Sqd from 1957 to 1960 He mwas also the electronic Officer.
Terry Martin, e-mail, 15.01.2013 20:27
Just found this site and wanted to give say hello to all who have flown and worked on the B-50. I was a pilot on WB-50s both at McClellan AFB and Kindley AFB ('58-'62). Great experiences, but not without loads of excitement to say the least. Shut down many, many engines during my five years flying the airplane. Always had problems at high altitudes with the turbo waste gates slamming shut which immediately ruined the engine. Landed twice with only two engines operating and almost ditched near Bermuda after experiencing a massive electrical problem. Saved by a BOAC (now British Airways) 707 who flew up beside us at 1,000' in our descent to impact the water. Spent many hours running around finding and tracking hurricanes but loved every minute of it. To Ed Fleck - hey I remember you well, buddy!
Bill Goodwin, e-mail, 28.09.2012 16:32
For Leo, The control surfaces on The KB-50 were fabric covered and required a 'Mullins' test every 18 months. ****I'm also interested in any information on a crash of a KB-50 at Plumtree Island near Langley that took place about October 1959. I was enroute from the 427th t0 The 420th at RAF Suclthorpe U.K. the day or evening it happened. Thanks in advance.
Don Tate, e-mail, 30.08.2012 21:22
I mistakenly called the crashed plane in my previous posting as a B-58 which was a typo; I meant B-50.
Don Tate, e-mail, 30.08.2012 21:20
I was born in 1951 near Dayton, Ohio. A few of my classmates and I who grew up here have been discussing a military air crash just south of Dayton around 1957-58. Some of our research lists the plane as a B-58 and shows 11 dead, two of whom were civilian on February 27, 1958. Searches on the internet and local history sites don't list any large bomber accidents in this location. Several references point to a 1957 crash of a B-26, but this was a few miles north of our location. Response from anyone recalling any details about this crash would be appreciated.
leo, e-mail, 17.07.2012 19:42
Information needed on what material was used for control surfaces at the tail of the B50? Ws it fabric like b29 or metal? Leo
Jim Strong, e-mail, 15.06.2012 17:12
To C.R.Layton I was also in the 58WRS at Eielson from March 57 until May 58 when I went to McCord AFB to be in Det ? of the 55th. When is the reunion in Branson? I have fond memories of the B-50D but mostly of the great personnel of the Squadrons. I worked on the B-50 at McClellan, McCord, Hickam and of course Eielson. I also flew test flights for engine problems.
Jerry Reed, e-mail, 06.06.2012 22:47
429 AREFS Langley AFB, VA, 1957-1962. Co-pilot. Aircraft Commander, Instructor Pilot. Lots of great memories and engine out landings.
Larry Schaffer, e-mail, 05.06.2012 21:15
On or about May 12, 1957 Dave Garroway's Wide, Wide World, did a show that featured 3 F100 Sabrejets refueling from a Kb-50 out of the 431st squadron. The video is supposedly on the web, but I can't find it. My father-in-law was the navigator on that flight. If you have any info on this, please let me know.
Mark Trotter, e-mail, 28.05.2012 21:53
I'm looking for info on two B-50 crashes my Dad was in. He was M/Sgt Eullen Trotter, a flight engineer in the 97th Bomb Wing, Biggs AFB. Dad was reassigned to Kelly in early 1953 so the crashes would have been from '48-'52. I believe a gunner died in one of the crashes. Don't know if they were near Biggs or not.
Earl Justice, e-mail, 01.05.2012 06:21
Just ran across this site and have enjoyed reading the comments of others. I also flew on th B50D and went TDY to Lakenheath, England and Sidi Slimane, Africa as a Radio/ECM operator. The plane was great as well as the crew. I believe the 97th Wing introduced the boon type air refueling. Wished I knew where I could get a good photo of the B50D. I went from Offut AFB to Biggs in 1952.
Roy Emberland, e-mail, 16.04.2012 02:20
I was a Gunner on the B-50, TDY from Hunter AFB June '53 thru September '53 to LakenHeath and Upperheyford AFBs in England, the B-50 was an excellant aircraft.
George Stewart, e-mail, 30.03.2012 01:24
I was in the 1376th CAMRON, later 1370th OMS, at Turner AFB from early 1963 - April 1965. Spent one six-month TDY at Georgetown, BG. When I came back to Turner, I went to C-118 school and became assistant crew chief on the one C-118 we had. Got a lot of good trips on the C-118, carrying B/Gen Wallace (APCS Commander) to visit all the ASTs. I've lost contact with all the 1370th guys.
Jayne Wynne, e-mail, 16.03.2012 15:59
Hello I am looking for my grandad Frank Maguire/Mcguire who was based at Biggs AFB 1950's and did TDY lakenheath 1952 - believe he was a Co pilot. Does anyone remember him or know the best way I can find him? Thanks everyone. Jayne Devon, UK
hoot gibson, e-mail, 10.02.2012 20:52
was staton at turner 64 67 work in the hyd shop went to wentok
Chuck Hayes, e-mail, 28.01.2012 17:28
I flew as a flight engineer on the KB-50J in the 431st AREFS at Biggs AFB,TX 1963 to 1965. Old but good aircraft. Never had any really serious problems.
