Town of Põltsamaa

Пылтсамаа Пылтсамаа Пылтсамаа Пылтсамаа Пылтсамаа Пылтсамаа

Põltsamaa is the city of wine, bridges and roses. From 1570
to 1578 it was the capital of the Livonian Vassal Kingdom and the residence of Duke Magnus. Põltsamaa Castle was started in 1272. In the course of centuries the fort suffered damage. In 1770 the old convent building was replaced by a rococo palace. The ruins of the castle, destroyed in 1941, are being conserved. The courtyard has been converted into a stage of outdoor events.

Põltsamaa Museum displays the history of the town. The pride of the museum is a 13th century church console and rare specimens of local porcelain.

Põltsamaa St. Nicholas' Church was built from 1632 to 1633 on the site of earlier buildings. The nave was built on the 13th century gate buildings and the sanctuary on the 15th century cannon tower. In 1941 the church was destroyed. The church was recreated by 1952.

The Rosary of Põltsamaa demonstrates 900 different roses and over 3000 rose plants.

Sightseeing in Estonia | Interactive Map | County of Jõgevamaa
