Ian Surman, e-mail, 03.05.2024 10:19 I was serving in the RN in the Persian Gulf in 1952/3 and we asked the RAF if they could overfly us to parts of the Gulf which we were about to survey. They produced an Anson and at the end of the day when approaching Bahrain we were informed of undercarriage trouble so we jetisonned fuel and landed with the accompaniment of fire engines and ambulances. The undercarriage held up to our felief. This was my second ever flight.
lxbfYeaa, e-mail, 14.03.2024 06:27 20
Dave Bushell, e-mail, 22.10.2017 13:42 My first flight was as an ATC cadet in about 1950/51 out of RAF Thorney Island. I can remember the metal framed canvas seat that I was sitting on coming adrift at some point during the flight!
Shaun Horner, e-mail, 04.06.2017 18:28 Brian Howard: my fatter was c/o at RAF Rufforth in 1956,1958 era. He flew a Meteor, and also an Anson on occasion.
Stan Nicholls, e-mail, 17.02.2016 02:33 I was a Cadet Air Signaller on Courses AS1 and AS3 at RAF Swanton Morley 1954/5, and flew in Ansons during the Initial, Basic and Applied Stages, including the final qualifier to RAF St Mawgan. Have great memories!!
Les Dawson, e-mail, 15.05.2015 17:11 dawson I was stationed at Brize norton in 1941 which was no2 Flying traing school along with Airspeed Oxfords/
David Elliott, e-mail, 31.08.2012 16:18 I remember an Anson at Finningley, probably a Mk21. It must have been in the station flight and was carpeted in pale blue carpet throughout. We ATC cadets managed to bum a flight in it, must have been about 1962. Happy days.
Ian Warren, e-mail, 25.06.2012 16:43 Would anyone know if & where it would be possible to experiance a flight on this aircraft? As i am trying to locate whether this is possible as a birthday gift for my Dad, should anyone be able to help please contact me on either my email address above or my mobile 07724 606079.
george, e-mail, 07.06.2012 00:32 The first aircraft i saw on joining the RAF was Ansons at Swanton Morley AEOs training i was ground crew but had a lot of flying,test flights etc.Grand old lady our annies would like to build a flying model of Mk18 anyone any drawings
kevin cranley, e-mail, 06.05.2012 10:11 As a trainee PILOT I flew ANSONS for 6 months at BUNDABERG AUSTRALIA Winning my WINGS and COMMISSION in January 1944I loved flying the ANSON.It was disconcerting to see ANSON wings being stuck together in the hangars.They were not designed for the hot and humid conditions of BUNDABERGWihin a fortnight I was on a troopship NIEUW AMSTERDAM bound for the UK and Bomber Command
Norman Hollis, e-mail, 29.02.2012 19:06 I worked on Ansons during my service in the RAF. I was stationed at RAF Station Ellenikon Greece in 1949. My trade was Air Wireless Mechanic. I have a photo of Anson VP530 parked in front of the Control Tower, and I wondered if it was traceable?
Peter Miller, e-mail, 29.01.2012 17:55 Quick after thought....Avro Anson 7135 was originally built in Amherst Nova Scotia and used for training during the Second World War. You can visit GMAM on the web and there are file photos from start to finish. Also, Greenwood Military Aviation Museum is a hidden gem in Canada, if you are ever in the area.
Peter Miller, e-mail, 29.01.2012 17:52 From 2003 to 2009 I worked with a crew at Greenwood rebuilding Avro Anson 7135. One day it will appear for public viewing in a new building at GMAM. It has been on display very briefly since it was completed. For static display only.
Frank Russell, e-mail, 12.01.2012 07:14 I worked Anson assembly in Dept. 12, Ottawa Car & aircraft Company, Ottawa, Canada in 1940 where we assembled Mk1 Ansons from England --- At the time we called them BAMBOO-BOMBERS ---- They had fixed props and Cheetah Engines & 120 turns on a crank to retract the wheels which as a 16 year old at the time was usually my privilege.All for the war effort!! By the way, they also had ignition keys ---
Philip Moss, e-mail, 13.11.2011 03:27 Not the aircraft. Barry 16.06.2009, I too was in the 1155 squadron Air Training Corps based in Cheshunt Drill Hall during the middle 70's with friends from school i.e. Mark Griggs, Barry Ruggles and a Corporal Reed to name but a few.
