Junkers Ju-86


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Junkers Ju-86

The Junkers Ju 86, developed as a 10-passenger airliner and four-seat bomber, was designed around the Junkers Jumo 205 diesel engine. The first of five prototypes was flown during 1934, its performance proving disappointing but, nevertheless, the type entered production as both airliner and bomber in late 1935. Initial deliveries of Ju 86A-1 pre-production bombers were made in February 1936 and the first Ju 86B pre-production transport for Swissair was delivered in April 1936.

Five Ju 86D-1 bombers with improved Jumo 205C engines served with the Legion Condor during the Spanish Civil War, but the powerplant did not stand up well to combat conditions and the aircraft proved markedly inferior to the Heinkel He 111. Military export orders included the Ju 86K-1 for South Africa and Sweden, where Saab subsequently licence-built the type; the Ju 86K-2 for Hungary, which built 66; and the Ju 86K-6 for Chile and Portugal.

Luftwaffe dissatisfaction with the capability of the Ju 86D led to the far more reliable Ju 86E-1 with B.M.W. 132F radial engines and the Ju 86E-2 with B.M.W. 132Ns; improvements introduced during production brought re-designation of the last 40 Ju 86Es on the production line as Ju 86G-1 aircraft, with round glazed noses; production ended in 1938. However, in 1939 two Ju 86D airframes were used for conversion as the Jumo 207A-engined prototypes of a high-altitude version with a two-seat pressurised cabin. Successful trials led to two initial production versions, the Ju 86P-1 bomber and Ju 86P-2 reconnaissance aircraft. The latter had a ceiling of about 12800m, and in an effort to gain more altitude a high aspect ratio wing spanning 32.00m was introduced to produce the Ju 86R-1 reconnaissance aircraft and Ju 86R-2 bomber. Only a few reached service, but one demonstrated a ceiling of 14400m. Development of the Ju 86R-3 with supercharged Jumo 208 engines and of the proposed Ju 186 four-engined high-altitude bomber based on the Ju 86 were abandoned. A six-engined Ju 286 high-altitude bomber did not progress beyond the initial planning stage.

Junkers Ju-86

 ENGINE2 x Junkers Jumo 205C-4, 447kW
  Take-off weight8200 kg18078 lb
  Empty weight5150 kg11354 lb
  Wingspan22.50 m74 ft 10 in
  Length17.87 m59 ft 8 in
  Height5.06 m17 ft 7 in
  Wing area82.00 m2882.64 sq ft
  Max. speed325 km/h202 mph
  Ceiling5900 m19350 ft
  Range w/max.fuel1500 km932 miles
 ARMAMENT3 x 7.92mm machine-guns, 800kg of bombs

Junkers Ju-86A three-view drawing (1000 x 699)

Barry, 15.01.2013 17:01

Sweden license built 16 Ju86K-1 with either Swedish or Polish built Bristol Pegasus engines. The Swedish aircraft were used in the end as transports and were probably the last to fly leaving service in 1956. One of it's number has been preserved in the Swedish Air Force museum.


huaren, 21.06.2011 06:32

America to save the sacred scrolls of Cordoba from falling into the hands of Joseph Stalin!!


bombardier, e-mail, 13.05.2011 19:42

the junkers ju86 was an excellent aircraft,the high altitude
variants should have been used for bombing not for
reconnaissance.The last variant Ju86R should have been built in numbers and used as BOMBER.I have something to say.This website is about AVIATION,I don't think stories
about alliens,Indiana Jones and ideas about Nazi songs with Lady Gaga belong here.


David Ben Gurion, 08.02.2011 06:18

REVELL GERMANY has just releases two Model Aircraft kits that are outstanding. One is a 1 /32 kit for the Junkers JU-86 Luftwaffe Bomber used in Spain in 1937. The other kit is a 1 /72 JUNKERS JU-390 six engine Recon Bomber used by SS Flugakapitan Anna Kreisling in KG-200. The JU-86 KIT cost me forty-five dollars. The JU-390 KIT cost me fifty-five dollars.


IIAF Col. Hadi Juvadi, 06.11.2010 07:19

The Junkers JU-86 was also famous for high altitude recon flights over England at 42,000 feet. That is very impressive!
We in the Iranian Air Force wish to thank President Obama for lifting the ban on F-14 Tomcat parts for our jets. Now we will be able to shoot down ROYAL SAUDI AIR FORCE pilots, American Yankee Doodle Dandy pilots, and of course IAF PILOTS!! What we are worried about is this NAZI SS pilot ANNA KREISLING! We know she operated a KC-135 AWACS jet in 1982 which shot down eight Mig-21's OVER THE Backaa Valley in Lebanon! A high energy laser exploded the fuel tanks on the Migs. Many high energy balls of fire have been seen over Iran! We know this comes from AREA 51! Even Obama is not permitted to go there!
It is not fair to blow up our Nuclear Reactors with flying Saucers that we have no chance against!! Why are hot Nazi Blondes flying FOR the U.S.A.?? Why did Werner Von Braun and Anna Kreisling help the U.S. Space Program!!



