Avro 683 "Lancaster"
by last date | by total length | by number


18.02.2025 22:10

Embraer C-390 Millennium

18.02.2025 11:13

Lockheed L-188 Electra

17.02.2025 09:04

17.02.2025 05:29

17.02.2025 02:49

Douglas C-133 Cargomaster

16.02.2025 23:04

16.02.2025 20:09

Junkers Ju 390

16.02.2025 08:58

Canadair CL-44 "Forty Four"

15.02.2025 23:36

Lockheed U-2

15.02.2025 13:41

AAA Vision

15.02.2025 08:19

Pemberton-Billing (Supermarine) P.B.31E

15.02.2025 07:57

14.02.2025 11:15

13.02.2025 13:08

11.02.2025 21:38

07.02.2025 15:53

Savoia-Marchetti S.M.79 Sparviero

07.02.2025 03:11

06.02.2025 17:17

04.02.2025 11:54

Curtiss Eagle

03.02.2025 17:21

01.02.2025 23:00

30.01.2025 19:04

Douglas C-124 Globemaster II

30.01.2025 01:48

Bellanca Aircruiser

29.01.2025 13:36

Convair 240

29.01.2025 01:23

Miles Hawk

28.01.2025 21:49

28.01.2025 12:33

Ilyushin IL-76

27.01.2025 05:09

McDonnell Douglas DC-9

26.01.2025 21:55

Curtiss Hawk III & IV

24.01.2025 22:52

Convair F-106 Delta Dart

Willis Vanderberg, e-mail, 20.05.2024 21:57

I was station in French Morocco in 1953.
Tha Navy had an Air Facility on a French Air Bass at Port Lyautey.
The French were flying Lancasters at that time.
It was pretty interesting for us members of the crash crew.
Trying to three point a Lancaster is apparently pretty difficult as they ended up is the bone yard.
They tended to dribble down the runway like a basket ball.

lxbfYeaa, e-mail, 14.03.2024 06:35


JohnU, e-mail, 05.05.2020 01:44

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Ben Vogel, 22.06.2015 22:50

I first flew in a Lanc in 1943 when in the ATC. I flew from Woodhall Spa with Flt./Lt. O'Shaughnessy of 617 Sqdn. It was low=level over dams and reservoirs and quite an experience. I later became a mid=upper gunner on Lancs. and Lincolns.

Bob, e-mail, 30.01.2015 16:31

Shel. Minor correction, the Dambuster raid was also conducted at night, not during the daylight. Which makes the achievement to me even more remarkable.

Elizabeth muscat, e-mail, 06.06.2014 15:21

Lancaster were used before 1942. My brother was a pilot of a Lancaster bomber was killed on the first daylight raid over Milan October 1941

Elizabeth muscat, e-mail, 06.06.2014 15:21

Lancaster were used before 1942. My brother was a pilot of a Lancaster bomber was killed on the first daylight raid over Milan October 1941

shel, e-mail, 20.03.2014 03:35

The Lank was a great bomber...for night raids over Germany. Huge bomb loads. The Dambuster raid was in daylight and about half the Lanks were lost. But, oh the damage they did!
Most RAF night bombing missions were a stream of bombers, maybe 200 miles long. Bombing could last for hours. No formation flying required.
The US 8th Air Force, also flying from England, flew mostly daylight missions, and in tight formations to maximize defensive firepower against attacking Luftwaffe fighters. In a few seconds all the USAAF B-17s or B-24s released all their bombs.
For night missions, the Lancaster was the weapon of choice.

Arthur H Lock, e-mail, 01.01.2014 18:17

I am the very proud Brother of a F/Eng Douglas Lock.over 30
trips Hamburg,Hanover Dresden,few injuries,lots of stories,.
he is still alive, married to the lady who had the awful job
of writing the"Dear John"letters to family's, wonderful couple,all the rest of the 'men served in the army.We were/
are proud English Family

Old Snowdrop, e-mail, 09.11.2012 14:01

My Mother stayed in London, Dagenham for the duration of the war and was employed in the May and Baker factory building parts for the Lancaster, which were then transported to another factory to be put together. She had anear miss with her welding gear and put a rivet through her thumb, but she is now 86 and still going. she gets annoyed when watching the cenotaph march past and alll sorts of people are represented except for the women who worked in the factories through the blitz

John, e-mail, 24.09.2012 06:11

Hey, "Ski", come back and see us now. More Planes, more restoration projects, more flying ops. Canadian Warplane Heritage has grown.