Ted Brown, e-mail, 23.09.2011 01:38
I served in the 431st AREFS at Biggs AFB, El Paso, TX from April 1962 until March 1965 when the unit was deactivated. The KB50J was a great plane. It always got off the ground. Having six engines always helps. We lost one B50 while I was there due to pilot error when he forgot to lower the landing gear while shooting touch and go landings. On the plus side, no one was hurt and we got the week off while the runway was undergoing repairs. I was a Parachute Rigger. Fortunately no one ever had to use one of my chutes. I went on to retire after 24 years, mostly doing Intel work with the ANG. Ted Brown MSG, USAF/Ret
Bob Mann(s/sgt), e-mail, 31.08.2011 14:45
Note for Bob Ogden, I was at Lakenheath during the Mar/May TDY, assigned to 4012th A&E Squadron, Working on 341st a/c as a radar tech on navigation and bombing system. Finished my time at Biggs in Jan, 54. I still have a love affair going with those big birds.
J.C. Morton, e-mail, 31.05.2011 03:34
I believe KB50J's were in use by the 431st & 432nd Tactical Refueling Squadron at Biggs AFB, El Paso, TX in the early 1960's til probably the mid-1960's.
don kosmin, e-mail, 28.05.2011 03:55
my last station was langley, 1959, worked for a very short time on the KB50-J just b/4 discharge, never worked on the engine i went to school on which was hung on the wings (2) of them (GE J47'S ),i do remember changing plug's on the 4360's, that's about all i remember i was there such a short time, was it just one squadron of KB50J'S, does anyone remember ?
Paul Labelle, e-mail, 13.05.2011 01:43
I was stationed at Langley AFB in Newport news Virgina in 1958 and 1959. I was a aircraft electrican on the KB-50J a refueler tanker. It had a flying boom in the rear and the boom operater sat at the tail gunners station. I was in TAC and the plane was used to air to air refuel the fighters of the time. the plane had big rubber thanks inside the bomb bays and had jet engines mounted at the wing tips which was required for take under full gross wt.
Rich (Roy) Rogers, e-mail, 03.05.2011 15:42
This is note is a reply to Glenn Pigg's note. You didn't include a date you served in the 1370th PMW. Do you know a guy called Kinter has setup a 1370th web site. Google 1370th PMW and when the site comes up look for 1376th Camron. If you were in another sqdn (1371st) they are also in there. You can look at individuals photos, AST's and some personal stuff posted by your fellow fotomappers. I served in the 1376th CAMRON fro early 1960 thru Aug 1961. Served with a bunch of crazies but good guys. The names are Ken (Erroll) Flynn, Mike Rhodes, Ronnie Back, Bob Oberst. I have e-mail, addreses for those four guys. I also served with Ronnie Woodcock, Jazz Wheeler, Col Neil G. Ray, Shorty Caves, Ginny Cabana to name a few, but I'm out of tiouch with those guys. My e-mail is Contact me if you'd like to contact any of the guys I named.
Clyde Mangum, e-mail, 28.03.2011 20:05
I flew on a B-50 photo plane once at Lowery AFB, while stationed their 1957-58, I always thought it was a converted B-29, also converted to a photographic plane , I think I am right, while stationed their at Lowery field, I hopped the "Sacred Cow" to Bowling AFB DC, 1958, I will get to see that plane next month at Wright Paterson, cant wait.
Thomas R. Doemland, e-mail, 27.03.2011 18:57
I was a crew member on B-50's in 1958 in the 53rd Weather Recon. Sq. in England. Being stationed at the Burtonwood base and Leister until they moved to Japan. I have several hours with a crew doing Drop Sounds and keying the information back to the main base during part of my time in the USAF. I lost my crew and Captain when they went to Japan and crashed. Great aircraft and a great outfit and group to fly with. GOD BLESS AMERICA
C.R. Layton, e-mail, 24.03.2011 20:14
I was on the training crew when the 58th WRS at Eielson AFB Fairbanks, Alaska switched over from WB-29 to the WB-50s. Nearly all my mission time was in the 29s but I loved the 50s. I maintain a roster of over 450 men that served in the 55th & 58th WRS . We have a reunion every year in Branson, Mo.
Paul T. Cline, e-mail, 11.03.2011 23:12
I was an accessory repairman on WB50`s at Yokota AB from 1961-1963. We took care of the oxygen, heat system, bomb doors, some special test equipment and many more parts of the plane. Was a great tour of duty. The gentleman in charge of the flight line in the early morning was a Warrant Officer. Very nice gentleman. Think his last name was Warren.
Paul T. Cline, e-mail, 11.03.2011 18:19
I was an accessory repairman on WB50`s at Yokota AB from 1961-1963. We took care of the oxygen, heat system, bomb doors, some special test equipment and many more parts of the plane. Was a great tour of duty. The gentleman in charge of the flight line in the early morning was a Warrant Officer. Very nice gentleman. Think his last name was Warren.