I must have Anna Kreisling in my Broadway musical,"ANNA KREISLING, My Hotsy Totsy Nazi!!" starring JENNY McCarthy, Jane Russell, Angelina Jolie, Lady GAGA, Adolf Hitler and Eva!
We'll make millions! For the opening number I will have Lady GAGA bail out of a Junkers JU-86 AND then land on stage with 1,000 gay Nazi's, singing,"My Dear Fraulein Uncle Hitler!" and the classic,"Dancing in Berlin!" starring that SS Sweetheart Anna Kreisling!!


SS Col. HANS LANDA, 28.09.2010 08:02

In 1938 Indiana Jones stole Hitler's Skull Ring which gave him many dark powers over people. Anna Kreisling flew me to Egypt in a Junkers JU-86 to capture Indiana but he had fled to Yemen. We put more petrol in the Junkers and landed at the city of Sana!! After three days I had him cornered and then he took out his whip and left me hanging upside down above a cobra pit!! Anna saved my life and she later captured Indiana Jones and tied him up!! We flew him back to Berlin and delivered Hitler back his ring!! However Indiana Jones and The White Wolf of the Luftwaffe were last seen flying to South America to save the sacred scrolls of Cordoba from falling into the hands of Joseph Stalin!!


wlkriessmann, e-mail, 24.09.2010 03:00

Hans Jacob what a "Schauermaerchen " Ha Ha Here some facts : on April the 5th 1940 I flew my first Ju 86 ( the same day also the Do 17)-DS+CM at the airfield Pinnow / Pommerania . The last one on June 10th 1941 (BB+DL)at Berlin Rangsdorf . I did not like it very much ,very labile at its landing gear
My friend Hessinger ,deceased, knight cross ,reconnaisance pilot flew the Ju 86 R3 - over 15,000 ft altitude. I saw pics in his album over Suez and London
.when Spitfires tried to get him and collapsed . He had no weapons but a special cockpit( presurized) , a turbo compressor and wider wings wlk


wlkriessmann, e-mail, 24.09.2010 03:00

Hans Jacob what a "Schauermaerchen " Ha Ha Here some facts : on April the 5th 1940 I flew my first Ju 86 ( the same day also the Do 17)-DS+CM at the airfield Pinnow / Pommerania . The last one on June 10th 1941 (BB+DL)at Berlin Rangsdorf . I did not like it very much ,very labile at its landing gear
My friend Hessinger ,deceased, knight cross ,reconnaisance pilot flew the Ju 86 R3 - over 15,000 ft altitude. I saw pics in his album over Suez and London
.when Spitfires tried to get him and collapsed . He had no weapons but a special cockpit( presurized) , a turbo compressor and wider wings wlk


Darryl Johnston, e-mail, 07.04.2010 15:11

Hi MAP - you have my interest. to which institution are you referring with your usage of the term SAA? If South African Airways, I don't know about any Ju-86's but we did operate Ju-52 3 /m s and still have a fully restored flying example available for public use (used for short flights to recapture the adventure of early passenger flight).


Hans Jacob Christiansen, 07.09.2010 05:35

Ya, in 1938 I was at Berlin Templehoff airfield when a Junkers Ju-86 landed. Mein Gott!! Anna Kreisling emerged and took my breath away! I have never seen a more beautiful woman in my life!! There is a story that says she is not human. In 1927 Himmler was hiking with Leni Reifenstahl in the Black Forest when they saw what they thought was a funeral procession. A black king adorned in gold followed a floating golden coffin. Ten slaves which looked Egyptian surronded the coffin, but did not touch it. Himmler watched in horror as the black king produced a knife and he was going to plunge in into this beautiful German woman. Heinrich pulled out his Luger and shot several times in the air!! They fled and as Heinrich and Leni approached the golden coffin, there was a German girl with frost blonde hair. Heinrich revived her and her German speech was different! She had no memories! For the next four years he trained her how to fly and to be studied at his castle!!


MAP, e-mail, 06.12.2009 22:02

The Ju-86 was also powered by 800 HP. Pratt & Whitney radial engines. They were used by S.A.A.. The size of their fleet of Ju-86s is in question. AvComps


Barry, 25.11.2009 16:39

Peter, as mentioned elsewhere on this site Steven has lost the plot. You really mustn't beleive very much of what he says if anything at all.


Peter, e-mail, 11.06.2009 18:29

Hi Steven! There could not be any aircraft, shot down by Yak 3 in the middle of 1943. First operational unit with Yak 3 fighters started its operations in the middle of 1944


Robert Brockmann, e-mail, 27.07.2008 06:53

At least two Ju-86 were sold to Bolivia, South America, to the national airline Lloyd Aereo Boliviano.


STEVEN, e-mail, 06.09.2007 19:03



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