Ben Beekman, e-mail, 20.04.2012 21:58

With all due respect to Sir Godfrey, the Germans never possessed a nuclear bomb at any time during World War 2, therefore the story about the Lancaster flying bomb is bogus. Not only that, but no Me-109 ever built had the range to detach itself from the flying bomb near Moscow as stated and return home to its base in Germany. It might have made it as far as Vitebsk (flying westward) but by then it would have run out of gas. By 1944 when B-17's were routinely decimating Berlin the Eastern front had moved westward into Poland, making any return trip from Moscow impossible. On the map the distance from Moscow to the Polish border (assuming that's where the German front line was located) is about 1,200 miles. the Me-109's range was only about 500 or 600 miles.

Sir Godfrey Lyell London, 12.04.2012 09:28

One of the great operations in World War II was stopped when some American B-17's bombed a Luftwaffe airfield near Berlin and destroyed the most interesting Mistel Project of the Third Reich. The Germans had repaired an Avro Lancaster and converted it into a remote controlled bomb. Not any type of Bomb, but a Nuclear Atomic Bomb. On top of this Lancaster was an ME-109, which once reaching Moscow at night would separate and guide the Avro Lancaster into the target, the Kremlin. Then the ME-109 would head for home. It was hoped that Stalin and most of the Russian Army staff would be killed. Suicide Mission? Yes most likely, but it would have been a spectacular fireball!

Manfred den Adel, e-mail, 11.02.2012 22:43

I am looking for the construction drawing of the Lancaster to build it as a model after

ken grant, e-mail, 15.09.2011 23:44

I thought 683 squadron was the last squadron to fly the Lancaster in 1953

bombardier, e-mail, 25.05.2011 12:00

The Lancaster was the best heavy bomber of WW2

bombardier, e-mail, 25.05.2011 11:59

The Lancaster was the best heavy bomber of WW2

Cliff Dabbs, e-mail, 24.03.2011 08:03

In 1955 I, along with a number of other Royal Marine Commandos, flew from Heathrow to Luca airbase in Malta in a Lancaster belonging to Hunting Clan Airways, which had been converted to commercial use. The main thing that I remember was the noise of the Merlin engines. I didn't know that I was flying in a little bit of history!!!

Ben Beekman, e-mail, 11.03.2011 06:48

In replying to Derek Till I would first like to state my admiration for him and anyone who would risk life and limb flying those combat aircraft as they did during the war. Real heros they are and we will never forget their sacrifices in a great cause. My hat's off to you and your mates in the RAF!
As to the performance of the aircraft's radar system, there are many factors that could influence the quality of the radar image. It's true of course that coastlines, rivers and lakes etc. were commonly used as navigational aids by the aircraft crew. These are large ground objects and provide easy to see CRT images for either navigator or bomb-aimer, whoever usually has charge of the radar system. In flying toward large cities that's about all you would need to locate such a large target. It would be hard to miss. However, if the operator was charged with locating something much smaller on the ground a number of factors would now come into play. He would have to be able to detect objects the size of airfields or possibly as small as a building or a group of buildings. In order to pick out these kinds of objects from the usual "ground clutter" seen on the scope the radar system must be functioning as it was designed to function. The radar output pulse shape, beam sharpness and repetition frequency etc. must be within design tolerance; the radiated power must be available to send the pulse toward the target; positioning of both transmitting and receiving antennas on the aircraft must be such as to avoid interaction with propellors, etc. to name just a few. If the antenna is a rotating parabolic type, its adjustable rotational speed mustn't be too fast or too slow or the target could be missed. In addition, the operator must be well versed in setting the radar system's controls to obtain the optimum image on the screen. There are a number of display formats which could be selected in seeking objects or targets on the ground. For example, type P (Plan Position Indicator) is a depressed center, pie-shaped display that's probably used as much as any other. But on nearing the target it might be better to select a B-scan or C-scan display both of which offer a magnified rectangular-shaped scan where targets can more readily be seen on the scope. There are, or were, at least eight or nine possible radar scope mode displays an operator could choose from in order to "zero in" on the object of concern. With the ability of the radar system to perform as specified plus the necessary training and experience of the operator (who is in a stressful combat situation himself, by the way) it ought to be possible to break out targets as small as buildings and airfields on the ground. After all, that's what centimetric wavelengths were designed to do. With wavelengths as short as those of Dr. Randall's secret magnetron oscillator, World War II brought us such technical advances as Bombing-Through-Overcast (BTO) and Ground-Control-Approach (GCA), both of which depend upon an aircraft's adequate detection of relatively small objects on the ground.

Derek Till, e-mail, 07.03.2011 17:56

I'm afraid Mr Beekman's remarks about H2S and its role in bombing accuracy are not supported by my experience. As Pilot, I flew the Lanc for 37 ops on 576 Squadron, 1 Group. H2S was never an aid to the Bomb-aimer -- it was only useful in identifying major ground features such as coastlines, rivers, lakes etc.