Bruce Bailey, e-mail, 04.03.2011 04:12
I was with 53 WRS "hurricane Hunters" out of Kindley AFB, Bermuda. I got there in 1962, we flew WB-50's until we closed the base in 1964, and the unit converted to WB-47's at Hunter Field, Ga., then Ramey AFB, Puerto Rico, with WB-47's and WC-130's - a god-awful mix of aircraft! We closed Hunter and Ramey, too! The Hurricane Hunters are now a Reserve unit at Keesler, flying WC-130's. Got to fly in the right blister over the Soviet ships taking the missiles out of Cuba - a neat experience.
manson polley, e-mail, 02.03.2011 04:27
Just found this web page. Interesting. I flew as aerial photo/r scanner on RB-50s @ W Palm Beach, 1954-57, 1371st M&C Sqdn Surprised there are not more comments from other M&C crew - they went TDY all over the world on some very interesting missions. I had numerous 3 eng flights, and many,many oil leaks for #3 & 4. We carried wood platforms in each bomb bay to carry equip, mopeds/motorscooters/motorcycles, what ever other contraband we could get away with. LOTS of TDY and flying time. When not TDY, not much to do but shoot darts and play cards in the crew lounge. I flew both photo mapping and HIRAN survey missions (which were boring for me with nothing to do but snooze in the right blister). Still had guns and gun sights in blister when I first got there, but all armament was removed in '55. Also remember jettisoning several trailing wire antennas when they became tangled on retrieval. Lots of fond memories. mlp
George Fogg, e-mail, 27.02.2011 07:23
Loved the TB-50 was at Mather when we first started training "3 headed monsters", and ceiling was NOT 37000. Great bird.
Sam Clark, e-mail, 15.02.2011 17:04
Was a linguist from 1957-mid 1959 on four of the E-Models and one G Model at Rhein Main AFB, Germany with TDYs to Incirlik AFB, Turkey...when calling in to the pilot from the right blister on the condition of engines after take off...if #3 engine did NOT have an oil slick...something was wrong.
ROBERT "BOB" OGDEN, e-mail, 30.01.2011 21:27
Don Ruthrauff, e-mail, 19.01.2011 02:17
I have many hours in the WB-50. We flew out of Yokota Air Base Japan. We were the 56th Weather Recon Sq. Our Wing was at Sacramento, CA.
Pete Zuras, e-mail, 20.12.2010 20:25
Back in 1968, I believe I flew the last B-50 flying in the Air Force, and made its final landing at Wright Field in Fairborn Ohio. We shut the engines down and turned over the keys to the curator at the Air force museum and there she sits today, configured as the former WB-50 that she was before we modified her as a test bed. Can anyone verify that the co/pilots yoke "horn button" with the Boing B-50 Superfortress logo, is still missing?
My Co-Pilot on that final flight was L/Col George Simpson. My Flight Engineer's name escapes me, but I met up with him at a reunion a couple of years ago.
MARSHALL BLASKOWSKI, e-mail, 24.11.2010 19:14
Ed Fleck, e-mail, 20.11.2010 07:58
Was F/E on B50D's 1949-54, 329 Bomb Sqdn Castle AFB, CA F/E on TB 50's Mather AFB 1954-55, F/E WB50's 55th WRS McClellan AFB, Kindley Field Bermuda, Tinker AFB,1958-1963 and logged 4,600 hours in eleven years. Now volunteer as crew chief on WB50D 90351 at the Castle Air Museum, Atwater,CA. Let me see if I can answer your questions.
Glenn R. Pigg, e-mail, 04.10.2010 18:53
I arrived at Turner Air Force Base, Albany, Georgia, fresh from Technical School as a Crew Chief type mechanic assigned to RB-50's with 1370th Photo Mapping Wing. There were (16) RB-50's and (16) C-130's aircraft assigned to this wing along with C-54 support airplanes. I went TDY with the RB-50's to Port Moresby, New Guinea. I was also assigned to Eniwetok in the Marshall Islands as well as American Samoa. The information gathered by the wing was used to support down range missle tests and returning Apollo Missions. I greatly enjoyed working on the RB-50 during my time in service. They retired the RB-50's late 1966 and early 1967 with the closing of Turner Air Force Base. They were replaced with (4) RC-135's. One retiring aircraft went to the Wright-Patterson Air Force Museum. If anyone served with this wing during that period of time please contact me.
Robert B. Spires, e-mail, 28.09.2010 23:26
I was CE (crew engineer) on WB50'S at McCellan AFB 1953/1957.Flew lots of hours in 29'S and 50'S.They were just great aircrafts.would like to hear from anyone who was in the 55th AWS at the time. I have tried to locate some,with no luck.
Bailey,Hardin A., e-mail, 24.09.2010 22:46
Why would a B-50 with "K" radar system be used as a tanker in 1960 there were 24 of these and does anyone know about the 427th out of Robins 55-60
Robert Brown, CMSgt, USAF, (Re, e-mail, 18.09.2010 22:12
I was in the 93 Supply Sqdn, Castle AFB, when we transisioned from the B-29 to the B-50. Many problems because the Supply System did not have many B50 parts. When the Korean War started Colonel Robert H Terrill led us to Mildenhall, UK. He was soon selected at the first AF promotion to BG. I was lucky to be on the first AF promotion list to SSgt. The 328, 329, 330 BS kept us busy in supply. I think all of the 93BW loved the B50.
