TUSAS Havacilik ve Uzay Sanayii AS, founded May 1984 as a joint-venture company with Turkish Armed Forces Foundation and Turkish Air League (2 percent shareholding), Lockheed Martin of Turkey (42 percent) and General Electric (7 percent). TAI currently manufactures Lockheed Martin F-16C/D Block 5ODs for the Turkish Air Force under the U.S. Peace Onyx II program plus wings and fuselages for U.S. production lines under Peace Onyx I, assembles Airtech CN 235M transport for air force, assembles UH- 60L Black Hawks for army, comanufactures Eurocopter Cougar Mk Is for air force, and contributes to Airbus FLA, Eurocopter EC 135 and Sikorsky S-76 programs. Other work includes UAVs and aircraft modernization, development of the TG-X1 Bat very light single-seat attacksurveillance aircraft (first flown February 1997, based on U.S. Sadler A-22 Piranha), and development of the HD-XX twin-turbofan regional transport.

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