Ben Beekman, e-mail, 09.02.2011 22:17

We should also remember the Lancaster as one of the first (if not the first) Allied bombers to be equipped with the newly-perfected magnetron radar bombing system. Capable of spotting finely detailed ground targets,the new system was code-named "H2S" and was considered top-secret at that time. Developed by Britain's Dr. Randall and his associates, the magnetron was able to generate microwaves of about 10 cm. in length which, when transmitted, could display on the aircraft's radarscope a sharply-defined picture of any objects/targets on the ground, large or small. Previous aircraft radar systems functioned with wavelengths much too long to be able to see anything much smaller than buildings. As a result of Randall's work the RAF was able to drop their bombs much more accurately, hastening the war's conclusion.

DickB, e-mail, 20.12.2010 16:59

Jack - what you witnessed at St Mawgan was the official retirement of the Lancaster from operational service.

jack, e-mail, 11.12.2010 15:21

In 1954 I was a USAF aircraft commander flying the SA-16 Albatross in Air Rescue Service stationed in Sidi Slimane, Morocco. We were dispatched on a ememrgemcy rescue mission to St. Mawgan (spelling?) While we were there we witnessed a dramatic ceremony honoring the Lancaster bombers. My (fading) menory says it was a retirement ceremony of some sort having to do with the Lancs. Maybe the base was closing, or maybe a unit was being disbanded. Very dramatic and moving. Anyone remember what the ceremony was about?

Robert Gosnell, e-mail, 11.12.2010 03:11

Back in the early 1950s, I photographed an RCAF Lancaster at the Cedar Rapids, Iowa, Municipal Airport. The Lanc had been flown in to have an avionics upgrade performed by Collins Radio Company. Most unfortunately, the Lanc crashed and burned at the airport on its departure and was completely destroyed. I do not remember if there was loss of life.

B.O.B, 19.11.2010 20:40

To me this aircraft is the destroyer of the nazis the aircraft of heroes. The luftwaffe sowed the wind and Germany reaped the wirlwind.

a.casais, e-mail, 10.11.2010 14:31

To me this aircraft, is just a coward donkee killing machine, GOD BLESS DRESDE. London did not have so much punishment than the german city had and is not the main city either a military target.

Johan Runfeldt, 10.10.2010 11:33

Carl, most of the Dambuster mission was flown at normal altitudes, but for the spinning bomb to work properly it had to be dropped from sixty feet, not hundred. The tolerances in drop-height was so tight that the crews couldn't trust their ordinary altimeters, but had to mount oblique searchlights in the outer wings, triangulating the correct height.
Also concerning the Dambuster raid, I was shocked starting my own military service, to learn that the release of natural powers is, according to the Geneva Convention, a War Crime. Imagine Guy Gibson in front of a Nazi court, saying: "I only followed orders."

Gawen Taylor, e-mail, 12.05.2010 18:37

This is a request regarding my granddad Kenneth Taylor who as far as I was aware worked with AVro for many years, at the Chadderton plant. If anyone knows of a way for me to find out more of what he did (I know he was a Chief Flight Test Engineer) I would be most grateful?

carl wollaston, e-mail, 09.05.2010 01:02

during the Dambuster mission, I can't believe that the lancasters had to fly at an altitude of only 100 FEET.that is so low that to me that seems a bit desperate not to be detected by german radar.I mean, I know they did not want to be detected, but still, it was at night, and would it really be so bad if they were seen? They lost alot of bombers just because of the fact(s)that the pilots weren't really ready to deal with


B) flying at such a low altitude

Imean c'mon, people!

"Ski", e-mail, 31.01.2010 03:12

Back in the late '90s, was on a job in Canada near Hamilton, Ontario and to kill a weekend we went to the Canadian Heritage warplane museum at Hamilton. A great collection! Was surprised when we saw the Lancaster on exhibit and it had real exhaust soot! Hey, this thing flys!
We viewed a little intro explaining the museum and I was blown away. Mr. Jock, I envy you in flying that great old bird. I worked on recip engine aircraft in the USAF as a crew chief during Viet Nam. Hit air shows when I can, love seeing B-17, B-25,P-51,and was lucky to see a restored
P-40 fly.

David Burns, e-mail, 10.12.2009 23:09

I was in Sharjah, U.A.E., with the British Army in 1968 and had the luck to get on an 8 hour recconassaince mission flying in the Persian Gulf. It was one of the best experiences I have had. I have flown on many military and civilian aircraft, but the Lanc was by far my favorite.

paul scott, e-mail, 20.08.2009 14:51

Although an outstanding aircraft, again, the Air ministry sent too many men to their deaths, with the 'pea-shooter' armament, the .303 on all turrets and the same for the other bombers. Inadequately armed, what's the point? No underbelly turret either apart from the BMK2 which was dropped in any case for being 'too heavy'. Sure, all these refinements would probably mean lesser bombload or range, but if you're putting hitting power in fighters with 20mm cannon to fire at enemy fighters, then what gain with a bomber with rifle-calibre ammo when it has to defend itself from fighters? Senseless. The learned too late and far with the soon-to-be obsolete Lincoln. An wonderful aircraft nonetheless.