Jim Cartwright, e-mail, 18.10.2011 08:39 Hi, I did my first flt in the Anson 1953/4 on summer camp just outside Southport , I was in the 18/19, anyone remember this event??? cheers Jim.
Simon Morrison, e-mail, 24.09.2011 03:26 Correct email A/D this time! Previous post is wrong.
Simon Morrison, e-mail, 24.09.2011 03:16 Asked a F/Sgt pilot for an Anson trip at RAF Waddington. Station Flight used 'em on comms flights between airfields and pilot was glad to oblige. Was radio fitter on Vulcans, my day off. Flew above 8/8ths cloud once airbourne heading for Bovington. Using map for navigation the pilot descended below cloud as he reckoned we should be near destination but when he asked me if I recognised the small town we spotted below, I didn't so we were lost! He contacted Bovington Radar on VHF radio but they were unable to locate us! Wisely he climbed back to 3,000 feet above cloud and was relieved we now appeared on radar. Bovington then gave heading toward their airfield and handed over to their GCA talkdown approach from around 10 miles out. 5 miles out we broke into clear blue skies but you could tell from the controllers voice he was practically in stitches and to rub it in continued the talkdown right to the runway threshold. Luckily on the next leg to RAF Finningly our passenger was a wingco navigator!
Eric Melrose, e-mail, 02.06.2011 11:45 My first flight was in an Anson Serial No PH823 at RAF Shawbury on 11th June 1957 when I was an Air Cadet. Later on 8th March 1959 I flew in WJ559 at Aberdeen (RAF Dyce) I wonder if anyone has photographs of eithe rof these aircraft as I would love to get a copy.
Mr M D Tandy, e-mail, 09.04.2011 20:25 My first ever flight was an air experience in Anson No PH533 from R.A.F. Lichfield in 1952. I was a member of 2132 (Sedgley) ATC Squadron.
Albert Webb, e-mail, 06.04.2011 01:35 I flew joy flights around Gib in the Station Flight Anson with the passanger window removed. Wave hopping and waving up at passangers on ships we overtook. Another time in UK on an enjoyable flight, engrosed in the scenery, it was a shock when we had to let down. The pilot duddenly throttled back to idle and I thought "what the hell have we hit" as the decelaration was so violent. I think he did that to put the wind up me, and he did. It was nowhere near being an aerodymatic aircraft. What great days they were. Anyone who has not served in the armed forces hasn't lived.
indiekline, e-mail, 24.02.2011 18:19 There is an old Anson under restoration at Trenton, Ontario, Canada ...I've put a Youtube up under INDIEKLINE ...including an interview with members of the restoration team.
Brian Howard, e-mail, 02.12.2010 18:20 Air experience flight as an Air Cadet in an anson out of RAF Rufforth, flown by a Master Pilot ( Warrant Officer), the station commander flew a meteor, information please
Colin Peach, e-mail, 18.11.2010 02:08 my national service in 1953 and 1954 was at RAF el adem,near Tobruk,Libya as airframe mechanic and the only station plane was the Anson shown on the website of Royal air force El Adem
John Ted martin, e-mail, 18.09.2010 22:32 I boobed! It was 1944 not 1994!
John Ted Martin, e-mail, 18.09.2010 22:30 I see no mention of the Anson V which was used in Canada in 1994 at the General Reconnaissance School at Summerside,P.E.I.!
nigel weatherley, e-mail, 08.06.2010 12:41 my grandfather TEALE flew Ansons in the late 1930s as an instructer near Oxford. i believe that the engine caught fire ,ordered aircrew to bail out but one crew did not so was force to land the aeroplane was told he hit the trainee unconcious? for this feat of flying was awarded the AFC which i understand hard to come by in the RAF in peacetime. would like to know if the incident true .
Rick, e-mail, 22.05.2010 02:11 I grew up in andover in the 60's & 70's. I went to portway school ehich was right on the approach path for landing at RAF andover. It was a bout a mile away and I used to see ansons all the time. back in the late 60's there was also a 2 seat spitfire there. It was painted darb blue at the time and everyone refered to it as the " blue spitfire " . It was later painted yellow. The reg. was G-AIDN. Aprox 1969 the ansons were retired. I remember the last flight was 3 ansons in formation flying around the town. I remember them leaving on a sunny day. One by one they took off and went to thruxton just down the road. What happened to them from there I don't know. The anson was replaced by the devon. We also had 2 pembrokes. Andovers would sometimes come and do touch and go's. The field was to small for them to actually land at. I also saw "twin pins " many times Boy, those were the days !