Jack Allen, e-mail, 13.09.2010 21:22
I was a boom operator at Langley AFB on the KB29s from 1955 to 1957 with 429th air refueling sq. 1957 to 1959 At turner AFB with the 431ST air refueling sq. on the KB29s then a reel op. on the KB50s I looking for pictures of the KB 29s any help would be appreciated
Emory Hess, e-mail, 13.09.2010 07:09
The email address for Boyd M. Fry is not a working email address. I haven't been able to send him information on the B50. I was a gunner on the crew his Dad was on. I had flown an earlier mission for another gunner. My best friend flew that mission for me and died when he bailed out. We were good friends of your Dad and Mom, Dave and Georgia. We played cards almost every week. Please contact me for any information you need or want to talk about. Respectfully, Emory Hess
Merle H. Angell, e-mail, 06.09.2010 07:25
I was crew chief on several TB-50's at Mather from 1952 to 1955 when they were being sent to Arizona for future lawn furniture. My Squadron was 72nd. The 50 was a great bird and will never forget the Take Off Roll in those day. My ship was 48-052. I also took delivery of the last prop bomber made by Boeing, an H model TB-50 S/N 51=470
John Christy, e-mail, 30.08.2010 04:57
I was a tail gunner on the B-50 at Castle Field during 1950 -1952. We went tdy to Lakenheath, England 1951-1952 It was a beautiful plane and operated by great crewmembers. Commanders Batson, Lovell and Gibson plus Ed Fleck, Hugo Werner, J.Lambert, Robert love and Anthony Novak. We had a wonderfu Co-Pilot, but his name slips me. I spent roughly 19 years in the Air Force and my time with the 329th Bomb Squadron at Castle was the best.
Paul O'Brien, e-mail, 26.08.2010 03:07
I was in 96th bomb squadren 2nd AF, Hunter AFB Savanah,GA. from 1951 thru Sept. 1953. I have a comment left back in January,2010. Am still looking to hear from someone that was also there back then. I have a new e-mail address as listed above.
Briana, e-mail, 14.08.2010 04:08
sorry, correction not John Ward, but Charles Ward. Sorry.
Briana, e-mail, 14.08.2010 04:06
I am looking for a John Ward that was in the airforce and worked at Mcdonnell Douglas. I have been searching to find him. John dated my mother Marion Fererro in approx. 1964, and they lost contact with one another. He has a daughter he never knew that my mother was pregnant. Pls. email me if anyone can help me find the right John Ward. My sister has been looking for her father. My mother lived in St. Louis, MO. and was in the airforce. Thank You for your time. Briana
Marie Hess, e-mail, 13.08.2010 05:47
I visit a gentleman named Homer Davis. He is 91 years old now. He was a pilot on a B50. I'm not sure where he was stationed. Does anyone know him? His biggest thrill in life was flying. I am sure he would love to here from someone who knew him. If you do please e-mail me or call me. my number is 410-830-9636. Thanks
Marie Hess, e-mail, 13.08.2010 05:47
I visit a gentleman named Homer Davis. He is 91 years old now. He was a pilot on a B50. I'm not sure where he was stationed. Does anyone know him? His biggest thrill in life was flying. I am sure he would love to here from someone who knew him. If you do please e-mail me or call me. my number is 410-830-9636. Thanks
Oakley Baker, e-mail, 30.07.2010 20:14
Gunner on RB50E&F in 6091 Recon Yokota AB, 1960 61 AC Bob Schubert $ Shadrick M H Waugh.
Jim Whalen, e-mail, 27.07.2010 01:42
My Sq. was the 55th P.M.SQ. at Ramey AFB, Forbes AFB, Mildenhal RAFB England. 1951-1954 We put some long hours on the 4360 engs in England. You could change up to 7 before the eng. had to be changed. Anyone remeber me or the Periodic Maintenance Sq., drop me a line
Bill Simpkins, e-mail, 24.07.2010 23:01
I would like to chat with anyone that flew B50's at of Hunter AFB in l950 - 51. I was in the 96th Bomb Squadron. My crew was #9. My AC was Joe Lawton. He was as good as their was. If anyone knows of Keith Major (that was he name, not his rank) I would like to hear of this very knowledgeable engineer. Like all other crews at Hunter at that time, we rotated to Bassingboune in England. Here is a little chuckle we had. On TDY to Goose Bay we flew ov the Artic Circle and the navigator said somethink like this: "We are now over the Artic Circle. You can see it if you look down. It is the blue broken line." Sure, we all looked. I would like to hear from any B50 gunner - or rather any remote control turret operator. We can relive those days at Tybee Beach.
Marijane, e-mail, 08.07.2010 08:46
My dad, Wendell R. Buck was with the 93rd Bomb Wing, 330th Squadron at Castle AFB. He flew B-50s and B-52s. He also became a B-50 flight instructor. He was a pilot during WWII and flew a B-24 called Rebel Gal. Later, he flew during the Berlin Airlift and was part of the 12th Troop Carrier Squadron. If anyone knew my dad, I'd love to hear from you.
Ray A. Gandy Sr., e-mail, 20.06.2010 00:18
I was a HUN Eng. spec. at England AFB 1958-61 Caught a HOP on a KB50J to George AFB for 30 day leave home to Rosemead Ca.Was pretty well hungover when i boarded, flew left bubble, was a pretty rough go with that hangover but wouldnt trade the experience, many memories concerning the 622nd and Kb50js, palled around with three of their mechanics, A/2C Larry Sutton,A2C Henry Watkins & A/2C Bruce Gantt, am in contact with Bruce and would sure like to hear from Scag & Sparrow!!
john mc neill, e-mail, 17.06.2010 03:33
was #2 engine man on 050 at Mather 1951-1953...we had 11 (?)radar training aircraft at MHR...My cc was msgt stanek any one remember this?