Leo Rudnicki, e-mail, 20.06.2009 00:49

Lancs carried a De Havilland 3 bladed prop (no. 5140) Hydramatic or on Packards, a Nash-Kelvinator, both 12 feet in diameter

David Croft, e-mail, 19.06.2009 21:52

Have had a 3 bladed propellor dragged up from the seabed...radius from a tip to the centre line is 6' (72"), diam 12'. Originall the best contender was a 253 Sqn Hurricane which came down off Spurn Head but the prop diameter rules out this identification. Among several a/c types that crashed in WW II near Spurn Point the Lancaster ids a contender, hence my needing to know the propellor diameter. Anyone able to help?

Gerd Henken, e-mail, 08.06.2009 17:50

Hello. I come from Germany and we found in the moorland a RR " Merlin" engine of a Lancaster bomber. Unfortunately the engine was so far destroyed with the salvage work, which it, although it is still very well received, cannot be restored. We want to issue the engine. My question: does someone have copies of the structural drawings of the bomber or the engine? We would issue these gladly also. Thank you in advance. (You excuse my bad English. But it already is over 20 years ago, which were I at school)

steve bell, e-mail, 04.06.2009 11:15

Can anyone tell me what the take off speed of the Lancaster Bomber? Thanks Steve

Jock Williams, e-mail, 19.04.2009 23:01

I was lucky enough to fly the Lancaster for several years with the Canadian Warplane Heritage in Hamilton Ontario Canada -a superb flying museum.
My father, an RCAF flight surgeon in WW2 had flown the "Lanc" and I only wish he had lived long enough for us to "compare notes".
While we flew our Lanc with no bombload and pretty much minimum fuel -it was obvious that in its day it must have been quite a performer.
From engine start to takeoff to landing to taxi-in you had to be on your toes -but the plane had no vices whatsoever and the roar of those four Merlins was absolute heaven!
At our low weights the action in the event of an engine failure was to reduce power on the matching engine on the opposite side and turn it into a "twin" -and in the event of a failure of one on takeoff all that was required was to keep the ball in the centre, trim -and then carry out the drill at a leisurely rate. No panic! I am sure it was quite different at night with a full bombload!
I will never be prouder of anything than of having flown the Lanc! It puts you in awfully distinguished company!

Jock Williams Yogi 13

leo rudnicki, e-mail, 19.04.2009 06:17

Also, it is strange that Lancasters got Hercules fitted against a shortage of Merlins and Beaufighters got Merlins against a shortage of Hercules. I still prefer the Mossie even tho' it only carried 4,ooo pounds, a cookie.

leo rudnicki, e-mail, 19.04.2009 06:09

One of two flying examples, the Mynarski Lancaster' is based at the Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum at Mount Hope Airport, near Hamilton. And it did have an amazing war record, but it also was destroyed en masse during raids on Nuremburg and the Berlin campaign. The Monica RWR and H2S radar acted as homing devices drawing German night fighters even when their radars were spoofed. The bottom half had no defence or visibility. the proposed ventral gun position only used a periscope and was almost never installed. It's place was taken by the H2S ground-mapping radar which drew fighters equipped with Schrage Musik cannons firing almost vertically up into the belly-Bombbay-fuel tanks, usually causing a big blast, with only rare survivers. Since nobody survived, nobody reported how they were decimated. What a deadly game!

Rui Martins, e-mail, 29.02.2008 16:48

The Avro Lancaster is my favourite bomber. I prefer this bomber to B-2!

niall mcl, e-mail, 09.11.2007 05:14

The Lancaster represented the greatest addition to combat during WWII. This and the spitfire accounted for the considerable advantage the British had during the war. Let it not be understated that these aircraft were made great because of the Rolls Royce engine that made both of these aircraft AND the P-51D Mustang the outstanding aircraft we all remember today.

chris roberts, e-mail, 12.09.2007 17:49

great aircraft

chris roberts, e-mail, 12.09.2007 17:48

great aircraft

Peter Snaith, e-mail, 21.08.2007 21:29

My father ended WW2 with 625 SQN @ Kelstern Lincs.He was ground crew SGT.Technical Instructor.He used to check fluids,leaking from his Lancs,by taste.He failed to identify one fluid,only to be told by the Skipper,on board,that he had just piddled over the main spar!!

Dave Ford, e-mail, 11.01.2007 10:39

During my RAF days at Bomber Command HQ, High Wycombe (1953/55) I represented 3 Group at badminton; playing RAF Scampton at Scampton,we had to push a Lanc away from the court where its wing overshadowed the court. I would like to know the diameter of its undercarraige.

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