| From the foundation of the company in 1933 until World War II, the most important aircraft built by Blohm und Voss was the Ha 139, two of which - the Nordmeer and Nordwind - were delivered to Deutsche Luft Hansa in 1937. In the summer and autumn of that year they made 14 experimental transatlantic flights between Horta (Azores) and New York, operating from depot ships. In the spring of 1938 Nordwind went into service on the regular South Atlantic mail service between Bathurst (Gambia) and Natal (Brazil). Up to the end of June 1939 the seaplanes had successfully completed 100 transatlantic flights: 40 across the North Atlantic and 60 across the South Atlantic. For the 26 transatlantic flights of 1938 between the Azores and New York an improved and larger type of Ha 139, the Ha 139B Nordstern, was delivered. The Ha 139 type was also used to a limited extent during World War II as a reconnaissance, mine-laying and ambulance aircraft. Power was provided by four 447kW Junkers Jumo 205G engines.
 | A three-view drawing (1000 x 700) |
Tom Berry, e-mail, 23.03.2011 18:03 Did this plane go to the Cleveland Air Races in 1938 ? reply |
AvComps, e-mail, 14.03.2011 17:46 This seaplane was making trips to West Africa. Since the Germans were using it to deliver the mail, it may have also been used to transport shipments of diamonds and gold or perhaps explore coastal areas further up the rivers. MAP reply | Francis Maign�, e-mail, 21.12.2009 17:50 Bv 139 Hydravion quadrimoteur � flotteurs, long-courrier, de dtection de mines et de reconnaissance, monoplan aile basse cantilever en W tr�s aplati, bi-d�rive, empennage horizontal classique contrevent� par dessous, 2 flotteurs en catamaran port�s par des pyl�nes profi l�s. Construction enti�rement m�tallique. 4 moteurs di�sel Junkers Jumo 205 C de 4 x 600 Cv, (2400 Cv), h�lices tri pales m�talliques � pas variable, E: 27,00 m, L: 19,50 m, H: 4,80 m, Sa: 117 m�, Pv: 10360 Kg, Ptc: 17500 Kg, C /a:149,572 Kg / m�, P /p: 7,291 Kg /Cv, Vm: 315 Kmh, Vc: 260 Kmh, Pl: 3500 m, Df: 5300 Km, Armement: 4 postes de tir, dans le nez, sur le fuselage et 2 lat�raux, munis de mt MG 17 de 7,92 m /m. 1er vol: Automne 1936, 4 exemplaires. reply | BRI'AN CHEN, e-mail, 16.10.2007 05:43 BV-139,NAZI LUFTWAFFE,NEIN NACHTJAGER? reply |
| Jean Monere, e-mail, 18.04.2007 02:56 Were there any attemps or at least projects by the Germans durint WW2 to use this aircraft or one of its version in bombing operations in North america and specially against Aluminum company in Arvida Canada or East of United States? reply |
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