Paul Eaton-Jones, e-mail, 10.05.2010 18:14 When my father worked at R.A.F. Shawbury on the 1960's there were always one or two in the hanger ready to go.
Kurt J. Jaeger, e-mail, 09.02.2010 13:14 An extremly strong build aircraft. I used to fly this bird in 1960 on aerial survey flights over the ADIZ and accross the Iron Curtain. On some occassions I was chased by MIG's which required a near vertical dive from 10'000 feet to get cover hugging the ground. Vne was something that could not be observed. A marvelous aircraft indeed.
Geoff Alcock, e-mail, 06.02.2010 20:52 My first flight as a ten-year-old was in an Anson operated by Derby Airways at an Open Day at Burnaston Airport, near Derby, in 1948. The price was ten shillings (50 new pence) for a ten minutes circluit over Derby.
Geoff Alcock, e-mail, 06.02.2010 20:51 My first flight as a ten-year-old was in an Anson operated by Derby Airways at an Open Day at Burnaston Airport, near Derby, in 1948. The price was ten shillings (50 new pence) for a ten minutes circluit over Derby.
Robert Webb, e-mail, 13.12.2009 22:43 My father, The late P.O. N.H. Webb actually bombed and hit a U boat from one of these aircraft. Was stationed at RAF St. Evel in Cornwall. The U boat was shaken up only! Ansons replaced with Beauforts in early 1940.
Ted Lewis, e-mail, 12.12.2009 17:13 Did A/S training in one of these from Swanton Morley (No.1 ASS) in teh 50's - My first experience.
Geoff Garrett, e-mail, 20.10.2009 22:17 thanks cooke299 for comments would be grateful for any more.
Ed Cooke, e-mail, 16.10.2009 00:09 Flew for many hours in the Mk 1 as W/T instructor at Kinloss,went to Canada where I trained on the MK 2 Which was superior to the Mk 1,no more 150 turns to raise the undercarriage etc.for it had power undercarriage and flaps plus a two pitch prop.a delightful aircraft to fly.
Geoff Garrett, e-mail, 04.09.2009 22:31 I am doing a project on my father-in-law who trained as a pilot on the anson also was navigator pre pilot training any info on the anson would be a great help what if any does and donts
Barry, 16.06.2009 13:39 My first flight ever was an air experince flight in an Anson from R.A.F. Wittering in August 1961 when that station was a V Bomber base with Vickers Valiants. I was a member of 1155 ATC Squadron and 12 years of age, which was below the minimum eligible age to be in the corps, but I do not suppose anyone will receive a court martial now!
Barry, 16.06.2009 13:30 My first flight ever was an air experience flight in an Anson from R.A.F. Wittering in 1961 when that station was a V Bomber base with Vickers Valiants. I was a member of 1155 ATC squadron and only 12 years of age which was below the minimum age to be in the corps, but I don't suppose anyone will face a court martial now!
Mr A J Lloyd, e-mail, 01.05.2009 18:03 Many happy hours servicing and flying supernumery, 1951 to 1954 at HQ 25 group RAF Manby my favourits were VS 513 (T21) and VM 408 a VIP (19). East Lindsey CC, Resident on Manby (old camp), have an oil painting I did, of VS 513 (probably not on display though) Another oil of VM 408 overflying Manby c1953 may be offered to East Kirkby, at some time in the future. 1954/5 Ansons T21 again RAF Shawbury training GCA at ?Slaep? memory vague.
Bernard Rumbold, e-mail, 28.03.2009 13:45 I believe that the last RAF Ansons flew with the Western Communications Squadron (230 Sqn?)at RAF Andover in the early 70s. I remember many happy school holidays flying in them as an ATC cadet in the late 50s to such far-flung outposts ar RAF Kirkbride and St Athan.
George E. Sutton, e-mail, 16.08.2008 22:58 It was a handful for an 18 year old LAC and cold in a Canadian Winter, but it did its job of training me to be a multi-engine pilot! The only real difficulty we had with it was, when there was a cross wind, getting it realigned when we got below the ridges on the sides of the runway created by the snow plows!
Aladdin, e-mail, 07.11.2007 15:13 Hi I am an old Iraqi pilot . I am a collector of old A/C pictures , specially those of the old Iraqi air force , known as Royal Iraqi Air Force RIAF before 1958 , then IAF after 1958 . I know that the Avro Anson have served with the RIAF . but found no mention to that in the text . It might be usefull to note that . Thank you