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Lihula, Estonia. Lihula castle ruins
Lihula castle ruins
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Lihula castle ruins

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The limestone cape known today as Lihula Castle Hill has been a fortified place from at least the end of the early Iron Age. In 1220 the ancient Estonian stronghold was conquered by the Swedes who were, however, chased off the very same year by the islanders.

Between 1234 and 1251 Lihula was the residence of the Oesel-Wiek bishop. Since 1238 the bishop shared the castle with the Order whereas the gate and the gate tower stayed under the control of the bishop's warriors, and the Order was forbidden to erect a tower on its half. Despite that Lihula functioned as the centre of the commandery between 1241 and 1477.

The castle's most vulnerable southern side was surrounded by a circular rampart and fortified by an outer ward. When precisely the latter was built is not known, but in the 16th century it was further reinforced by two earth bastions and moats.

The castle was destroyed in the course of the Livonian War and was never restored. Part of the castle's foundations have been now dug out and preserved.

Lihula is located by the Tallinn-Virtsu road at the Pärnu crossroads.

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Praegu Lihula Lossimäena tuntud paeneemik on olnud kindlustatud punktina käsutusel juba vähemalt noorema rauaaja lõpust peale. 1220 vallutasid siinse muistsete eestlaste linnuse rootslased, kes aga juba samal aastal saarlaste poolt minema kihutati.

Aastatel 1234-1251 oli Lihula Saare-Lääne piiskopi residentsiks. 1238. aastast alates jagas piiskoplinnust orduga, kusjuures värav ja väravatorn jäid piiskopi sõdalaste kontrolli alla ning ordu kohus-tus oma poolele torni mitte rajama. Sellest hoolimata oli Lihula aastatel 1241-1477 komtuurkonna keskuseks.

Linnuse kõige enam ohustatud ja ringvalliga piiratud lõunapoolset külge tugevdas täpselt teadmata ajal rajatud eeslinnus, mida 16. sajandil kindlustati veel kähe muldbastioni ja vallikraavidega.

Linnus purustati Liivi sõjas ning seda ei taastatud enam. Praeguseks on osa linnuse vundamentidest taas välja kaevatud ja konserveeritud.

Lihula linnus asub Tallinn-Virtsu maantee läheduses Pärnu mnt. lahkmel.