Esther, e-mail, 23.05.2010 08:37
My Grandfather was at Castle AFB in 1951, with the 93rd maintenance unit. I just found a group photo, which got me to looking, which brought me here. I see there are a couple of you who were there at the same and just wondered if you knew him. His name was Joe Cottrell. The email links here don't seem to work, so my email is I'd love to hear from anyone who may remember him!
Bud Winnett, e-mail, 11.04.2010 23:20
I first met the B-50D Oct 1951 when I was assigned to the 330th Bomb Sqdn, 93rd Bomb Wing at Castle AFB. Stayed with her till the fazed them out in 1954 for the B-47. Was and Engine specialist but also flew with it as needed. Of all the A/C I have worked on and flown on she was and is myt favaorite. Re the comment from a Pilot earlier, in the 3 1/2 years I flew on then, I do not recall ever having engine failure. Not to say the did not happen, as we all know they did,but not THAT often.
ed fleck, e-mail, 06.04.2010 06:41
I was a B50D flight engineer with the 329th Bomb Sqdn.,93rd Bomb Group, Castle AFB,CA from summer 1949 to summer 1954. Next,1954 to 1955, TB50 flight engineer instructor at Mather AFB, CA. For those who may not know, the TB50 was a stripped down B50 with the "K" radar system, used for training B47 radar bombardier navigators. On those flights, I would train two navigator students the flight engineer trade up front. Next three years on the RC 121 Super Connie at McClellan AFB, CA. When enlistment was up, re-upped in the 55th Weather Reccon. at McClellan to get back on a real airplane, the WB 50. Next, 1958-1962, WB50's at McClellan, Kindley Field Bermuda, Tinker AFB, OK. Retired, joined up with Air America, flew DC6 and Boeing 727's with them. I'm presently volunteering as "honorary crew chief" at the Castle Air Museum, Atwater CA, on WB50 490351 there. I help maintain the interior of the plane and serve as guide to the visitors on "Open Cockpit Day". The planes are open to the public Memorial Day Weekend and one other day, usually in the Fall. Check the Museum website fo the schedule. I will be available to answer your questions, anytime, if I can, at 707 448-3987, or at I'll be glad to hear from you.
Carl Bud Kiesgen, e-mail, 03.04.2010 16:54
Here is my e-mail address, "Thank You ", Carl "Bud" Kiesgen 20th. Bomb Sqdn, 2nd. Air Force, Hunter A.F. B. Savannah, Ga. 1952 to 54 (See artcle below.)
Bud Kiesgen, e-mail, 18.03.2010 00:00
I was the right blister gunner on Capt. Wm. D. Brennan's B-50D crew. We were stationed at Hunter A.F. Base, Savannah, Ga. We were in the 2nd. Air Force 20th Bomb Sqdn. We flew to Upper Hayford RAF base near Bristol England TDY once a year for 90 days. Anyone out there from the 2oth. Bomb Sqdn ?. Signed, Carl Bud Kiesgen from Saint Clair Shores, MIchigan
Charles Haraway, e-mail, 14.03.2010 05:52
I was a navigator in the 421st AREFS at Yakota AB Japan. We were flying KB-50s when the Gulf of Tonking Incident occurred. For those who do not know about the KB-50 it could refuel three aircraft at the same time. At the start of the Vietnam War we were the only tankers available to refuel fighters in Vietnam. I was on six missions out of Saigon refueling fighters. In late 64 we lost two aircraft due to catastrophic engine failure. My last flight in a KB-50 was on the 9 Feb 1965 delivering the aircraft to the grave yard at Davis Monthan AFB, AZ.
Bill Leninger, e-mail, 08.03.2010 02:00
I was a navigator in the 1371st Mapping & Charting SQ at Turner AFB at the same time as Charley Brown. I thought of the RB50 as the Boeing tri-motor. The surveying mission measured distance between two ground stations using HIRAN. It required line of sight. We hit a true altitude of 45,500 feet while measuring the distance between Gardner's Pinnacle (a rock about 6oo ft tall in the Hawaiian island chain) and Johnston island. On the high altitude missions, there was a tendency for the engines to overheat, requiring one or two engines to be feathered. Fortunately, the RB50 had a good glide slope. We'd head back to Hickam, restarting the engines after they cooled down. The hairiest time was going in for a landing at Port Moresby, New Guinea with two engines feathered. On approach, a third engine overheated and was feathered. Suddenly we had a monoplane. at 200 feet, had to go around. We lumbered at 200 feet. Due to the terrain, an immediate turn wasn't possible. There was a 200+' hill between us and the sea. After we could turn and head to the sea, the engineer was able to restart another engine. Landed on two engines. Overall, it was an amazingly safe aircraft.
Clem Clement, e-mail, 03.03.2010 18:40
Comment on why Boeing does not list the KB: I flew both the WB and the KB versions. I flew the WB at 55thWRS, McCLellan AFB,CA. We had Boeing tech reps availabe to us who would brief from time to time about systems, changes etc. They were most helpful. When we got to the 421th AFRES,Yokota, I askwed about the Boeing Tech reps. The answer was that Boeing had decertified the KB due the the modification made: the jets, the 5 miles of plumbing and the 7 miles of wire. This gave me great confidence Supposedly the cert plate was removed from the aircraft. The yoke still showed Boeing. (Now don't thearten to sue me if I have remembered wrong, please.) Any way I can remember a tech briefing at Mcclellan where some TDY KB folks wanted to sit in and were denied...
