Current name (since 1991) for reequipped IAR works at Brasov, created from ICA Brasov and with lineage also in URMV-3, Sovromtractor, and Regia Autonoma Industria Aeronautica Romana (q.v. all). Has built Aerospatiale Alouette helicopter as IAR 316B (280), Russian Ka-126 helicopter, and French Puma helicopter (as IAR 330L Puma) under license, with Puma 2000 upgraded IAR 330L model currently offered with more engine power, Hellfire antiarmor missiles and advanced avionics among changes. Has agreement with Eurocopter to construct up to 80 AS 350BA and AS 355N helicopters. Made agreement with Bell Helicopter Textron of U.S.A. to license build 96 AH- 1W SuperCobra attack helicopters for the Romanian armed forces as AH-1RO Draculas, with Bell taking a majority shareholding in the privatizing company as part of the agreement. Kraiova works to license-manufacture Russian Beriev Be-32K. Own products include IAR 46 two-seat lightplane (first flown 1993), IAR-35 glider, and IS-28 series of gliders/motorgliders.

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