Focke-Wulf Fw 159


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Focke-Wulf Fw 159

The Fw 159 was a clean parasol-wing fighter with retractable landing gear, competing with the Messerschmitt Bf 109. Three were built. They suffered from serious problems with their landing gear.

Francis Maign�, e-mail, 22.12.2009 12:25

Fw 159
V 1 : Monomoteur de chasse,monoplace en habitacle ferm�,s'ouvrant en coulissant vers l'arri�re, monoplan voilure parasol, contre vent� par deux m�ts obliques joignant l'intrados � la base du fuselage, m�ts de cabane en N, monod�rive, empennage horizontal classi que cantilever, train d'atterrissage principal se r�tractant verticalement dans le fuselage, roulette de queue non r�tractable. Construction enti�rement m�tallique m�tallique. 1 moteur de 12 cylindres en V invers� Junkers Jumo 210A de 610 cv, h�lice tripale m�tallique � pas fixe, E: 12,40 m, L: 10,00 m, H: 3,75 m, Sa: 20,20 m�, Pv: 1875 Kg, Ptc: 2250 Kg, C /a: 111,38 Kg /m�, P /p: 3,688 Kg /cv, Vm: 385 Km / h, Pl: 7200 m, Df : 650 Km, Armement: 2 mt MG 17 de 7,92 m /m synchronis�es de capot, tirant � travers le champ de l'h�lice. Prin temps 1935.
V 2 : 2�me prototype, atterrisseur renforc� et 1 moteur de 12 cylindres en V invers� Junkers Jumo 210B de 640 cv, h�lice bipale en bois � pas fixe Schwartz. E: 12,40 m, L: 10,00 m, H: 3,75 m, Sa: 20,20 m�, Pv: 1875 Kg, Ptc: 2250 Kg, C /a: 111,38 Kg / m�, P /p: 3,515 Kg /cv, Voie du train: 2,10 m, Vm: 333 Kmh � 0 m, 370 Kmh � 1500 m, 385 Kmh � 4000 m, Vc: 365 Kmh � 2700 m Vasc: 6000 m en 12 mn 30, Pl: 7200 m, Ra: 650 Km, Armement: 2 mt MG 17 de 7,92 m /m synchronis�es de capot, tirant � tra vers le champ de l'h�lice.
V 3 : 1 moteur de 12 cylindres en V invers� Junkers Jumo 210G � injection de 730 cv. Vm: 405 Km � 4500 m.
Production totale : 3 prototypes.


donald, e-mail, 21.04.2007 01:46

I have a 4ft model of this plane which was left to me by my father-in-law we believe it is a wind tunnel model as it as stand i would like to know more about it and also whether it would be worth anything, i have photos of it if it would help regards don warwick


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