The KB liked to leak fuel from the bomb bay tank inlets, so the prodedure was taht after takeoff both pressureized doors would be opened and crew would "sniff check" the bays for more full smell that normal. If the leak was too bad, we would RTB. T helpon safety they rebuilt allthe electric flap motors in the bays to make them sparkproof. The rebuilt motoe had a white sticker on it garanteeing it would not go boom. Clem
Brian Carlson, e-mail, 13.02.2010 02:44
My grandfather Kenneth Barrick died on August 14th 1951 as a flight test pilot for Boeing in Seattle aboard the B-50. I am trying to find original articles from the Seattle Times of the crash on Beacon Hill. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Brian Carlson
bob henchy, e-mail, 30.01.2010 05:44
They had b50 at Yokota during the korean war with the 91st SRS. I flem as gunner at Roswell NM, Walker AFB 1953 1955. Major Tom Carter was my AC. Does anyone have any pictures from Walker of the B50?
Jack Nuding Col Ret, e-mail, 30.01.2010 04:45
I flew the B-50 with the 509th BW Rsw, NM In 1952 during a TDY to England I lost # 1 on a mission over the Med. After shutting down we continued until " 3 failed then we made an emergency landing in Tunis. After our TDY returning to the USA #3 caught on fire. We were unable to extinguish it and made an emergency landing in the Azores. In spite of all those troubles I still have fond memories of the B-50D
Paul H. O'Brien, e-mail, 28.01.2010 04:13
I was a flight crew member on a B-50D (8054) from Febrary 1951-September 1953 in the 96th Bomb Sqd. Hunter AFB Savannah, Ga. a SAC unit. I flew as a tail gunner & OJT flight engineer. We made three TDY's to England, 1 ea. in 51,52 &53. MY AC was Capt. Razzie Strickland co-pilot was Lt. Killer Cane. Is ther anyone outthere that was also in this outfit. Let me hear from you.
Herb Greathouse, e-mail, 26.01.2010 11:14
I was stationed at Aviano AFB, Italy, Instrument Shop, 1959/61. KB-50Js would come down from one of the air bases in England, for IFR flights for the F-100s that were TDY there from the states. They alway had some thing to be fixed. One thing I remember, you had to be careful working the the J-47 jet engines because the burned av-gas, instead of JP-4, and being an instrument man I spent some time in the tail pipe checking out the EGT indicating sysem. I also had the opportunity to spend a hot summer day in the tunnel, the one that connect the fwd crew compartment to the aft crew compartment replacing pitot-static plumbing to clear a flight squak - the IFR reel operator's airspeed and altimeter do not agree with the Pilot's A/S and Alt readings. Leaking plumbing causes this.
Got to ride along on a couple of night refueling missions. On one they let me set up in the nose forward of the pilot and co-pilot during approach and landing, for me this was a special treat. As others have said, these were THE FUN TIMES.
Gene Sheldon, e-mail, 12.01.2010 07:48
This is a rugged aircraft with a bad habit of engine failure. Maximum maintenance required to keep her flying. I piloted for approx. 5900 hrs. with a longest non-stop flight from Yakota,Japan to Turner AFB,Ga.with the aid of jet stream tailfwinds. I also flew an extremely high altitude HIRAN mission about 1000NM west of Am. Samoa at 51600 feet radar altitude. This could not be accomplished without the extreme skill and professionalism of our flight engineer. As mentioned earlier 'engine out' operationwas fairly normal however, the hairest emergency was a #3 engine run-away prop that succeessfully feathered after th e aircraft dropped 2500 ft. and flat turned 110 degrees in a few seconds. Every crewmember should experience this once in his life.
Jerry Eichman, e-mail, 18.10.2009 23:11
I was a tail gunner on a B-50, aircraft # 9305, stationed at Roswell, N.M. from 1951 to Aug. 1954. Went TDY to Milfenhall, U.K. in 1952 and TDY to Guam in 1953 Was in the 393rd B.S. of 509th B.W. Looking for anyone who spent time with the 393rd.
Robbie Robinson, e-mail, 16.08.2009 12:55
Dear Sir, Please would you be so kind as to change my e.mail address from to :- on the b-50 site requesting information on the 43rd Bomb Wing,. Thanking you , sincerely, Robbie Robinson.
Michael Moss, e-mail, 07.08.2009 18:46
My father was a #1 engine man for the B-50 series. He had to get out of the Air Force not long after his father passed away because my grandmother was with child. As life went on, he never had the chance to re-enlist. i enjoy the stories he tells me and I can tell he has really missed not having a career with the Air Force. My father served around 1950 and was discharged, I believe, in 1956 under honorable conditions. You can still see the excitement in his eyes when he talks of the B-50, B-47, C-46, and the C-124 aircraft. He can still tell you the engine models and how many jugs each one had. He is truly my hero and I am proud to say I am his son. There are only a handful of young people in this generation that carry on that same excitement about their jobs and they serve in all the branches of the armed forces. God Bless them all.
