Nord 2500 Noratlas


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Nord 2500 Noratlas

Designed as a military transport for service with the French air force, the Nord 2500 Noratlas prototype (F-WFKL) was flown for the first time on 10 September 1949. Of similar twin-boom configuration to the Fairchild C-82 and C-119 Flying Boxcar, the prototype was powered by two 1212kW SNECMA-built Gnome-Rhone 14R radial engines. This was followed by two N 2501 prototypes which introduced the powerplant intended for production aircraft, comprising two 1521kW SNECMA-built Bristol Hercules 739 radial engines, and the first of these (F- WFRG) was flown on 28 November 1950. Satisfactory testing led to the initiation of production, and the Noratlas became standard equipment in the air forces of France, West Germany and Israel, providing valuable long-term service. Operated normally by a crew of four or five, the Noratlas has the capacity for 7.5 tons of cargo, or can accommodate 45 troops (or passengers in civil use), 36 fully-equipped paratroopers, or 18 stretchers and medical attendants when used for casualty evacuation. The German Luftwaffe received a total of 186 of these transports, 25 built by Nord and the balance produced under licence in Germany by the Flugzeugbau Nord. When production ended in October 1961, French and German sources had built a total of 425 Noratlas aircraft in several versions, and the type remained in service until the late 1980s.

Nord 2500 Noratlas

 MODELNord 2501
 ENGINE2 x SNECMA Hercules, 1521kW
  Take-off weight21000 kg46297 lb
  Empty weight13075 kg28826 lb
  Wingspan32.5 m107 ft 8 in
  Length21.95 m72 ft 0 in
  Height6.0 m20 ft 8 in
  Wing area101.2 m21089.31 sq ft
  Max. speed440 km/h273 mph
  Ceiling7500 m24600 ft
  Range3000 km1864 miles

Nord 2500 NoratlasA three-view drawing (592 x 654)

Holger Schmidt-Lutz, e-mail, 13.02.2015 16:23

As a former pilot on Transall C-160 I've written a novel about the humanitarian efforts of the LUFTWAFFE since 1960, I'd like to attach an overview of participating aircraft, which lists the technical datas and a three-view drawing. On behalf of ND 2501 I was looking unsuccessful in several books for one; searching the internet,the best one I've found is yours on this site. Now I kindly request the permission to use this drawing for the appendix of the novel. If you could license this, give a short notice please: mailto ""


Bob Kusterer, e-mail, 07.02.2014 18:59

Why isn't the Noralfa listed. That was a wonderful plane. During WW2, ME 108s were built in France. After the war, Nord modified the 108 substituting a Renault engine for the Argus and converting to tri-gear.


JP, e-mail, 23.03.2012 20:23

I always thought that the NordAtlas was the Nord 2501 (not 2500)


beifang, 20.06.2011 06:02

nord 2500-how much internal fuel it can take and where the fuel tanks are located thanks mikel


Ian Paterson, e-mail, 13.01.2011 19:32

Flew in this on an exchange visit to Creil near Paris (from RAF Leuchars). Can remember it being noisy but good for a piston engine transport. It was just before France left NATO. Creil had Mirage IV there, the Force de Frappe.


Arnaldo Sim�es, e-mail, 02.10.2010 12:21

Good morning, gentlemen.
This aircraft, wich I flow for several years, was also used by Portuguese Air Force.
Let me say also that this aircraft made a direct flight of 14h00, between Bissau and Luanda, in the day 13SEP1975. I can prove it by my flight registration book, as well of the other crewmembers involved.
I think that this is a record for such an aircraft.
Sim�es, Arnaldo Captn PoAF, retired


Yeguawian, e-mail, 07.06.2008 15:45

I flew and jump from this transport in Djibouti until 1982


mikel, e-mail, 07.05.2008 19:20

nord 2500-how much internal fuel it can take and where the fuel tanks are located thanks mikel


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