Boyd M. Fry, e-mail, 19.07.2009 04:56
This is a note to contact Robbie Robinson. His email address did not work. I have this to say about the B-50 and the 43rd Bomb Wing: My father was a radio operator in the 65th Bomb Squadron in 1953. On August 20, 1953 he had to bail out of a bomber after a pre-dawn take off. The plane exploded over Picacho Peak. I was nine years old at the time. My father was David N. Fry. His AC was Captain, John D. Winter. My dad did survive the jump. Were you a member of a flight crew, ground crew, or were you a B.R.A.T like me? I have my dad’s caterpillar club pin and a copy of the application signed by the AC. During his assignment at Davis Monthan, he flew in B-29’s, B-50’s and then KB-50’s. I believe the B-47’s were being stationed there at the same time. We left Tucson around October of that year and went to Roswell where he flew in the B-36 bombers. He remained in the Air Force until his retirement in the mid 60’s. I hope to hear from you. I also remember a Col. Deutschendorf’s son who became known as John Denverwhen we were in Tucson.. I also have some questions about the missions he flew in the 1950's. A lot of people have questions about those missions. I believe they flew "picket" around the A-bomb test sights during those missions. He died of a lymphoma type cancer which he had signs of at the time of his retirement.
Respectfully yours Boyd M. Fry
Ed Kellogg, e-mail, 15.07.2009 21:17
My 86 year old father was a bomber pilot during the big one and he has a solid metal B50D model that is very old. The props are broken and he would like to get replacements or purchase an entire new solid metal B50D model. Does anyone have any ideas or suggestions. I can't seem to find anything on it.
C W Brown, e-mail, 15.05.2009 02:25
I have to say after flying the RB50F for about 2600 hours in 1371st Mapping & Charting SQ at Turner AFB it treated me pretty well. Shut down a few engines for precautionary reasons but nothing really hairy. We used to take them to about 40,000 ft on some of our survey mission in S America when we operated out of Georgetown, British Guiana. Also they served us well flying out of Bogota, Eniwetok, American Samoa & Guam. There was a reference to them being replaced in the 1371st by the RC-130 but that aircraft was used by the 1375th M & C Sq. I think the 1371st had the last ones in AF service being replaced by RC135As in the winter of 1967 when I left the squadron for SEA.
Lawrence Siegel, e-mail, 07.05.2009 22:28
In 1959 in was stationed at Yokota AFB in Japan as a 19 year morse code radio operator. Our detachment was a reconnaissance airborne outfit that flew on RB50's. Our missions were (12-15 hours) off the Russian and Chinese coasts to monitor air traffic communications. We flew on two different configured B50's: one we sat up front, and the other in the aft. The temperature was difficult to control and sometimes the front was cold and the aft was 85 degrees+. If you went from the front of the aircraft to the rear you had to go thru a 25 foot tunnel over the bomb bays. We frequently came back on three engines or with the radar out...etc., etc... One time we flew "touch and go" landings at Misawa AFB in Northern Japan while training a new co-pilot. I was asked to ride in the nose and visually scan for other aircraft. There was F-100's also training and it was pretty busy. On one of the landings the engine settings were too high and we kept gliding over the runway until the AC (aircraft commander) grabbed the yoke from the co-pilot and jammed the nose wheel into the ground from 10 or 15 feet. I almost flew into the pilot's feet which were directly behind and above the back of my head. Also, a traditon was if AC hit the tail skid on a landing he was obligated to buy the crew a case of beer....never did get a pay off on that one. FUN DAYS! Thanks, Lawrence Siegel. Lafayette, California
Ross Huxtable, e-mail, 10.03.2009 02:15
I have some original decals that I believe go on a B-50 or were intended for the defunct B54. Not sure if they are all off of the bomber, some may be off of fighters. One reads "Tail skid motor push to reset. Theres just a dozen or so. Anyone know who might wish to have these? Can send photos. Other examples, synchronizer control, Heater fuel, hydraulic CMRA door actuator.
Robbie Robinson, e-mail, 11.02.2009 12:37
I am very interested in the B-50. Anyone out there having served with the 43rd Bomb Wing at Davis Monthan in 1953 ,please contact me . Thank you , Robbie
Paul Sitton, e-mail, 06.02.2009 21:18
Someone asked if I were related to LTG Ray B. Sitton (RET)and the snswer is affirmative ... He is my brother. Don't know who asked the question but would gladly discuss with them if they are interested. Contact me directly at your convenience. Posted 2-6-09
elroto, e-mail, 31.10.2008 20:27
I have always liked the down and dirty look of the B-50. I had the great oportunity to fly in FIFI a few years ago and I can only say for this rotor head it was a fantastic once in my lifetime experience.
Jack Mac, e-mail, 16.09.2008 16:03
I'm new here! I'm surprised no one has mentioned the B-50 being fitted with two wing-mounted jet engines. I once worked at the Birmingham, AL Municipal Airport where the AAF had an aircraft modification plant. I've seen many B-50s take off and land that were equipped with the jet engines.
David W Hall SMSGT,USAF (ret), e-mail, 11.08.2008 21:17
John R. Ward, e-mail, 05.08.2008 02:50
I was stationed at Castle Air Force Base, Merced, Ca. from June 1951 until August 1954. We had three squadrons of B50D bombers and the 93rd air refueling squadron with KB29P's and later the KC97 E&F. We went on a TDY to England with these planes for a three month deployment. I was a electrician and spent many hours working on these planes. This was the 93rd Bomb Wing, 328,329,& 330 Bomb Squadrons. We got rid of the B-50's in 1953 and got the B-47 for a short period until the B-52's got there. Not much has been said about the fact that this aircraft had in flight refueling and also single point fueling on the ground. I was sent to school for the engine analizer that was mounted above the flight engineer panel. We could scope every cylinder on these big engines and gave the engineer a better idea of what was going on. I even got to go on flight status at times for test hops. Worked hard but loved troublshooting that plane.
John R. Ward, e-mail, 05.08.2008 02:50
I was stationed at Castle Air Force Base, Merced, Ca. from June 1951 until August 1954. We had three squadrons of B50D bombers and the 93rd air refueling squadron with KB29P's and later the KC97 E&F. We went on a TDY to England with these planes for a three month deployment. I was a electrician and spent many hours working on these planes. This was the 93rd Bomb Wing, 328,329,& 330 Bomb Squadrons. We got rid of the B-50's in 1953 and got the B-47 for a short period until the B-52's got there. Not much has been said about the fact that this aircraft had in flight refueling and also single point fueling on the ground. I was sent to school for the engine analizer that was mounted above the flight engineer panel. We could scope every cylinder on these big engines and gave the engineer a better idea of what was going on. I even got to go on flight status at times for test hops. Worked hard but loved troublshooting that plane.
Jack R. McCollum, e-mail, 09.06.2008 07:08
I was a pilot in the 427th Air Refueling Squadron flying the KB-50 at Langley AFB from 1960 to 1963. There was one J-47 jet engine added below each wing so that we could refuel fighters at altitudes up to 30,000 feet. Each jet engine was equal to one and a half recips. It was a stable and powerful aircraft. The KB's were retired in 1963.
Sam Shumate, e-mail, 20.05.2008 03:18
I was a mechanic on the Pratt & Whitney 4360s that powered the RB-50s of the 1371st Mapping & Charting Sq. stationed in West Palm Beach, Fl. from 1957 to 1959. The B-50 was a strong, powerful aircraft. A weather squadron at WPB used one to fly into hurricanes. The base was moved to Albany, Ga. shortly after my discharge and the C-130 replaced the B-50 in both squadrons.
Conrad R. Niemann, e-mail, 30.04.2008 07:47
I am a litttle surprised that the KC97 and KB50 (Kaboom 50) were not included in the Boeing information. They were the only refueling aircraft at the time that could carry the fighters across the Atlantic and Pacific to their destinations. The SAC B47s would have had a lot shorter flights without the KC97s giving them a drink. I spent about 500 hours in KB50s from the Azores to Sacramento out of England AFB in La to give the fighters a drink.
Mike Randall, e-mail, 21.10.2007 21:26
I would like to get in touch with John Foy above. I have been trying to prove B-50A combat in the Korean War for years. My father sitting in the engineer seat was wounded (no purple heart of course) and the weaponeer was killed in a fighter engagement in Dec. 51 over N.E. Korea (Think it must have been PLAAF-- I don't think I'd be here if it was an MiG 15.) I had spent some time at the archive at Maxwell AFB and found in 64th BS of the 43rd BW history that the unit was on rotation to ADVON (Yokota and Tachikawa)from Andersen During Dec 1951. One crew used 2500 rounds on the night of Dec 18th..The planes were rigged with racks for 500 pound bombs but were dropping only one or two bombs (or canisters?) at a time????? Curiously Col. Catton, commander of SAC X-ray was visiting that day. When I asked for the Special Weapons records that would explain what was going on, some poker faced gentlemen came downstairs and informed me that those records were still classified and "would not be declassified." My dad's plane was engaged at 26,000 feet and he says the target was "Yang Dam Po" or something that sounds like that. I realize the B-29s started having problems with fighters in early Dec. '51 and had to change tactics, but WHY would we risk our only secret "silverplate" to go out over Korea( Manchuria or Soviet airspace for that matter) to drop one or two bombs???
My theories:
1.Biological warfare tests (a war plan for Soviet penetration for atomic attack and bio warfare attack on the way out was approved in October 1951.) While the 2nd bomb bay of the B-50 usually contained a fuel bladder, it was still a functional bay that could be used for some lightweight load.
2. Release of the classified files would reveal US had atomic weapons based in Japan prior to our admission of 1954 deployment. ( Initiators and pits were kept at Yokota during these deployments from Andersen.)
3. These missions may have been CIA missions to drop parcels to partisans in support of sabotage and commando efforts.
Any other theories? Mike Randall P.O. 31143 Honolulu, HI 96820 USA
Alexoanks, e-mail, 12.02.2007 00:30
Hello, my name is Alex, i'm a newbie here. I really do like your resource and really interested in things you discuss here, also would like to enter your community, hope it is possible:-) Cya around, best regards, Alex!
rudolph puckett, e-mail, 31.01.2007 06:15
sir...could we use this aircraft in todays combat????lets say a place like iraq??? thank you rudy
Paul Sitton, e-mail, 31.12.2006 03:58
I would love to see a comparison of this aircraft and the original B - 29 ans I flew as a crew member on both during and after the Korean war. Can you do that?
Martti Vuorikoski, e-mail, 09.12.2006 22:19
great plain att that time. i like it
John Foy, e-mail, 26.11.2006 15:41
Being in Korea Feb. 1951 Nov. 1951 with the Fifth Air Force,I recall that there were some B-50's used on bombings in the north. However I can not find it documented. Can you help?
Thanking you in advance John Foy
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